Warning signs we should pay attention to?

There’s a frequent theme I’ve been noticing in all the episodes thus far, in that they all have given mention about ‘chopping off limbs to save someone from a walker bite’ in them.

In the first episode Pete brings up taking Clementine’s arm off, saying it worked for a cousin. Also optional is the ‘scars are way cooler than stumps’ line from Luke that might trigger Clementine mentioning she had a friend that lost his arm. Episode 2 if you choose to run to Pete, again it’s brought up where Pete will attempt to cut off his own leg with a saw, but gives up. While in Episode 3 we have the mighty fine handsome one armed Reggie who we hear says he had his cut off straight away; the same thing happening with Sarita at the very end when she’s bitten [again optional.]

The point I’m trying to get across is, for Telltale to bring this limb hacking up in all 3 of the episodes is alarming me a little bit, just because of how often it's come up. Do you remember how Luke was very "I ain’t carrying you" when they thought Clementine was bitten and treated her like she had the plague? Well…what happens if she ACTUALLY does gets bitten and we get a whole call back that scene, but it does a complete U-turn where they don't treat her all "well you're dead" and go to choppy off her arm or leg to save her?

What do you guys think? Would Telltale really have it in them to have Clem lose a limb? Could all this mention of limb loss really be leading up to something bad or is it all just a coincidence? o_o


  • It does seem like it my be some foreshadowing. Maybe Kenny gets bit and he'll get a peg leg or hook so he will officially become zombie - killin' pirate badass.
  • Kenny: I got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it...? Boat!

    XD oh yesh I want to see this! Peg leg, hook and a boat to sail the open seas!
    Clemmy-Clue posted: »

    It does seem like it my be some foreshadowing. Maybe Kenny gets bit and he'll get a peg leg or hook so he will officially become zombie - killin' pirate badass.

  • Every episode he'll start to look more and more like a pirate. He'll level up lol! By episode 5 (if he is still alive) he better have a fricken parrot.
    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Kenny: I got a jar of dirt, and guess what's inside it...? Boat! XD oh yesh I want to see this! Peg leg, hook and a boat to sail the open seas!

  • i think they are foreshadoing because they bring it up alot. maybe someone close to clem will get there limb cut off, possibly clme.

    DOES AN EYE COUNT AS A LIMB? cuz if it does then... well kenny might have lost his eye.
  • And then he'll throw Luke off his boat, make him walk the plank.
    Clemmy-Clue posted: »

    Every episode he'll start to look more and more like a pirate. He'll level up lol! By episode 5 (if he is still alive) he better have a fricken parrot.

  • I dunno, wouldn't really count because he didn't lose it from a walker did he. o.o but it's possible it could foreshadow somebody else losing a limb, but then could that person have just been Sarita and that'll be the last we'll hear of it?

    i think they are foreshadoing because they bring it up alot. maybe someone close to clem will get there limb cut off, possibly clme. DOES AN EYE COUNT AS A LIMB? cuz if it does then... well kenny might have lost his eye.

  • He'll tell him to take a hike... off the plank.
    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    And then he'll throw Luke off his boat, make him walk the plank.

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