Yeah, it wasn't really his plan...

I see that a lot of people are crediting Kenny for coming up with the plan to get the group out of Carver's compound. Bullshit.

Kenny's "plan" was to draw walkers to the compound through some unspecified means and then "get some guns and shoot our way out."

How, Kenneth?! HOW??!! You think Carver's just going to see a giant hoard of walkers approaching the compound and just leave a bunch of guns and ammunition unattended? No, he's going to grab all the guns and people he can, head up to the roof, and mow the zombies down.

And what good would drawing walkers do unless you had someone on the inside willing to let you into the compound to steal the guns anyway? Not to mention the ludicrous notion of just trying to "shoot your way out" through an entire compound full of people *and* an entire zombie hoard.

Kenny earned my respect with some of his actions this episode, sure. But his "plan" (if you can call it that) was the single dumbest, most recklessly vague thing I've ever heard. The only reason it wasn't doomed to failure was because Jane brought up the walker blood thing and Bonnie came over to our side. So to credit him as the mastermind behind the group's escape is just blatantly untrue.


  • Why didn't bonnie just gun down Carver and his 3-4 guys when they were all together.
  • edited May 2014
    Yeah the "plan" was terrible. It was thanks to bonnie and the other girl that they got out. Though it does beat Luke's plan
  • Yeah.. I think this episode was good in furthering Kenny's irrational personality alongside his potential moments of loyalty.

    He's willing to incite action, but his escape plans were pretty destructive from the start.
  • Totally unrelated but I just need to say that I'm so glad "Kenneth" has become a thing.
  • Yeah, me too :D

    It isn't even confirmed it's his real name, as Carver probably just took a guess, Kenny could also be Kennedy, or simply Kenny all along.

    But I still love that name
    skoothz posted: »

    Totally unrelated but I just need to say that I'm so glad "Kenneth" has become a thing.


    Yeah, me too :D It isn't even confirmed it's his real name, as Carver probably just took a guess, Kenny could also be Kennedy, or simply Kenny all along. But I still love that name

  • She didn't have the balls

    Why didn't bonnie just gun down Carver and his 3-4 guys when they were all together.

  • Are you kidding me? My girl's got more balls than all of you combined!
    TGP95 posted: »

    She didn't have the balls

  • Kenneth? This whole time it's Kenny, Kenny, Kenny, now he's fuckin' Kenneth?

    (I don't hate on Kenny, just wanna add it there :P)
  • Yeah the plan was incredibly stupid. Which is why I disagreed. But of course you ended up having to do it anyway.
  • No Kenneth I know goes by Kenny. And I know A LOT of Kenneth's. I also know 5 Lillian's.

    Yeah, me too :D It isn't even confirmed it's his real name, as Carver probably just took a guess, Kenny could also be Kennedy, or simply Kenny all along. But I still love that name

  • What's the frequency?
    skoothz posted: »

    Totally unrelated but I just need to say that I'm so glad "Kenneth" has become a thing.

  • His plan was to use his powerful mustache to fly away from the herd like in Season 1 so it wasnt that stupid.
  • I love Kenny, but his plans from Season 1 weren't any more thought out then the one's here.

    Remember Kenny's whole grab a boat plan? It was basically lets grab a boat and see what happens...
  • Kenneth. Lillian. Douglas. Benjamin. Peter. Nicolas. Lucas. Nathan. Edward.

    No Kenneth I know goes by Kenny. And I know A LOT of Kenneth's. I also know 5 Lillian's.

  • *Eye* see what you did there. :P

    Kenneth? This whole time it's Kenny, Kenny, Kenny, now he's fuckin' Kenneth? (I don't hate on Kenny, just wanna add it there :P)

  • I just don't see why we didn't overthrow the compound and just stay there. I mean we basically killed all of them except the ones shooting on the roof. we were fenced in and the only way we got out was through the garage or something.
  • I know one Kenneth and he goes by Kenny.

    No Kenneth I know goes by Kenny. And I know A LOT of Kenneth's. I also know 5 Lillian's.

  • it would be kinda funny if he would continue his search for a boat in season 4 xD

    I love Kenny, but his plans from Season 1 weren't any more thought out then the one's here. Remember Kenny's whole grab a boat plan? It was basically lets grab a boat and see what happens...

