Parts that you din't like about In Harm's Way



  • edited May 2014
    Like episode 2 it felt too much like I was watching a TV show rather than playing a video game, it's still lacking the gameplay stuff like hobs and talking to characters freely which was so good in S1 as it developed the story and characters etc, There only seemed to be one room near the start where you could explore stuff and talk to people if you wanted.
    Another thing was that there was no other 400 days characters in the episode for me even though I got them to go with Tavia wtf!! Then I hear that they only have small cameo appearances with one liners. Totally screwed up man! So are they gonna be on again or what? They should of been on my game but they weren't there!!

    Apart from that though the episode was good!
  • So how does the scene in the office play out if Alvin is killed in Episode 2 then? I also felt Alvin was unimportant until I got to the office and he helped Clem stall for time.
    Arbitrator posted: »

    Nick and Alvin basically not existing. Carver's wasted potential. Never seeing any more of the compound than about five guards.

  • edited May 2014
    Well, I think that's where our opinions differ. If you had met Clem, 2 years after the apocalypse you'd have seen a little girl, smart and able to defend herself, but still a little girl, I wouldn't.

    If she got this far while even survival specialists died then there has to be a reason, she's probably had her fair share of killing and crazy situation. I'd look at her as if she was the same age as me, and rely on her for things that suit her. Sneaking in a place where she's the only one to have been is just that (Aside from Rebecca and Clem no one went to Carver's room, Old group members are known faces that escaped once already and wouldn't have had her freedom, not to mention Clem was the only one able to get Bonnie to switch sides, not other adults), and keep in mind that if Troy had come to check up on them it'd have been much easier to hide Clem's absence than say, Kenny's. A box under the sheets with 2 pillows and you've got yourself a decent decoy for a child's body, not an adult's. Not matter how you look at it, sending Clem on those sneaking missions was the correct decision.

    I for one would've been pissed if Clem got underestimated and ignored after everything she went through, that would've been bad writing imo. And I personally think she's proven herself much more than necessary to the cabin group, she was found alone, snuck into their house (that is most certainly the reason they thought about her for this task, she did it with brio once already), took what she needed, sutured her own arm and killed a walker with this same badly injured arm getting in the way, she remained strong and calm when faced with Carver, saved Luke on the bridge etc... You think the cabin group should've seen her as just a child, the thing is all of her actions and reactions proves she isn't, and that's why they've come to rely on them (though I'll concede the wind turbine thing was outrageously stupid...).

    If you still see her as a "just tough and mature11yo" after all that then well, that's how it is. But I wouldn't.

    Chuck's words need to come with a whole lot of context. They mean that everyone needs to be treated as if they were a survivor in a harsh wo

  • Well, as bad as Alvin's beating was it didn't look as severe as Kenny's to me. Kenny got struck multiple time by a radio so hard the radio broke (Carver threw it away). he got his eyeball crushed and he'll probably be blind on one side. On the other hand Alvin still has all his teeth and is just really beat up. I think it was really just "to get rid of him and make everyone equal", which disappoints me a bit.

    Yeah Nick didn't do much, aside from his funny one-liner about the bed :D

    Alvin was bleeding all over and was unconscious for most of the episode, he received a way worse beating than Kenny did. He could barely wal

  • Well, I totally agree. I liked Carver's death, but it was way too soon. He had a lot of potential as a villain, specially after seeing all the manpower he had in his hands. Maybe it would've been even better in episode 5. And the 400 days characters better reappear at some point, because "how ya doin'?" is not what I was expecting of them...
  • Sarita getting bitten.. I knew it was coming but still..
  • What the hell are you going on about? Who said I didn't like Reggie or his VA? I'm one of the few that was super bummed out he bit the dust, I liked him. Stop with the accusations.

    Dude, the VA doesn't play the game before you, as far as he knows he was stopping Carver from shooting someone then something terrible would

  • He actually got caught trying to steal food.
    K0t0 posted: »

    He said he hadnt slept since the end of ep2, no sh*t hes on edge. He probably got caught napping.

  • When I heard that, I was like "She's not my friend."

    Seriously, what a turnabout from the early days of "STAY AWAY FROM MY DAUGHTER."
    K0t0 posted: »

    Carlos's death was perfect timing, and even his final sentence spoke loads, "Clementine, look after your friend"

  • You just *want* it to be Tavia.

    We all hate her enough already.
    cameroncr95 posted: »

    Tavia was the closest on the roof to where Carlos was. Only she could have made that shot. It was Tavia.

  • I thought Reggie's accent was rather impressive, actually.

