1. I never said anything about resetting the turbine. Kenny was the one who got everyone moving and directed people. He took charge.
2.… more Why are you downplaying it? I'm simply listing what he has done to be useful. Distracting Reggie was useful.
3. He never said to "wing" it. Go back and play the scene again, or watch a video. The only part of the plan that wasn't his was covering themselves up with Walker blood in order to get through the herd. That part of the plan came from Jane. Kenny's initially wanted to gun their way through/improvise... and that's what they probably ended up doing anyway after everything went to hell while walking through the herd.
Conversation starts at 51:36. 54:06-54:13 is when Kenny fleshes out the whole plan.
4. You were pissed that Kenny trusted you to do something? Ok. The point still stands that he was able to sneak you the radio so you could go do wh… [view original content]
1. Luke didn't want to leave Kenny behind. He was actually against leaving that night, but everyone bitched and moaned about that idea so Luke says that IF they're serious about leaving that night then they'd have to leave folks behind and guess what? Everyone bitched and moaned about that too. Luke only suggested that idea because Kenny wasn't looking so good at the time and Carlos even mentions that Kenny possibly sustained brain damage from that beating (fortunately he didn't). From Carlos' diagnosis, Luke gathered that Kenny may be brain-damaged and immobile. Don't forget that Kenny is half-blind too. I'm willing to bet that if the roles were reversed, Kenny would have no problem leaving Luke behind.
2. You complain about how Luke can't make the hard decisions for the best of the group because of the Carver incident, but think about it. Carver was as good as dead. Luke jumps on the idea of tying him up because there are thousands of walkers swarming the camp and Carver's group doesn't have enough ammunition to survive the attack. Carver would've fallen St. Johns style. Like Bonnie said "A herd is what tears this community apart" literally. Kenny taking his time to kill Carver the way he did instead of just leaving him crippled and letting him get eaten by walkers costed Carlos's life, Sarah to disappear, and Sarita to get bitten. Additionally, Luke was willing (even though he didn't want to) to leave Kenny behind to increase the group's chances in escaping and so they don't kill themselves trying. I call that a hard decision.
3. Saying that Telltale is forcing his character on us is a subjective view since we hardly saw or interacted with him in Episode 3. I could say that Telltale is forcing Kenny on us by the way he's trying to take on a guardian role with Clem. You may not think that way since you like Kenny, but what about to a person who may dislike Kenny? Every person's opinion differs.
4. How do you know that Luke just hightailed out of there intentionally? If anything, Kenny was the one who took his time with Carver. If Kenny would've left sooner instead of his emotional and hotheaded approach, they would've gotten out of there before Carver's men started raining AK-47 rounds on us. Because of Kenny's approach to killing Carver it set of a chain of events. It got Carlos killed which made Sarah scream which made the lurkers aware of our presence which made Sarita get bit. Sarita is as good as dead because of Kenny. Here's my reasoning, we either don't cut off Sarita's arm and wait which would be too late or we cut off her arm with a hatchet covered in lurker blood which is going to make her get infected and turn anyways. Guess what's going to happen when Sarita dies? If you guessed that Kenny is going to go off the deep end (more than he already has) then you guessed correct! Luke's approach believe it or not, was more humane, efficient and would've caused the least causalities. Kenny couldn't get to Sarita with the thousands of lurkers and the heavy automatic fire coming from the roof. Don't you think that Luke got separated instead of him just running away?
I to share the same feelings towards Luke. It isn't a very popular opinion around here and I have expressed my dislike for his character aro… moreund here more than a few times. Lee can never be replaced that's a fact and if you are going to try and replace Lee at least use someone that is likable and a good role model for her.
Luke has not backed Clem up much in any episode yet he thinks they should be 'best friends'. He feels like he has the right to be her guardian like they have some kind of bond? If you say you want to stay with Kenny, Luke has some spaz attack and thinks you should be all like "Yeah Luke you've done so fuckin' much for me, lets be together forever. Besties!".
The only two people that have earned the right to protect and raise Clem are Kenny and Christa. I know people start saying "You have to move on from the past blah blah blah" but that's not the case. If Luke even wants a remote chance of looking after Clem he is goin… [view original content]
I hope Telltale can really give him a chance to develop further so you will ultimately like him, because I think with more developmeny, hell be the guy to compliment Kenny,and make the ultimate cohesive unit!
Sure I'm trying to give him time, I mean I can tip my hat to the guy for following us for 3 days without getting any shut eye or food. He pr… moreoved me wrong on the fact that I thought he just scattered and left the group in the hands of Carver although I don't know why he didn't take immediate action.
I have to confess, like you, that Luke is a cutie, he is a joker and he is soft hearted, these are the things that cause weakness and that's not what we need to survive this shit. Like Kenny says If you try and help Larry "I'm the guy who couldn't stand to watch the family dog get put down but if we wanna survive this shit, we gotta have the balls to do the hard thing, or at least one of us has got to"
I think Kenny is that guy
But yeah I get what you mean, I'm still giving Luke a chance but I'm sorta on my wits end with him.
"Alright. I'll bite."