  • edited May 2014
    Well please remember: This is Kenny. He seldom has any good ideas or plans.
    Season 1 is a massive proof of this. I ALWAYS sided with Lilly. SHE was always working for the groups well being. Kenny had the most idiotic plans and only cared about Kat and Duck, and could give two shits about what happened to Lee or the others.

    In Season 2, during the Lodge attack, he made the idiotic choice to try to take on four goons all on his own, which cost Walter his life.

    Mini list of times Kenny fucked up:
    1. Left Shawn to die
    2. Kept talking about the RV constantly
    3. Wanted to live on that farm
    4. Wanted to leave the motor inn
    5. Wanted only him, Kat and duck fed, and didn't care about the others
    6. Killed Larry without taking it up with the other group members
    7. Despite Lilly trying to save the group, he wanted to leave her behind without thinking
    8. Wouldn't accept the fact Duck was dying
    9. Wouldn't stop the train
    10. Cared only about the boat
    11. Thought of Lee in the attic as just another "Larry situation" and wanted to think about killing him
    12. Went to save Ben, despite the fact he constantly talked about leaving him behind
    13. Was rude to Nick and Luke for no reason at the dinner
    14. Wouldn't think things through when he tried to take on FOUR guys HIMSELF, which cost walter his life
    15. Tried to make a plan to take on numerous guys with a gun after they arrive at the compound (Which didn't happen due to being knocked out)
    16. Did not want to follow lukes plan despite it being the best one

    Kenny fucks up all the time. And you all call Ben bad.
  • Kenny was the one who came up with the idea to use the walkers to escape, which worked. Bonnie and Jane only added onto the idea, and Luke's plan lost Kenny an eye and gave Clementine (determinant) a hit to the head with a rifle.

    His idea at first was reckless, yes. But still better than the "sneak past the 25 or so guards with rifles" plan.
  • "Why is the Dragon the only one around here making any sense?"
    Kenny was the one who came up with the plan and it was hell'a easier than what Luke was suggesting. Jane added the idea of using the walkers insides which made it complete. If it wasn't for Kenny saying about attracting the herd then we wouldn't of got the plan of the ground. Who do you give credit to the man with the idea or the people who help the man make the idea?
    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Kenny was the one who came up with the idea to use the walkers to escape, which worked. Bonnie and Jane only added onto the idea, and Luke's

  • Here comes a long ass post. Sorry but I have to call you out on your bullshit here.

    1. Kenny was helping his kid, he tried to help his kid and froze up when coming to help Shawn. He was just looking out for his kid and made a bad call.
    2. He kept talking about the RV because it was a useful tool for the group, it helped them escape in ep3 didn't it?
    3. Living on the farm is a good idea, plenty of food, land, safety and people to protect it
    4. The motor inn was a wreck and Macon was falling apart, most the town was tapped for supplies and was full of walkers, not to mention the bandit attacks
    5. He was looking out for his family, can you blame the man? Even if you don't feed him he appreciates you feeding the kids like any 'real man' does in that situation.
    6. He pointed out the situation and make a risk assessment, it was pretty valid and could be passed easily, Larry was a gonner with only a 1-5% chance of being revived with CPR as he needed medical equipment to stabilize the heart.
    7.Well Lilly either shot a guy in the back of the head who and intended to kill a teenage boy and she didn't even consult the group which seemed like such a big deal when Kenny didn't according to you.
    8.It was his son, Lilly wouldn't accept the fact that Larry was dying either, It is family, you can't just be accepting the fact that your child is dying. I'm sure it must be an awful experience and I would be the same
    9. ^^
    10. He was trying to get the group to safety and he had nothing left to live for but the group and his plan
    11. Well he was bitten, wouldn't you do the same? He wasn't going to kill him on the spot, he was just wanting to clear things up
    12. He finally realized that Ben wasn't a bad kid he just fucked up a lot. He finally forgave him and earned his redemption.He didn't have to either, the kid killed his family yet he still forgave him.
    13. Nick insulted his plan and Luke was being bitchy about Clem wanting to stay with Kenny
    14. He was trying to save the group unlike Luke who fled into the forest like a baby
    15. I agree that was pretty stupid but we couldn't just sit there and do nothing
    16. No, Kenny's plan was the one that worked and was the groups best bet

    Not such a fuck up right?
    cameroncr95 posted: »

    Well please remember: This is Kenny. He seldom has any good ideas or plans. Season 1 is a massive proof of this. I ALWAYS sided with Lilly

  • The "Punch the first sonuvabitch I see, then take his gun and shoot the next sonuvabitch I see" plan was better for me :/
  • edited May 2014
    It feels so weird calling them by their full names, especially Eddie for some reason.
    Lucas is a variation of Luke though, so I think his name is just Luke.