    Reggie's voice acting was bad enough to take me out of the episode whenever his mouth was open. Honestly, it felt like they just pulled some

  • i guess the down voters want to keep clem's innocence in tact,

    well i reckon pretty soon clem's gonna have to do it to someone...

    did you also not chop off sarita's hand ?
    freakoffer posted: »

    I was kind of half expecting Kenny handing Clem the crowbar after a few swings... But nope, he just went ape shit

  • Carver was there to build Clem's character. Like Jane says, They are all going to die Clementine, Don't let them pull you down with them.

    i guess the down voters want to keep clem's innocence in tact, well i reckon pretty soon clem's gonna have to do it to someone... did you also not chop off sarita's hand ?

  • My problem is probably Carver. After seeing how cold and calculating he was in Episode 2, I was expecting him to be more of psychological opponent to Clem. I expected him to try to demonize the Cabin group, maybe by explaining who George was (seriously, where was that?). Instead, he turned out to be a psycho. Plus, I feel he died too soon. It would have been pretty interesting to see a main villain throughout the season, rather than just two episodes.
  • I would have loved something like this. Little interactions that would give Carver's community a bit more humanity, and maybe pave the way for the 400 Days crew to have a larger role with Clem's group and show the parallels that they have.

    I wish there was a hub in this episode where we can talk with the 400 Days characters and have interesting conversations with them like:

  • I'm starting to wish that 400 Days choices weren't a factor in determining where the characters ended up.

    Forcing them to leave or stay at camp might have felt rail-roady at the time, but I really would have liked to see them have had more substantial roles. Vince's conviction, Wyatt's guilt, Shel's conflict in raising Becca; they all have interesting dynamics to develop, and I hate to see them glossed over in favor of showing a small result of our decisions.
  • Did someone mention this yet cause its manor i think episode had bigger problems but i don't wanna repeat what being said above.

    Why didn't Luke cared at all that Nick was dead (if he died in Ep2)

    I thought they were close childhood friends and stuff, but no... no single line about Nick. Only Riggie said "Oh Spaghettio" when he asks about him and then... forgotten. And i hear if he is alive he gets like minimal time of screentime and it feels like his not even there.

    Its a minor but yeah... lazy.
  • edited May 2014
    Ignore this plzz
  • Also, the optional Item interaction to make you feel like a cool guy getting things done of your own accord, and give the player some control (or at least the illusion of control) over the relationship building in the game.

    The candybars for the kids in episodes 1 and 3, the water for the kids in 3, Carley's batteries, constructing the swing on the St Johns farm. I could also count the confession choice if Carley is in your party in episode 3.

    But yeah, giving us this small amount of control over the relationships would be nice, even if later on if comes down to a choice of whether you helped them or someone else (whether they die or just hate you). Also, as Mr Mas said, in the Hub of episode 3 it is very easy to find the plot sensitive interactible without realising. The good hubs, AKA from season 1, give you an objective and somewhat make it clear that you have time, then give you all this other stuff to do alongside the main objective which obviously progresses the plot. This allows different types of players to get what they want out of the game.

    I really don't get why they got rid of the hubs. They give us more character development and familiarity, and also give us the minimal amount of freedom needed over both our actions and character relations to make us think the game isn't on the rails.

    "There are hubs." None worth discussing. A Season 1 hub featured dialogue trees with multiple characters who can be interacted with at

  • yeah but we didn't know those were his last words did we ? ;)

    it felt like a slap in the face to me kinda like a polite 'f u' i mean that's a extremely tight leash to have...

    you look at a door and try and open it instant demerit ! (bttf game ep3 reference)

    two people don't cut off dead leaves of 10 potted plants that's 2 strikes YOU'RE OUT !

    so despite carrying guns no one bothered to shoot carver before...assuming he allowed them to carry loaded weapons...

    I'll tell you what though. Reggie was the FIRST character introduced this season I immediately felt sympathy for. I went out of my way to no

  • Wasn't it written by the person who wrote 'Faith'?
    cameroncr95 posted: »

    Considering the episode was written by a first timer, its not hard to see why the dialogue lacked from last episodes.

  • Some of us didn't want to go through a dragged out Governor scenario for the third time.
    K0t0 posted: »

    How is his early death an opinion? Are you daft? It WAS early. Thats fact. Seriously, if your best rebuttles were just "omg thats just your

  • I was pretty sure when Carver asked us to leave. And then when he died, those last words just stuck with me. I don't know why.
    Yeah, "he was weak." Why? Because he... was too busy working hard? Whaaaaaaaaaa?

    yeah but we didn't know those were his last words did we ? ;) it felt like a slap in the face to me kinda like a polite 'f u' i mean th

  • Yes i felt let down by again the length of the episode and sadly this season there is just no character work in my opinion. The writing is poor but fon't get me wrong, i really enjoyed ep2 and 3 despite this
  • Wait, why do you say Luke is bitten? Him and Nick were apparently far from the group when Carlos died so they probably escaped.
    Dark_Star posted: »

    That episode is one of the best in this Season so far. BUT the parts I don't like; * 400 Days choices other than cameos really don't ma

  • Carver dead.
  • edited May 2014
    Your the one accusing me here, I didn't mean to reply to you, I meant to reply to the guy at the top.