1. Luke didn't want to leave Kenny behind. He was actually against leaving that night, but everyone bitched and m… moreoaned about that idea so Luke says that IF they're serious about leaving that night then they'd have to leave folks behind and guess what? Everyone bitched and moaned about that too. Luke only suggested that idea because Kenny wasn't looking so good at the time and Carlos even mentions that Kenny possibly sustained brain damage from that beating (fortunately he didn't). From Carlos' diagnosis, Luke gathered that Kenny may be brain-damaged and immobile. Don't forget that Kenny is half-blind too. I'm willing to bet that if the roles were reversed, Kenny would have no problem leaving Luke behind.
2. You complain about how Luke can't make the hard decisions for the best of the group because of the Carver incident, but think about it. Carver was as good as dead. Luke jumps on the idea of tying him up beca… [view original content]
For me its more due to how he was compassionate to Clem's story about how she got to where she is. Its not about anything specifically, just seems like he truly cares about Clem, and wants the best for her character. Its a hard world out there, and people seem emotionally hardened with all the hard obstacles theyve gone through, he still seems to have some innocence to him, and hasnt turned into a monster, or cold-blooded. I appreciate that part of his personality.
That's not what I meant lol. I know this is all opinion, I explicitly stated that at the beginning of my original post.
I was looking f… moreor why you feel differently. And once again, I'm not saying that I dislike Luke. I just don't understand why he is so loved.
it could be worse, if you go on Tumblr there is seriously a "Omfg Luke, he's so hot, he can do no wrong" love fest going on 24/7. Even after everything that went down in episode 3. It makes my head hurt. Same goes for any other "attractive" character. Not to mention a lot of people on Tumblr seem to think every single character is gay, or must be some other variation of LGBTQ for twdg to be a "good game", or else it's "problematic"... It's really strange.
No offense, but that's an extremely biased viewpoint.
If Kenny is as selfless as you imply, then why did he leave me, as Lee, to die multiple times for no other reason than “he didn’t kiss my ass”?
If Kenny cares about Clementine, why was he willing to leave her to die because of a petty grudge against her guardian?
If Kenny is as selfless as you say, then why did he goad Lee to MURDER Ben back in Crawford, and show vindictive GLEE if Lee goes through with it, even with Clementine right next to him?
If Kenny cares about Clementine, then why when he’s planning to escape the truck, he asks a LITTLE GIRL, and ONLY said little girl to help him fight a dozen armed guards with AK-47s?
If Kenny cares about Clem’s well being, why the hell would he allow her to watch him brutally beat a man to death with a crowbar? Does he honestly think that will be good for her mental health?
If Kenny cares about her, why does he get Clem to do pretty much everything? The most glaring example is having her give the radio to Luke, when there really wasn’t any reason why he or Mike couldn’t have done it.
In the light of these other FACTS, what you are saying also doesn't hold much water.
And as far as Kenny finding a boat giving him a purpose, this obsession is what got a bunch of people killed. Maybe not directly, but if it wasn’t for his ridiculously vague and poorly thought out plan, several lives could’ve been saved. I really wish we could’ve gone with Christa’s countryside plan earlier…
And good job Kenny, you decided to get wasted at the worst possible time. Despite the fact that Clem is missing, Omid is dying, and the whole group is trapped in a walker infested city thanks to your poor leadership, you decide to wallow in self pity and get drunk.
Yes, Kenny has his good points. No one is saying that he’s completely worthless. I’m just saying that you seem to be giving Kenny far too much leeway and focusing ONLY on his good points.
There’s a point when someone’s faults become too much to deal with, and you need to understand that some people really can’t handle Kenny’s (undeniably numerous) flaws. Not to say that he’s a bad guy, but please don’t be so biased against people with a different opinion from you :(
If Kenny is as selfish as you imply, then why did he show me, as Lee, friendship after I had his back and supported him when our butt's were… more on the line?
If Kenny doesn't care about Clementine, why did he help me look for her?
If Kenny is as selfish as you say, then why did he try to help Ben, when Ben fell in the alley?
After all, Ben was the guy who got Kenny's family killed.
If Kenny doesn't care about her, then why when Clementine got back in the truck, Kenny frantically asked her if whether or not they hurt her?
If Kenny doesn't care about her, then why the hell did he get upset when Troy got rough with her?
If Kenny doesn't care about her, then why did he take the blame for the missing radio, as well as then taking such a horrendous beating for her?
In the light of these FACTS, what you are saying doesn't hold water.
And as far as Kenny being obsessed with finding a boat.
Kenny had just lost his EN… [view original content]
When I said what I said, I meant it with all due respect.
If I offended you, then I apologize.
I was more or less just giving my personal experience with him.
When he turned to Clementine for help, both in the truck and getting the radio to Luke, I think it was mainly out of trust.
Clementine has proved herself quite handy in the past.
Remember the meat locker incident, when Clementine crawled through the air-duct and opened the locked door?
I know if it were me, I'd have chosen her to get the radio to Luke, as well as asked her to help in the truck.
Kenny has done alright by me.
And one of the things I like most about him is, he just doesn't give up.
He'll never just turn belly-up and beg.
I will admit, I didn't like the way Kenny killed Carver.
Although I do believe it had to be done.
If Carver had been left alive, then he would've just come after the group again.
So in short, Carver was to dangerous to be kept alive.
And I can understand Kenny's reasons for killing him.
After all not only did Carver murder Walt, but also beat Kenny so badly that Kenny will probably end up totally blind in that eye.
