Do you believe that Nick is gay?

There is a common theory being flung around the web about Nick being gay.
I believe so as well, and here are my observations as to why:

1. In the cabin, there was a space problem. We all know that Sarah and Carlos had the upstairs room across from the bathroom. Alvin and Rebecca had the room in the first floor. Pete likely slept on the couch. As for Nick and Luke? The upstairs bedroom with ONE bed can be proven as Nicks, due to the fact that the watch pete gave him is in there, in the desk. If this is true, this would mean that either Nick sleeps on the bed with Luke, or one of them is on the floor.

2. Nick NEVER stops talking about Luke. Almost everything he says is about Luke.

3. The unusual "Touchy-Feely" actions that Luke and Nick have. Hugging, Caressing, Touching, Etc.

4. (Provided by Skoothz) At the dinner table, Kenny, who has taken to living with a homosexual couple, makes a remark to Nick about them, saying "Nick and Luke. You look like a match!". Nick is quick to defend himself in a very, very, weird way, in the same matter that closeted homosexuals do. Luke, looks at Kenny in a way that most guys in the same situation would, with a "Da Fuq?" look.

5. Nick flirts with Luke in the lodge when he says "Are you coming to tuck me in?" with a very flirty tone.

,,,and a few others. Personally, I believe that Nick is gay. I just wanted others to possibly chime in. I am not the only one saying it. Many others are too, and its pretty obvious that Nick has an obvious attraction to Luke. Most straight folk don't act this way.


  • Well... If Nick was gay I would hook up with him, even tho I'm not gay, I just frickin' love Nick.
  • I just want to beg people to please not be homophobic in this thread? For once? Please? Thanks.

    I think it has a lot of validity to it at this point, considering how much he gushed about Luke in episode 3. It really came off to me as an infatuation, but I don't think Luke reciprocates it. If Nick has a thing for him, it's unrequited. Luke just doesn't act the same way towards him.
  • He could be.
  • edited May 2014
    Who cares if he's gay or not I wouldn't change my mind about him even if he was gay.
  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    Me to

    Well... If Nick was gay I would hook up with him, even tho I'm not gay, I just frickin' love Nick.

  • Wait, let me say this in another way, I would go gay for Nick.

    Well... If Nick was gay I would hook up with him, even tho I'm not gay, I just frickin' love Nick.

  • ClaraHClaraH Banned
    If nick and luke are gay couple, bonnie would be sad.
  • I don't think so, but maybe.
  • Yes, even though Bonnie and Luke have no romantic feelings for one another i'm sure Bonnie would be devastated.
    ClaraH posted: »

    If nick and luke are gay couple, bonnie would be sad.

  • I think he just admires Luke.
  • who cares live and let live
  • edited May 2014
    I don't think Nick's gay. I'm not sure I heard it right in episode 3, but he did say something like he knew Luke for over 20 years, so it's safe to say they are old childhood friends and care about each other. But I've never gotten the impression from Nick that he likes Luke in that way.


    Do I think Nick's a virgin though? Hell yeah! A total virgin if I ever saw one.
  • See that's the vibe I got in episode 2, that he more just admired him a lot and felt kind of jealous of him. But I'm going to be honest, I don't talk about my friends the way he talked about Luke in episode 3. Well, scratch that, actually, I do. One friend. The friend I've got a crush on.
    Sedna posted: »

    I think he just admires Luke.

  • edited May 2014
    No. Even if he was, it wouldn't matter.

    Three downvotes? Geez, excuse me for speaking my mind.
  • He is gay, and wants the dick.
  • More like he looks up to him as idol
  • I hate 'em faggits, why can't dei juzt die?
    skoothz posted: »

    I just want to beg people to please not be homophobic in this thread? For once? Please? Thanks. I think it has a lot of validity to it

  • I'm going to assume that's a joke seeing as I know Lingvort isn't a piece of shit.
    Lingvort posted: »

    I hate 'em faggits, why can't dei juzt die?

