How do you imagine the ending?

Not from this season i mean the whole series i know its too early but i you dont need to say who will survive or anything if not how do you imagine it like if its gonna be an epic battle, just the main character dying just how do you imagine it without caring about what could happen in the fututre.


  • I imagine it will be like Mass Effect 3's ending
  • Then we will riot

    I imagine it will be like Mass Effect 3's ending

  • edited May 2014
    For the record, I'd totally destroy the zombies.

    Fuck controlling them, or merging with them or some shit. Though the idea of Clementine having a zombie army at her command is tantalizing.

    I imagine it will be like Mass Effect 3's ending

  • I was referring to how bad that ending was, not what happened in the ending.

    For the record, I'd totally destroy the zombies. Fuck controlling them, or merging with them or some shit. Though the idea of Clementine having a zombie army at her command is tantalizing.

  • I know. :S

    I was referring to how bad that ending was, not what happened in the ending.

  • edited May 2014
    Maybe something really open ended? I'd guess they'd have a basic idea down already. You know...hopefully.
  • They make it to Wellington and see it in ruin
  • It's the end of episode 5

    Kenny was bitten and Clem has to go through the trouble of putting him down.

    Kenny looks her in the eye and asks her what Lee said to her before he left.

    "Keep that hair short."

    You spend a minute shaving Kenny's face.

    "Clementine, listen here. There's something you need to know about what happened in the time before you found us."

    "What is it Kenny?"

    "Omid isn't dead. Omid is love. Omid is life."

    Kenny passes out, and Clem sadly puts a bullet in his brain.
  • I imagine that depending on your choices from Episode 3 and throughout depends on who lives in your group.

    You can save everyone, a few people, one or two people or even have no one however Clementine is safe.

    Now there are three endings here.

    Clem and the group (or just herself depending on your choices) find Wellington and see that it's a safe community however they either have a leader Luke agrees with or they don't have a leader and simply work together and are looking for one (At this point Luke is nominated and runs the town). Then the story ends slowly with the player to interpret what happens afterwards. (Season 3 could still continue the story).

    Clem and the group (or just herself depending on your choices) find Wellington but only see it in ruin, and overrun. They are far too late, and the game ends with them shocked to see the town in complete destruction and it ends as a cliffhanger. (Season 3 could still continue the story).

    Clem and the group (or just herself depending on your choices) don't find Wellington but end up finding Alexandria, just after the 'All Out War' story-arc of the comics has finished. They decide to join the town as they are led by someone (could be any character from the comics or random survivor) to meet their leader "Rick" and it ends. (Season 3 could start off with new characters whilst Robert Kirkman intergrate the characters into the comics. The way he could do this is on the statistics the survivors who survived with Clementine as the most popular group would go into the comic).
  • What? Why would it be bad? Season 2 is amazing so far.

    I imagine it will be like Mass Effect 3's ending

  • Before episode 3 I was thinking about Clementine ending all along in a dark place surrounded by zombies. But now ep3 kinda changed my perspective and I think at least one person (kenny) will make it along with her. But I don't know anymore I'm sure it's going to be depressing though.
  • Lee turns out to be still alive and marries Clementine, after which they live happily ever after.
  • How would I like the series to end? With hope. Doesn't have to be all "and all they lived happily ever after" where they're all cured of the zombie virus la la la. Just give me some hope that the characters might have a chance at a better life, and that'll do it for me.
  • Sad as hell and heart breaking.
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