I know if someone killed a friend of mine, and then beat me so bad that it basically disfigured me, I'd want revenge too
And as far as Kenny letting Clementine watch him kill Carver, he did give Clementine the option of walking away, even encouraging her to do so.
Clementine ( the player), decides whether or not to watch.
So that decision is on the player, in all fairness.
No offense, but that's an extremely biased viewpoint.
If Kenny is as selfless as you imply, then why did he leave me, as Lee, to die mu… moreltiple times for no other reason than “he didn’t kiss my ass”?
If Kenny cares about Clementine, why was he willing to leave her to die because of a petty grudge against her guardian?
If Kenny is as selfless as you say, then why did he goad Lee to MURDER Ben back in Crawford, and show vindictive GLEE if Lee goes through with it, even with Clementine right next to him?
If Kenny cares about Clementine, then why when he’s planning to escape the truck, he asks a LITTLE GIRL, and ONLY said little girl to help him fight a dozen armed guards with AK-47s?
If Kenny cares about Clem’s well being, why the hell would he allow her to watch him brutally beat a man to death with a crowbar? Does he honestly think that will be good for her mental health?
If Kenny cares about her, why does he get Cl… [view original content]
OMG THANK YOU!!!! Somebody sane around here. I've never understood the love for Luke. He's hardly been there for us or even been around enough to care. He started off rude to Clem because of her arm and dropped her as fast as he could. From that point on in the little amount of scenes he has had he has given off a creepy vibe to me. What we get a talk with him while we eat at the cabin and fight side by side with him on the bridge......annnnnnnd what? I'm sorry but did Telltale think it through when you are at the lodge and have to pick who to sit with? I mean come on Kenny obviously. Carlos was way better than him sure he advised to keep Clem in the shed to protect his group and especially his daughter. He also worried about Clem crossing the bridge and refused to tell Carver Rebecca's location. While Luke drops Clem in an instant refuses to carry her and debates with Pete about how so and so wouldn't like taking her back with them. Do you really think Luke would take her back if he was the only one who found her? Nope. At least Carlos gave her a place to sleep. Seriously I don't get this "brother-ly" thing if it came down to Kenny or Luke LOL bye bye Luke gonna drop you faster than you did Clem!
Luke would have brought Clem back with him. You really think Luke, the person who couldn't kill Carver who imprisoned him, killed people he cared about, and abused him would leave a little girl to die? I don't think so. If you listened to the kitchen conversation you can hear Carlos telling everyone that Clem is going to die in the shed of infection, but he doesn't care while Luke fights for Clem and actually convinces the group to let her out of the shed. Luke also shielded Clem from the bullet that Nick shot which shows that he's willing to take a bullet for her. Carlos was willing to let Clem die in the shed in Episode 1 while Luke saved her life and did everything he could to make her feel like she's apart of their group.
OMG THANK YOU!!!! Somebody sane around here. I've never understood the love for Luke. He's hardly been there for us or even been around enou… moregh to care. He started off rude to Clem because of her arm and dropped her as fast as he could. From that point on in the little amount of scenes he has had he has given off a creepy vibe to me. What we get a talk with him while we eat at the cabin and fight side by side with him on the bridge......annnnnnnd what? I'm sorry but did Telltale think it through when you are at the lodge and have to pick who to sit with? I mean come on Kenny obviously. Carlos was way better than him sure he advised to keep Clem in the shed to protect his group and especially his daughter. He also worried about Clem crossing the bridge and refused to tell Carver Rebecca's location. While Luke drops Clem in an instant refuses to carry her and debates with Pete about how so and so wouldn't like taking her back with them. Do you r… [view original content]
It is true, Luke in the game has been mostly seen to be in need of "rescuing". We didn't really see him in action OR to be successful with his intentions. You wonder if he is someone you can rely on.
So why everyone does falls for him?
Luke might not have been successful with his intentions, but he has a good mentality. It’s funny because you sort of fall for him when he was at the bridge. He needed rescuing but for some reason it truly shows his character of being a calm and steady person, who takes things easy, has optimistic good attitude, has a smart and steady mentality, that truly outshines his whole personality(maybe this is not the right word but something along the line).
It is actually really simple. Think about the whole situation in the walking dead, not many guys (or mates *cough) are there in the zombie apocalypse. Some are just a bit old (like lee), some are just too young (like Ben...actually not for me), some are taken (like Kenny), some are just to irrational (again like Kenny) , some are just too nice to survive (Mark), and last but not least (NOT LEAST AT ALL I SAY) : some have just gone crazy ape shit (like St John and Carver).
So who is the most young but manly guys out there in the walking dead game? It’s probably Mark, Nick and Luke. Among the people I wouldn’t mind having Luke, Lee or Mark by my side. But who do you want the most in a zombie apocalypse? Probably Luke or Lee (Lee I believe is also handsome in a gentleman way).
Now let’s Luke at look XD
Nice Guy? Check! Young? Check! Smart enough to infiltrate the camp? Check! Surviving in the ZA? Check! Carries Leadership skills? Check (its level B not A), Attractive? Hell yeah!. Bonus: Carries a machete like a warrior? Oh baby please marry me!
This is strictly from my fan girl’s perspective, but as for who should be the right guardian for Clementine. That is another subject to discuss differently. I have to say though we need both Pizza and Ice Cream for a healthy developing child who is living in a ZA.