    About now is when you'd normally apologise but you don't have to, it's alright, my fault for replying to the wrong person.

    But anyway, to clear up the confusion, read some of these peoples sentences against the VA, then look at the guy at the top of this comment-lines sentence.

    TLDR: Everyones assuming the VA knew his character was going to die, saying he lied when I watched the episode and even if he did say 'No', he corrected himself by saying 'It's vague'. but pretty much people are giving the guy a hard time for this when he didn't even do anything wrong, 'cept being more casual than other people while being interviewed.

    What the hell are you going on about? Who said I didn't like Reggie or his VA? I'm one of the few that was super bummed out he bit the dust, I liked him. Stop with the accusations.

  • When Carver was about to be killed by Kenny, he looks at Rebecca and says "What are you looking at bitch, you know you enjoyed i-" and then is whacked with a crowbar. That comment just felt unnecessary as Carver wanted Rebecca to have a family with him really. I guess he just didn't care as he was about to die, but that's my only problem with it, as I thought the episode was outstanding. The thing is is that I only watched his death on my second playthrough, and regretted not watching on my first playthrough.
  • 400 days characters only appear as cameo
    and Nick is complete empty in this ep

    other than that this ep is the best so far
  • 400 days characters except Bonnie
    Doing missions alone-which feels a bit stupid sometimes, but this episode it did make sense to some degree.
    Carlos dying.
  • I dont know what your problem is.In my opinion that was the best Episode so far .
  • depends on your 400 DAys DLC save or random generator if you didn't play

    I didn't see them. When do they show up?

  • I can see this as well, but I watched a video of the voice actor on Playing Dead from IGN, and it just seems to be his actual voice. At which case... well, you want to feel like they're real people in a video game, well, some people sound like that. Some people have annoying lisps and some people have a monotone-y kind of way they speak. In a way I appreciated that they got someone lackluster, clearly not a voice actor, to voice a character. Everyone else is so professional it's cool to hear someone you'd find at the grocery store in the mix.
    CathalOHara posted: »

    Agree with most of all these points, especially Reggie. I didn't laugh at his death though. Think that is a biiit messed up to laugh at. I a

  • Carlos died.
    Kenny lost his eyes.
    Sarita got bitten.
    Sarah lost her dad.
    Luke got beaten ( I think?)
  • Ok, ok. I apologise, I got too defensive.

    And yeah, I didn't see the VA's statements. But I do know people didn't think he performed well. I thought he came across sympathetic without being a bore, and I liked him.

    Your the one accusing me here, I didn't mean to reply to you, I meant to reply to the guy at the top. About now is when you'd normally

  • carver & troy dead, it like they kill all bad guys
  • 1. Overall episode felt very rushed, felt kind of like Telltale bit off more than they could chew.
    2. Kenny shouldn't have been the only one to kill Carver. The man deserved a Julius Caesar death.
    3. Overwhelming lack of my camo pants-wearing bf. He didn't even get a reaction when Pete was brought up?
    4. Sarita's fate. I think we're all presuming she's not gonna make it, and Kenny will have yet another compelling female character die for his manpain. Why not have it be Carlos, kill two birds with one stone?
    5. 400 Days cameos were just... depressing. And not in a good way.
    6. Too much damn Kenny. I love you Kenny but come on.

    For the sake of positivity, what I liked:
    1. Alvin's death. Brilliant and meaningful, I teared up big time. Loved his comment about Carver's "tiny gun."
    2. Bonnie's overall presence. She's become such a great character and I loved her a lot in this episode.
    3. Luke's characterization. I loved this sick, desperate, manic side of him. It humanized him a lot. He needed flaws. Up until now I'd disliked Luke a lot. Now that he's not just a Mary Sue, he's growing on me.
    4. Kenny getting body-slammed by the back of the truck while trying to formulate his plan.
  • edited May 2014
    It's alright, like... I liked Reggie too, I would have liked him to still be alive with broken legs or something, for another line and a shocking scene, atleast. Would've been so memorably similar to Ben.

    And really messed up xD Maybe that could've added some moral pressure to the plan they had on leaving, seeing as he'd have still been locked with Clem and Co. and they wouldn't have been carrying him out, akin to how they suggested leaving Kenny behind.

    Ok, ok. I apologise, I got too defensive. And yeah, I didn't see the VA's statements. But I do know people didn't think he performed well. I thought he came across sympathetic without being a bore, and I liked him.

  • I very much disliked Carlos' death too. Like what
  • edited May 2014
    Nvm. I figured it out.
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