    And if Kenny wasn't named Kenneth, why didn't he say anything about it or correct Carver when he called him that? I see no reason for him not to be named Kenneth. (not directed at you skooth)
    skoothz posted: »

    Kenneth. Lillian. Douglas. Benjamin. Peter. Nicolas. Lucas. Nathan. Edward.

  • Well, heard crazier plans.


    Yeah the "plan" was terrible. It was thanks to bonnie and the other girl that they got out. Though it does beat Luke's plan

  • I'm so upset that Uncle Pete died before we could hear him angrily call Nick "Nicolas."
    sayakamiki posted: »

    It feels so weird calling them by their full names, especially Eddie for some reason. Lucas is a variation of Luke though, so I think his

  • Well we don't know how Luke's plan would've turned out if he didn't get caught. How does Kenny's indistinct plan beat Luke's well thought out and reasonable plan?

    Yeah the "plan" was terrible. It was thanks to bonnie and the other girl that they got out. Though it does beat Luke's plan

  • edited May 2014
    "Kenny's plan" (even though I disagree that he should get credit) caused Carlos' death, Sarah disappearance, and Sarita to get bit (most likely she's as good as dead). I wonder which was worse? The only person who's responsible for Kenny is losing his eye is Kenny. Don't get me wrong, I have the utmost respect for what he did, but that doesn't warrant the blame on Luke. Clementine getting hit in the head (fuck you Troy) is determinant and of her own doing to attempt to rescue Kenny. Blaming Luke for making Kenny lose his eye and Clementine to get hit (Determinant) is the same as me blaming Kenny for that.
    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Kenny was the one who came up with the idea to use the walkers to escape, which worked. Bonnie and Jane only added onto the idea, and Luke's

  • Kenny's plan didn't result in Carlos's death, it was a random bullet that killed Carlos and Sarah's scream that gave them all away which resulted in Sarita being bitten. I'd say it's just terrible luck that all of that happened, because they had no problem walking through the herd up until Carlos got shot. There was no way to know that all of Carver's guards would pile up on that specific wall and begin spraying and praying down into the herd, especially when the herd was supposed to be coming from a different direction entirely.

    "Kenny's plan" (even though I disagree that he should get credit) caused Carlos' death, Sarah disappearance, and Sarita to get bit (most lik

  • edited May 2014
    Actually it was kind of Kenny's fault. If he didn't take his time with Carver, (I mean ffs, he let Carver talk for 5 minutes and then took an extra minute to smash his head in his head which was unnecessary) those string of events wouldn't have happened in the first place. If Kenny would've just either listen to Luke and spared Carver (Carver is going to die no matter what, he has two bullets in each kneecap so he's crippled and won't be able to get away from the lurkers. Also Carver's camp was being swarmed so they're all dead) or would've just shot him in the head right after he shot his kneecaps, the group would've gotten out of there before Carver's men started firing. If they would've gotten out of there before Carver's men started raining bullets down on them, Carlos wouldn't have got hit, Sarah wouldn't have screamed, the lurkers wouldn't have been aware of our presence, Sarah wouldn't have disappeared, Sarita wouldn't have gotten bit (dead), and Luke wouldn't be missing. Not only wasn't it Kenny's plan, he also messed up an almost flawless escape.
    Rock114 posted: »

    Kenny's plan didn't result in Carlos's death, it was a random bullet that killed Carlos and Sarah's scream that gave them all away which res

  • edited May 2014
    Kenny's plan was the equivalent of setting a huge fire in the compound and then improvising a way out. Yes, a fire certainly would have distracted Carver and his crew for a good long while. But then what? Unless they had a way to get into the compound, navigate to an exit, and fight off the fire as they escaped, all that would have been accomplished is that they would have burned along side Carver and his crew. If Bonnie hadn't gone to their side, the zombies would have just swept over the entire community.