Though yes, I was disappointed in him getting caught (dang it). I am a bit skeptical about him disappearing for an SECOND time. Nick won’t be there to enforce the trust anymore. Dammit Luke.
Eh, I wasn't offended at all. I just wanted to point out that a lot of your arguments for Kenny were based on determinant scenes, and I didn't realize you just wanted to recount your personal experience with him. So no harm done :)
Still, I have to add that I really don't believe killing Carver that way "had to be done"; it was completely unnecessary how brutal he was. Unless you're referring to just killing Carver in general as being necessary, rather than HOW Kenny did it, in which case nevermind.
When I said what I said, I meant it with all due respect.
If I offended you, then I apologize.
I was more or less just giving my persona… morel experience with him.
When he turned to Clementine for help, both in the truck and getting the radio to Luke, I think it was mainly out of trust.
Clementine has proved herself quite handy in the past.
Remember the meat locker incident, when Clementine crawled through the air-duct and opened the locked door?
I know if it were me, I'd have chosen her to get the radio to Luke, as well as asked her to help in the truck.
Kenny has done alright by me.
And one of the things I like most about him is, he just doesn't give up.
He'll never just turn belly-up and beg.
I will admit, I didn't like the way Kenny killed Carver.
Although I do believe it had to be done.
If Carver had been left alive, then he would've just come after the group again.
So in short, Carver was to dangerous to b… [view original content]
Kenny maybe the most suitable person because he was a parent, but I don't think he'd be good in general for Clem. He treats her also like Lee, transferring responsibility to someone else.
Out of everyone, I think Kenny is really the only one suitable to take care of her. That being said, I don't think Clem needs another guardian figure at this point.
Luke would have brought Clem back with him. You really think Luke, the person who couldn't kill Carver who imprisoned him, killed people he … morecared about, and abused him would leave a little girl to die? I don't think so. If you listened to the kitchen conversation you can hear Carlos telling everyone that Clem is going to die in the shed of infection, but he doesn't care while Luke fights for Clem and actually convinces the group to let her out of the shed. Luke also shielded Clem from the bullet that Nick shot which shows that he's willing to take a bullet for her. Carlos was willing to let Clem die in the shed in Episode 1 while Luke saved her life and did everything he could to make her feel like she's apart of their group.
In-Game Pros.
- Saved Clem ( Episode 1 )
- Defended Clem ( Episode 1 )
- Defends his group from Kenny. ( Episode 2 )
- Trys to help free his group ( Episode 3 )
- Protects his group ( Season 2 )
- Leader of a needie-ish group ( Season 2 )
- Trys to break-up arguements with his group ( Season 2 )
- Cute. lol ( Season 2 )
Carver had to die, no matter which way you cut it.
It was to dangerous to keep him alive.
While what Kenny did was indeed brutal, I don't blame him.
Carver killed Walter, Alvin, Reggie, and probably would've beaten Kenny to death if Bonnie hadn't stopped him.
But Kenny still ended up disfigured as a result.
If Kenny had done what he did to an innocent person, I'd really have a problem.
But then again, Carver was far from innocent!
What Kenny did to Carver, is no different than what Rick did to that Mexican gang leader on the tv show, shortly after the group got into the prison in season 3.
And look at the kind of man Rick has still managed to be!
While brutal when he has to be, he has still managed to keep his humanity
And I have a feeling it will be the same story with Kenny.
While brutal when he has to be, Kenny will still retain his humanity.
Eh, I wasn't offended at all. I just wanted to point out that a lot of your arguments for Kenny were based on determinant scenes, and I didn… more't realize you just wanted to recount your personal experience with him. So no harm done :)
Still, I have to add that I really don't believe killing Carver that way "had to be done"; it was completely unnecessary how brutal he was. Unless you're referring to just killing Carver in general as being necessary, rather than HOW Kenny did it, in which case nevermind.
I wasn't trying to imply that Kenny was selfish or that he doesn't care about Clem, I was just saying that when things didn't go the way he planned, he didn't show much concern about her safety. I don't expect him to be perfect. None of the people around Clem now are perfect, even Lee wasn't perfect.
If Kenny is as selfish as you imply, then why did he show me, as Lee, friendship after I had his back and supported him when our butt's were… more on the line?
If Kenny doesn't care about Clementine, why did he help me look for her?
If Kenny is as selfish as you say, then why did he try to help Ben, when Ben fell in the alley?
After all, Ben was the guy who got Kenny's family killed.
If Kenny doesn't care about her, then why when Clementine got back in the truck, Kenny frantically asked her if whether or not they hurt her?
If Kenny doesn't care about her, then why the hell did he get upset when Troy got rough with her?
If Kenny doesn't care about her, then why did he take the blame for the missing radio, as well as then taking such a horrendous beating for her?
In the light of these FACTS, what you are saying doesn't hold water.
And as far as Kenny being obsessed with finding a boat.
Kenny had just lost his EN… [view original content]
Remember that Clementine is the main charater, that is why she is usually called on to do so much. the game would just be a movie otherwise. I really don't think Kenny would ask only her to help him to fight the guards if the main character was one of the other people.
No offense, but that's an extremely biased viewpoint.
