"but they arent working on 4 games!!!"[5th game confirmed?]

edited May 2014 in General Chat
"Crazy day of Walking Dead, Thrones, Borderlands and one other thing I can't talk about. This is just an amazing time at Telltale." @kevbru

Seems like they're done with TWAU and already picked a new project they cant talk about. Im done for today i guess I'll go take a nap or something.


  • I don't want wolf among us to go away, but it is a prequel so it wouldn't make sense for a second season if you think about it. Am I the only one hoping its a Breaking Bad game that would be awesome. A game like harry potter would be awesome too :P

    Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?
  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2014
    They definitely have unannounced projects in the pipeline (Telltale always has several in pre-production stages, and they always have. They had around 6 in the works when The Walking Dead: Season One was announced, but because they lost the King's Quest license due to the delay of Jurassic Park, they understandably don't announce them years ahead of time anymore). But that doesn't mean that they're working on them full time. They start the projects when they get the license, but it is just concept art and storyboarding at first, and then they ramp up production by taking staff from a team of a game that just finished (but they only take large amounts of staff from that team when production on that season ends).

    Also note that just because Kevin Bruner didn't mention The Wolf Among Us doesn't mean that they are no longer working on the game. Multiple members of Telltale staff have confirmed that they work on the games right up until release for the seasons in production, so since the season is still ongoing, work on it is still ongoing as well. His tweet could simply mean that the development of Wolf Among Us for this day wasn't as crazy as that of the others. Also note that his tweet never said the fourth game was something new, so it could refer to The Wolf Among Us but what's coming is a big surprise and they can't talk about it.

    You really can't tell much from a single, intentionally mysterious tweet.
  • With all the projects they are doing you might be right. To be honest I wish they would drop borderlands that's the one project of theirs I don't care for. Telltale is a AAA game maker now they really should hire more people and expand their development teams
  • You got a point I suppose I still hope its a breaking bad game they're making
    Jennifer posted: »

    They definitely have unannounced projects in the pipeline (Telltale always has several in pre-production stages, and they always have. They

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator
    edited May 2014
    All of the games they announced they were working on in 2011 were released (minus King's Quest, but the license was pulled from them by Activision so that was out of their hands), and several of them are among the favorites of many Telltale fans, including me (such as Hector: Badge of Carnage and The Walking Dead: Season One). I also liked Puzzle Agent 2, Law and Order: Legacies, and Back to the Future: The Game. All of these games were known by the public to be in various states of development at Telltale in the same year, but Telltale was able to release them and maintain their quality just fine (even though they had a smaller team back then), because as a member of Telltale staff noted around that time when members of the forum were voicing the same complaints about them having so many games on their plate, they don't start full production of one season until the last one ends, so the making of a game or season for one license doesn't in any way affect the other.
  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2014
    Hmm, sounds interesting.

    During that Reddit AMA in October, somebody asked Kevin to give vague clues about their upcoming franchises (this was prior to the Borderlands/Game of Thrones announcements in December).

    Kevin replied: "Comics and TV/Books"

    "TV/Books" was obviously Game of Thrones in retrospect, but the "Comics" franchise was never announced in December.

    Whatever Telltale has planned next, methinks it is the comic franchise he alluded to in October.
  • I am fine with more games, but Telltale should also hire more staff to work on these things.
  • edited May 2014
  • It's obviously Fight Club.
  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2014
    You broke the first rule of Fight Club.

    It's obviously Fight Club.

  • I wish they'd confirmed TWD Season 3. :(
  • Telltale is getting dangerously overconfident.
  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited May 2014
    As Jennifer mentioned above, Telltale does not instantly put large teams of people at work on a Franchise once they acquire one.

    Back in the 2010-2012 era when Telltale had Back to the Future, Jurassic Park, Law and Order, Walking Dead, Fables, King's Quest (later retracted by Activision; outside of Telltale's control), Hector, and Puzzle Agent 2 all lined up, only a few people including Jake and Sean (the main people behind Walking Dead Season 1) were initially involved with the game's production.

    If I offhandedly recall correctly, Telltale has a small group plan out the overall story and gameplay mechanics before having a larger team evantually join once a currently running Season is finished.

    Telltale is getting dangerously overconfident.

  • Ah, ok, you and Jennifer are just on the ball today with the info! It all makes sense now on what you and her just said. I appreciate the reply.

    As Jennifer mentioned above, Telltale does not instantly put large teams of people at work on a Franchise once they acquire one. Back i

  • edited May 2014
    So did you. And the second rule.

    You broke the first rule of Fight Club.

  • Well then I'm both afraid and intrigued to find out what it is.
  • Boom, TWD S3... I would have mixed feelings if they announced that right now.

    Well then I'm both afraid and intrigued to find out what it is.

  • edited May 2014
    Cool your jets there Telltale! Tellale is still a small company and taking on all these projects to deliver on time.....no wonder we have occasional delays and episodes that feel rushed. Anyways, I hope they can at least go for a 2nd TWAU season but that seems unlikely seeing as how for example all the steam achievements are already in place whereas in TWD they slowly release them.
  • ... Let it be Breaking bad the video game.
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