Sarita at the end of S2E3

Now, I'm no Walking Dead expert, but wouldn't the hatchet Clem used to cut off her arm be infected from the previous zombies she killed, thus making her infected? Something covered in zombie guts touching Sarita's severed arm would unquestionably get zombie blood in her blood, so even if you cut her arm off wouldn't that make her turn? I was just wondering if that's how the zombie-virus works in Walking Dead.


  • Yeah, and I didn't even think about it. We'll just have to cut her arm off again, but further up.
  • ClaraHClaraH Banned
    Something like zombie ants maybe...
  • We know that the zombie virus is not transmitted by blood. In season 1 of the Telltale game, we learned that anyone who dies comes back as a zombie even if they were not bitten. A corpse gets up and attacks Kenny's wife, suggesting everyone is already a carrier of the virus.

    What the zombie bites do is cause a fatal infection, sort of like a komodo dragon, they'll turn anyway as a result of the death.

    Maybe the pathogens are carried in their filthy mouths and not their blood. ::shrugs::
  • Well, its established by the comics that any weapon with Walker blood on it causes an infection via the cut it makes on your skin. However, It's possible that due to the blood flowing only in one direction(e.g. out of her body) she could survive the amputation.
  • It will properly just delay the turn like when it happened to Lee , But that guy Bill pushed off the edge also had his arm cut off and he survived , whatever happens happens
  • edited May 2014
    No, this is partially true, but not entirely. While you come back no matter how you die (Unless you get shot in the head), getting ANY blood from an infected into your blood stream WILL infect you.

    The only reason that Reggie survived being cut, was due to the fact that most likely the axe or knife used was clean.
    Lee? He died for two reasons if you cut his arm off:
    1. The saw might have previously been used on an infected.
    2. He waited too long.

    Now, with the others, if you didn't notice, Clem, if she has a cut on her face if she protects Kenny and Troy hits her, she will not put blood from the walker on that side of her face on purpose.

    Blood from infected getting into your blood will cause you to turn. Its been established prior and by the comics.
  • It was the easiest decision for me in the episode. We never spent much time with Sarita so it was pretty lack luster. It would have been much better and it would of had more impact if it was someone like Sarah or Luke.
  • don't you understand !!! the Virus is already in there body just you die the virus control your body and the Bite is just give you a hard Fever to die not to give you the virus agin !! so the any way you die like by gun fire IF not damage the Brain you will Turn .
  • I think the virus only spreads through saliva. so she will live. I think
  • in the show, rick used an axe t cut off hershals leg and her lives. the axe was used to kill zombies before. so I think sarita will live.
  • I thought that too. She probably is just going to die either way. I don't think telltale wants you to have a choice for Kenny to lose his shit, they just want him to lose it for everyone.
  • David Parker and Hershel (in the show) were both amputated using an infected weapon, yet neither turned as a result of it (Katjaa mentioned that David died of blood loss, as opposed to being infected) so it's pretty possible that if Sarita gets out of the horde alive, she'll make it.
  • How do people think of stuff like this? Even if it was "how it works" you think Telltale is going to kill someone off because of an infected hatchet?
  • Well my point is that it might not be in her bloodstream if it was a quick enough cut and it didn't circulate. do I think she's gonna live? "hahahahahhhahaha NO." I doubt it. But they could do whatever they want so they could've.
    cameroncr95 posted: »

    No, this is partially true, but not entirely. While you come back no matter how you die (Unless you get shot in the head), getting ANY blood

  • She's pretty much "determinant" now. Which means she'll either die or die 5 minutes later. It's inevitable now regardless of if the axe infected her or not.
  • edited May 2014
    Not in the game world I don't think, and here is why. If blood did indeed infect people both Kenny and Clem in my save would both get infected immediately. Clem when trying to help Kenny from being beaten was smashed in the face with a gun, and a huge gash was made across her face. If blood did indeed infect people then her smearing all that walker blood on her face and clothes that night to escape the facility would without question infect her (this cut happened only a few hours earlier within the context of the game, since that night they planned to escape.) Unless Clem has super human regenerative powers I doubt that massive gash healed before she applied blood to it... Likewise Kenny, who has such a severe wound on his face (which I know is bandaged but hear me out.) Would have to apply said blood all over himself. Now just think about that, if you sweat or do anything of the sort... the blood will mix and get into that wound, and not only are they always doing nerve intensive things, but they are also running and fighting increasing the chances that the blood mixed with his sweat will get into the both the bandage and the major injury to Kenny's eye. I really honestly do not think this will affect Serita in any way, since to even apply the blood to oneself you need to be woundless in the first place to avoid potential infection. If Clem can lather her body and face with walker blood with a giant fresh wound on her face, I sincerely doubt that it makes a difference if limbs are chopped off with infected tools. I have heard in the comics and show this is different, and I do not know if this is true, but within the context of the game this is either a giant plot hole or a demonstration blood has no effect.
  • Nobody truly knows. I cut her arm off. Maybe she will still die and turn but at least there is a chance she survives.
  • But it didnt delay anything with Lee. If you don't cut Lee's arm off, he still doesn't turn right away. He stays human for the exact same amount of time. About one day.
    Saqii- posted: »

    It will properly just delay the turn like when it happened to Lee , But that guy Bill pushed off the edge also had his arm cut off and he survived , whatever happens happens

  • Sarita won't live. If she'd die from being bit and not having her arm cut off, she'll die from having her arm cut off too. They arent going to make multiple endings of the next episode where Sarita survives in one and doesnt in another (unfortunately).

    I'd like to hope I'm wrong. I'd like to hope that if you don't cut off her arm, someone else does, and she survives either way - I just don't think that'll happen though.

    in the show, rick used an axe t cut off hershals leg and her lives. the axe was used to kill zombies before. so I think sarita will live.

  • Beat me to it - I wanted to write exactly that :P
    Also that was another good reason to leave Lee's arm alone
  • "Your choices are tailor made for your gAme" .......mhm
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