If Kenny is as selfless as you imply, then why did he leave me, as Lee, to die mu… moreltiple times for no other reason than “he didn’t kiss my ass”?
If Kenny cares about Clementine, why was he willing to leave her to die because of a petty grudge against her guardian?
If Kenny is as selfless as you say, then why did he goad Lee to MURDER Ben back in Crawford, and show vindictive GLEE if Lee goes through with it, even with Clementine right next to him?
If Kenny cares about Clementine, then why when he’s planning to escape the truck, he asks a LITTLE GIRL, and ONLY said little girl to help him fight a dozen armed guards with AK-47s?
If Kenny cares about Clem’s well being, why the hell would he allow her to watch him brutally beat a man to death with a crowbar? Does he honestly think that will be good for her mental health?
If Kenny cares about her, why does he get Cl… [view original content]
In-Game Pros.
- Saved Clem ( Episode 1 )
- Defended Clem ( Episode 1 )
- Defends his group from Kenny. ( Episode 2 )
- Trys to help … morefree his group ( Episode 3 )
- Protects his group ( Season 2 )
- Leader of a needie-ish group ( Season 2 )
- Trys to break-up arguements with his group ( Season 2 )
- Cute. lol ( Season 2 )
it could be worse, if you go on Tumblr there is seriously a "Omfg Luke, he's so hot, he can do no wrong" love fest going on 24/7. Even after… more everything that went down in episode 3. It makes my head hurt. Same goes for any other "attractive" character. Not to mention a lot of people on Tumblr seem to think every single character is gay, or must be some other variation of LGBTQ for twdg to be a "good game", or else it's "problematic"... It's really strange.
It truly is a strange and scary place, but they have such good gifs and photo sets! Still, I try not to go there too often anymore, if you disagree with them they're on you like rabid dogs.
I like Luke when he was Bonding with Clem, then now From what you said, I Agree, But we just wait and See for Episodes 4 and 5, so it's really too early to say. So we shouldn't talk just yet :)
Everyone Has their days, ups and downs, and then gets back up and become Victorious :) Just because He had a few flaws, Lets give Him a chance to Improve Himself
But Kenny is still a jerk to people tho, He has not Improved at all since S1.
Remember that Clementine is the main charater, that is why she is usually called on to do so much. the game would just be a movie otherwise.… more I really don't think Kenny would ask only her to help him to fight the guards if the main character was one of the other people.
Actually Nick shot right when Luke started to cover Clementine. Nick didn't shoot when they were already down. That's why Luke was pissed off at Nick for almost shooting them and for shooting Matthew.
2. Why take the chance? Carver is kind of a capable guy. Who's to say that he wouldn't have escaped? Who's to say that one of his guards wouldn't have strolled along and cut him free? Luke also never says or implies anything about Carver being doomed to the incoming horde, so we can't just assume that Luke was thinking that the horde was going to kill Carver for them. Honestly there is little difference in finishing Carver off themselves versus leaving him to the herd. Either way you're killing the guy, even though the latter option is somewhat indirectly.
3. I agree with this, Luke isn't being forced upon anyone.
4. We don't know if things would have gone that much smoother by leaving ~2 minutes earlier. They certainly would have still been in range of the gun fire. You're assuming way too much here.
Luke's approach could have very well resulted in Carver once again pursuing the group to the edge of the world in order to get his revenge. It wasn't a plausible idea for anyone that wanted to be sure that Carver would never hurt anyone ever again.
"Alright. I'll bite."
1. Luke didn't want to leave Kenny behind. He was actually against leaving that night, but everyone bitched and m… moreoaned about that idea so Luke says that IF they're serious about leaving that night then they'd have to leave folks behind and guess what? Everyone bitched and moaned about that too. Luke only suggested that idea because Kenny wasn't looking so good at the time and Carlos even mentions that Kenny possibly sustained brain damage from that beating (fortunately he didn't). From Carlos' diagnosis, Luke gathered that Kenny may be brain-damaged and immobile. Don't forget that Kenny is half-blind too. I'm willing to bet that if the roles were reversed, Kenny would have no problem leaving Luke behind.
2. You complain about how Luke can't make the hard decisions for the best of the group because of the Carver incident, but think about it. Carver was as good as dead. Luke jumps on the idea of tying him up beca… [view original content]
Very true.
How I wish Lee had survived to season 2.
I would've loved to have continued to play as him.
While Clementine is interesting, to me, she'll always be that little girl who needs a father figure.
Now one thing I'll admit would be fun, at least for me, would be able to create my own character.
Remember in the Mass Effect trilogy, how you were able to create his look, and choose from three preset pre-stories while the Voice for the character was already predetermined?
Well that's something I wish we could do, maybe in season 3.
The character meets Clementine, Kenny, and the others, his main goals are trying to win their trust, and he ends up becoming Clementine's new guardian/mentor of sorts.
I wasn't trying to imply that Kenny was selfish or that he doesn't care about Clem, I was just saying that when things didn't go the way he … moreplanned, he didn't show much concern about her safety. I don't expect him to be perfect. None of the people around Clem now are perfect, even Lee wasn't perfect.