  • People care because representation matters.
    SweetDee posted: »

    who cares live and let live

  • I don't know. Nick's comments on Luke could either be interpreted that way or just bro envy.

    Unless it's explicitly stated, I don't know.
  • Does that mean Nick dies a virgin in episode 2?

    *'Amazing Grace' plays on the bagpipes softly in the distance*
    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    I don't think Nick's gay. I'm not sure I heard it right in episode 3, but he did say something like he knew Luke for over 20 years, so it's

  • Walter and Matthew?
    skoothz posted: »

    People care because representation matters.

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    We just love him

    Wait, let me say this in another way, I would go gay for Nick.

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    I noticed something like that to
    AusZombie posted: »

    Yes, even though Bonnie and Luke have no romantic feelings for one another i'm sure Bonnie would be devastated.

  • Lol maybe you're right even if that would surprised me.
    He turns from Luke's best friend to his biggest groupie so i understand why people are confused about it !
    skoothz posted: »

    See that's the vibe I got in episode 2, that he more just admired him a lot and felt kind of jealous of him. But I'm going to be honest, I d

  • The dialogues he had in episode 3 are more like filler dialogues because he's a determinant character. Just like he commented about the beds and floors.
    skoothz posted: »

    See that's the vibe I got in episode 2, that he more just admired him a lot and felt kind of jealous of him. But I'm going to be honest, I d

  • They died in the same episode they were introduced and we knew jack shit about them. Nick is a really big character and really popular. Having a character like HIM be gay would be exponentially more meaningful because a ton of people like him a relate to him and he has much more bearing on the plot.

    And think of it this way: he'd be the best "safe" character to make gay. He's determinant. If the whiny homophobes don't want to deal with a gay character, they can rewind and kill him in episode 2.

    Walter and Matthew?

  • I was exorcising extreme sarcasm.
    MrLee posted: »

    I noticed something like that to

  • Nah, ain't no joekh, I'm a bigoted peaze of shite, and I hate 'em faggitz.
    AusZombie posted: »

    I'm going to assume that's a joke seeing as I know Lingvort isn't a piece of shit.

  • Well his filler dialogue was gay as hell.
    greenetea posted: »

    The dialogues he had in episode 3 are more like filler dialogues because he's a determinant character. Just like he commented about the beds and floors.

  • I think at this point it's safe to say that it's a very valid and plausibly theory.

    I don't know. Nick's comments on Luke could either be interpreted that way or just bro envy. Unless it's explicitly stated, I don't know.

  • I don't think there is anything there more than a friendship and possibly a man crush

    Urban dictionary

    When a straight man has a "crush" on another man, not sexual but kind of idolizing him.
  • I smoked pot with a gay guy once.
  • In the end we all know what this thread will turn into
  • Clementine: *sadly takes off her cap and rests it on her chest in respect*...
    skoothz posted: »

    Does that mean Nick dies a virgin in episode 2? *'Amazing Grace' plays on the bagpipes softly in the distance*

  • For some reason my bullshit meter is still going through the roof, I think it's because I know Lingvort is a completely reasonable intelligent person, I dunno.
    Lingvort posted: »

    Nah, ain't no joekh, I'm a bigoted peaze of shite, and I hate 'em faggitz.

  • We surely do.
    MrLee posted: »

    We just love him

  • edited May 2014
    Because I'm not even one bit homophobic, maybe?

    And it's funny, AusZombie, that you think so, for we didn't speak much.
    AusZombie posted: »

    For some reason my bullshit meter is still going through the roof, I think it's because I know Lingvort is a completely reasonable intelligent person, I dunno.

  • *Clementine returns to the still to get some whiskey and pour one of out a fallen homie*
    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Clementine: *sadly takes off her cap and rests it on her chest in respect*...

  • Wow, how much of an egalitarian you must be.
    CornPopper posted: »

    I smoked pot with a gay guy once.

This discussion has been closed.