    Also, let's not forget that the final plan *still* ended up requiring them to "sneak past the 25 or so guards with rifles." Only instead of those guards being spread out and patrolling calmly, they were haphazardly shooting into the crowd of walkers that the group was trying to sneak into. And Kenny's original plan would have *also* required sneaking past the 25 or so guards with rifles to grab the guns they would need to shoot their way out of the hoard.
    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Kenny was the one who came up with the idea to use the walkers to escape, which worked. Bonnie and Jane only added onto the idea, and Luke's

  • I'm glad somebody else on these forums agree that the plan wasn't Kenny's.

  • The escape certainly can't be called 'flawless" considering that a dozen people were captured by a single man before they even got out of the building. I can't really blame Kenny for wanting to make Carver suffer like that either, because Carver killed one of Kenny's friends (Walter), kidnapped Kenny and forced him into slavery, then took out Kenny's eye. And sparing Carver certainly wasn't an option. I didn't stay to watch Kenny play golf with Carver's head, but I still believe that to leave Carver there, even with a bullet in each knee, would be possibly the stupidest thing that they could have done. Carver killed so many people that to leave without ensuring that he would never hurt anyone again is much worse than giving into your rage at everything that sorry excuse for a human being has done to you and caving his skull in with a crowbar. I also doubt that the 30 seconds Kenny spent giving Carver an extreme makeover would have made that much of a difference. They couldn't have made it out of range of those assault rifles in the time Tavia and the others took to begin firing. It was just bad luck, plain and simple, that one of those bullets hit Carlos and then everything just kept getting worse from there.

    Actually it was kind of Kenny's fault. If he didn't take his time with Carver, (I mean ffs, he let Carver talk for 5 minutes and then took a

  • edited May 2014
    The thing is, Kenny could have put a bullet in his head as soon as Luke was pointing an AK-47 at Carver, but instead he shoots him in the kneecaps. It wasn't 30 seconds that Kenny took with Carver, it was over 3 minutes. That's not accounting for the time it took to kill Troy when we could have avoided him altogether. We would've had extra 3 minutes to get out of vicinity and Carver's men were only firing at the lurkers that were near the camp not the farther ones. Kenny had a Ben moment, you can choose to believe it or not.
    Rock114 posted: »

    The escape certainly can't be called 'flawless" considering that a dozen people were captured by a single man before they even got out of th

  • If they followed Luke's idea about what they should do with Carver he would've hurt and enslaved even more people, and most like captured the group again. (He wanted to let Carver live, which is a terrible TERRIBLE idea.)

    And you blaming Kenny for Carlos's death and Sarah's disappearance is like me blaming Luke for not shooting Carver when he grabbed the rifle.

    The thing is, Kenny could have put a bullet in his head as soon as Luke was pointing an AK-47 at Carver, but instead he shoots him in the kn

  • There is no way that was three minutes. It doesn't take three minutes to cave in a man's skull (not speaking from experience). Kenny wailed on him for less than a minute, then immediately went outside with Rebecca and they proceeded to cover themselves in grime. The walkers they used were actually some of the first of the herd making it to them, so they would have had to cross open ground to get to the walkers they needed to kill in order to get the guts they needed to smear on themselves to become invisible to the walkers. There is every chance in the world that Tavia and the others on the roof would have seen them then gunned them all down from the roof. The only reason that didn't happen was because they were concealed by the herd by the time they got away from the edge of the building. Kenny didn't have a Ben moment. I'm not saying he should get a pat on the back for doing what he did to Carver, but he didn't get anyone killed by doing it.

    The thing is, Kenny could have put a bullet in his head as soon as Luke was pointing an AK-47 at Carver, but instead he shoots him in the kn

  • Carver would've died anyways. The camp was running out of ammunition, they were surrounded from all sides, and they didn't even do a dent on the hoard. Carver was going to die a gruesome death anyways, but Kenny wanted to kill him himself which led to those unfortunate events.
    Dragonleaf posted: »

    If they followed Luke's idea about what they should do with Carver he would've hurt and enslaved even more people, and most like captured th

  • During No Time Left, Kenny was out of ammunition, surrounded from all sides, and never made a dent in the herd. How did that turn out?

    Carver would've died anyways. The camp was running out of ammunition, they were surrounded from all sides, and they didn't even do a dent on

  • jaja I will fucking kill knney lol
    Boats posted: »

    it would be kinda funny if he would continue his search for a boat in season 4 xD

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