2. Carver is as good as dead. All of his people are on the roof shooting while lurkers are infiltrating the camp from the loading dock where we left Carver. Carver has two shot up kneecaps so he's not going anywhere. Nowadays if you get shot in the kneecaps, you would need surgery and you'll be lucky if you can walk again. Since there's no hospitals or doctors during the apocalypse then if Carver miraculously survives, he would never be able to walk again. Also remember that his camp is going to be swarmed. If you eavesdrop on Tavia and one of Carver's henchmen's conversation, you'll hear that they failed to fight off a lurker hoard before. Now Luke mentions that this hoard is nothing Carver has seen before and he's sure that it's going to wash over the camp. Caver is not going to survive and if he does (which would be nonsense), he would never be able to walk again. Carver would be wheelchair bound so there's no way he can track down the group.
4. It was over 3 minutes of extra time they could have used to escape than Kenny letting Carver talk nonsense for like 2 whole minutes then taking an extra minute to smash his face in over and over which was overkill and unnecessary. That's definitely enough time they could have used to escape the area and since Carver's people were trying to shoot the lurkers that were close to the camp rather than the outermost lurkers, we would've been fine since with that time we could have covered a lot more distance than we did without that extra time. Kenny single-handily caused those chain events that put the group in danger because he wanted his own sense of vengeance. People either died, were hurt, were put in unnecessary danger, or were separated which could have been avoided if it wasn't for Kenny's need for revenge.
1. Agreed, more or less.
2. Why take the chance? Carver is kind of a capable guy. Who's to say that he wouldn't have escaped? Who's to … moresay that one of his guards wouldn't have strolled along and cut him free? Luke also never says or implies anything about Carver being doomed to the incoming horde, so we can't just assume that Luke was thinking that the horde was going to kill Carver for them. Honestly there is little difference in finishing Carver off themselves versus leaving him to the herd. Either way you're killing the guy, even though the latter option is somewhat indirectly.
3. I agree with this, Luke isn't being forced upon anyone.
4. We don't know if things would have gone that much smoother by leaving ~2 minutes earlier. They certainly would have still been in range of the gun fire. You're assuming way too much here.
Luke's approach could have very well resulted in Carver once again pursuing the group to the edge… [view original content]
Whether you think it is likely that he would die or not, it really doesn't matter. You're giving him a chance to survive. And even IF he has trouble walking again, that doesn't mean that he can't send his men after the group. He doesn't need to go after them by himself. By leaving Carver alive, you're leaving the door open for him to seek revenge. Honestly the guy would not need a miracle in order to survive. You don't know that all of his men are up on the wall. Also, wouldn't at least one of the higher ranking members start to wonder where Carver is? Hes sort of.. you know.. their leader and all. They're going to be wanting to know what his orders are. Carver could have very well told his guards that he was going to go head off the group at the loading dock. They would know where to look for him if this was the case. There is no good reason for the group to be taking these kind of chances.
~3 minutes of extra walking time would not have gotten them out of immediate gunfire range. How fast do you think they were walking..? They were moving very slow. You can't just assume that something similar would not have happened. Sarah may have freaked out regardless, and someone else still could have gotten shot by a stay bullet. There is no point in speculating what may have happened, because there are a ton of different things that could happen. Assuming that they would have gotten through safe and sound if not for Kenny taking a little long to kill Carver is kind of silly.
Also, if they would have gone with Luke's idea and tied Carver up somewhere, that probably would have taken awhile as well. No one even had any rope on hand. Plus, they could have been arguing over what to do with Carver for awhile, but Kenny was the guy who ended the discussion and took action.
2. Carver is as good as dead. All of his people are on the roof shooting while lurkers are infiltrating the camp from the loading dock where… more we left Carver. Carver has two shot up kneecaps so he's not going anywhere. Nowadays if you get shot in the kneecaps, you would need surgery and you'll be lucky if you can walk again. Since there's no hospitals or doctors during the apocalypse then if Carver miraculously survives, he would never be able to walk again. Also remember that his camp is going to be swarmed. If you eavesdrop on Tavia and one of Carver's henchmen's conversation, you'll hear that they failed to fight off a lurker hoard before. Now Luke mentions that this hoard is nothing Carver has seen before and he's sure that it's going to wash over the camp. Caver is not going to survive and if he does (which would be nonsense), he would never be able to walk again. Carver would be wheelchair bound so there's no way he can track down the gro… [view original content]
I kinda agree with you about wanting to play as Lee in season 2, But I really liked the way S1 ended. I think S3 we will continue to play as Clem, but I think some time will pass either between seasons, or at the beginning of S3.
Very true.
How I wish Lee had survived to season 2.
I would've loved to have continued to play as him.
While Clementine is interest… moreing, to me, she'll always be that little girl who needs a father figure.
Now one thing I'll admit would be fun, at least for me, would be able to create my own character.
Remember in the Mass Effect trilogy, how you were able to create his look, and choose from three preset pre-stories while the Voice for the character was already predetermined?
Well that's something I wish we could do, maybe in season 3.
The character meets Clementine, Kenny, and the others, his main goals are trying to win their trust, and he ends up becoming Clementine's new guardian/mentor of sorts.
Kenny put the group in danger to fulfill his own bloodlust. An alternative was just putting a bullet through his head, but guess what? Kenny took his time with Carver even though my Clem told him that we didn't have enough time. Anyways, Carver's people were too busy trying to keep the walkers away the best they can that they couldn't go down to find Carver. Carver didn't know that the group had an insider (Bonnie) to spring them out of their lockup. There's no way Carver could have known that they were going to escape through the loading dock. If anything I bet he was actually trying to fix it since if you remember that Troy hits the door with the truck and the rails were tweaked. Carver was bleeding (lurkers are attracted to blood so he's the person they're going after) and couldn't use his legs, he's as good as dead. Sure Luke's plan wasn't great, but Kenny's was worse and had consequences. What Carlos said earlier in the episode is relevant to this situation. Regardless of intent, rash actions have consequences and Carlos died because of it which is foreshadowing and ironic.
Yes 3 minutes of extra walking time would have gotten them out of immediate gunfire range. There was a forest nearby Carver's camp that they were walking towards. If they would have gotten there then they would have been home free since Carver's people were shooting lurkers that were close to the camp and we would've been in the forest with trees that would've blocked their field of vision and it would've covered us from gunfire. We walked for 30 seconds and we were already more than halfway there to the forest. An extra 3 minutes added would've guaranteed us safety from getting shot since we would be deep in the forest immersed by trees while Carver's camp would've been inundated by lurkers.
Luke was okay with leaving him with shot to hell kneecaps. Kenny didn't end the discussion and took action. He walked around Carver for a couple of minutes then non-essentially wailed on Carver's face for a minute. Kenny wasted essential time that we could have used.
Whether you think it is likely that he would die or not, it really doesn't matter. You're giving him a chance to survive. And even IF he has… more trouble walking again, that doesn't mean that he can't send his men after the group. He doesn't need to go after them by himself. By leaving Carver alive, you're leaving the door open for him to seek revenge. Honestly the guy would not need a miracle in order to survive. You don't know that all of his men are up on the wall. Also, wouldn't at least one of the higher ranking members start to wonder where Carver is? Hes sort of.. you know.. their leader and all. They're going to be wanting to know what his orders are. Carver could have very well told his guards that he was going to go head off the group at the loading dock. They would know where to look for him if this was the case. There is no good reason for the group to be taking these kind of chances.
~3 minutes of extra walking time would not ha… [view original content]
Where are you getting this idea that they're going to a forest? No one mentions anything about a forest, and there is no visual evidence of an actual forest. Just because you see a handful of trees does not mean there is a forest. A forest is much thicker with trees than that. It didn't really look like they were half way to the thickest part anyway. I don't understand how you could even guess that they were, it's impossible to tell. Not to be rude, but you're really assuming a ton of things here. Even if they got out of range of the gunfire, and found extra cover in the trees, there is no telling what other things could have happened. Sarah was already close to freaking out by the time Carlos gets shot, to the point where Carlos is begging you to say something to help calm her down. With all the extra talking that was going on, something easily could have happened. You can't just assume everything would have been smooth sailing if they had left a tad earlier. You're complaining that Kenny's decision took too much time, but Luke tying the guy up somewhere would have taken a little while as well. Especially when you consider that the argument over what to do with Carver would have lasted longer if Kenny had not taken matters into his own hands.
Again, you're just assuming things. You can't just assume that you know what Carver's guards were doing. You have no clue what they were doing (as a whole). You don't have any idea what they were thinking, and you have no idea whether they would go to look for Carver or not. He is their leader, and they wait for his orders. It isn't far fetched to think that someone would go look for him. Heck, if Luke had it his way, Troy would have absolutely ran right into Carver at the loading dock, where he could have proceeded to save him. That leaves a pretty big dent in your theory right there.
When I was talking about Kenny taking action, I was talking about when everyone was arguing over what to do with Carver... as in him making his decision to shoot out Carver's knees and then finish him off. There is no denying that he is the one who took action there.
Kenny put the group in danger to fulfill his own bloodlust. An alternative was just putting a bullet through his head, but guess what? Kenny… more took his time with Carver even though my Clem told him that we didn't have enough time. Anyways, Carver's people were too busy trying to keep the walkers away the best they can that they couldn't go down to find Carver. Carver didn't know that the group had an insider (Bonnie) to spring them out of their lockup. There's no way Carver could have known that they were going to escape through the loading dock. If anything I bet he was actually trying to fix it since if you remember that Troy hits the door with the truck and the rails were tweaked. Carver was bleeding (lurkers are attracted to blood so he's the person they're going after) and couldn't use his legs, he's as good as dead. Sure Luke's plan wasn't great, but Kenny's was worse and had consequences. What Carlos said earlier in the episode is releva… [view original content]
Do you know what a forest is? A forest is a large area covered chiefly with trees and other plants. There were trees surrounding Carver's camp so I think that would constitute a forest. I meant they were halfway to entering the forest not being in the thickest part. You state that I assume things yet you're assuming that something had to go wrong. For example, Sarah freaking out. Was Sarah nervous and tense? Sure, but she only started screaming when her father was shot in the neck and eaten alive in front of her. She didn't even freak out when her father was initially shot. It's when he keeled over and started getting eaten is when she started to freak out (can't blame her). The only person who can suggest to tie up Carver is Clem, Luke wasn't the one who brought it up. You also have the option to say "let's go".
Carver's guards asked "where's Bill? We need him up here". That's it. They never said "Someone go get Bill" so that makes me believe that they were too busy with the problem at hand to really do anything. Why didn't Troy bring up them killing Carver when he confronted them? Troy was surprise to even see them out there and it's as if he missed Carver's body altogether. Carver would rather put a bullet in his Rebecca and his baby than let them escape so I'm sure Carver would yell at Troy to go after us than help him which would result in the same fate Troy had before and Carver gets swarmed in the loading dock. Lurkers were already getting into the loading dock and we didn't see anyone else other than Troy in there.
If Kenny really wanted to take action than he should have shot Carver in the head. Instead of Kenny shooting his kneecaps when Luke was pointing a gun at him, why couldn't Kenny just put a bullet in his head and we haul ass out of there? 3 minute head start. Mission success. Carver's dead and those unfortunate events I stated earlier wouldn't have happened. It's a win-win situation.
Where are you getting this idea that they're going to a forest? No one mentions anything about a forest, and there is no visual evidence of … morean actual forest. Just because you see a handful of trees does not mean there is a forest. A forest is much thicker with trees than that. It didn't really look like they were half way to the thickest part anyway. I don't understand how you could even guess that they were, it's impossible to tell. Not to be rude, but you're really assuming a ton of things here. Even if they got out of range of the gunfire, and found extra cover in the trees, there is no telling what other things could have happened. Sarah was already close to freaking out by the time Carlos gets shot, to the point where Carlos is begging you to say something to help calm her down. With all the extra talking that was going on, something easily could have happened. You can't just assume everything would have been smooth sailing if they had l… [view original content]
I'm not assuming that something would go wrong. I'm telling you that something COULD have gone wrong. Never once did I say something would have gone wrong. I was simply saying that you implying that everything would have been smooth sailing if the group had set out a couple minutes earlier is not nesescarily true what so ever. There is a huge number of things that could have gone wrong. End of story.
I'll say again; "You can't just assume that you know what Carver's guards were doing. You have no clue what they were doing (as a whole). You don't have any idea what they were thinking, and you have no idea whether they would go to look for Carver or not. He is their leader, and they wait for his orders. It isn't far fetched to think that someone would go look for him." The guards on the wall were not the only guards in the compound. The fact that even one of them inquired about Carver's location showed that they were in fact concerned about him. This only strengthens the idea that they would go look for him, not the other way around. As for Troy, I don't know how in the hell he would manage not to see Carver's corpse laying on the ground. Its laying right there by the exit. I think he was probably too shocked and disgusted by the group covering themselves in walker guts to even bring it up. Anyway, it doesn't really matter. If Carver had been left alive, all he would have had to do is call out to Troy when he saw him running through the loading dock area. Who knows for sure what would happen after that, but the point is that you're giving Carver a legitimate shot at survival. That is a terrible idea, no matter what excuses you give it.
You're not understanding what I'm talking about. I'm strictly talking about Kenny taking action when the group is debating what to do with Carver. If he didn't do what he did there, how long would the group have argued amongst themselves? I'm sorry, but blaming the "unfortunate events" strictly on Kenny is ridiculous considering the large number of variables. Man, if only Jane had dealt with Troy a little faster Carlos would have been approximatley 2.2ft away from his original position of getting shot and he would have been totally fine. Fuckin' Jane.
Do you know what a forest is? A forest is a large area covered chiefly with trees and other plants. There were trees surrounding Carver's ca… moremp so I think that would constitute a forest. I meant they were halfway to entering the forest not being in the thickest part. You state that I assume things yet you're assuming that something had to go wrong. For example, Sarah freaking out. Was Sarah nervous and tense? Sure, but she only started screaming when her father was shot in the neck and eaten alive in front of her. She didn't even freak out when her father was initially shot. It's when he keeled over and started getting eaten is when she started to freak out (can't blame her). The only person who can suggest to tie up Carver is Clem, Luke wasn't the one who brought it up. You also have the option to say "let's go".
Carver's guards asked "where's Bill? We need him up here". That's it. They never said "Someone go get Bill" so that makes me b… [view original content]
1. Luke didn't want to leave Kenny behind. He was actually against leaving that night, but everyone bitched and moaned about that idea so Luke says that IF they're serious about leaving that night then they'd have to leave folks behind and guess what? Everyone bitched and moaned about that too. Luke only suggested that idea because Kenny wasn't looking so good at the time and Carlos even mentions that Kenny possibly sustained brain damage from that beating (fortunately he didn't). From Carlos' diagnosis, Luke gathered that Kenny may be brain-damaged and immobile. Don't forget that Kenny is half-blind too. I'm willing to bet that if the roles were reversed, Kenny would have no problem leaving Luke behind.
2. You complain about how Luke can't make the hard decisions for the best of the group because of the Carver incident, but think about it. Carver was as good as dead. Luke jumps on the idea of tying him up because there are thousands of walkers swarming the camp and Carver's group doesn't have enough ammunition to survive the attack. Carver would've fallen St. Johns style. Like Bonnie said "A herd is what tears this community apart" literally. Kenny taking his time to kill Carver the way he did instead of just leaving him crippled and letting him get eaten by walkers costed Carlos's life, Sarah to disappear, and Sarita to get bitten. Additionally, Luke was willing (even though he didn't want to) to leave Kenny behind to increase the group's chances in escaping and so they don't kill themselves trying. I call that a hard decision.
3. Saying that Telltale is forcing his character on us is a subjective view since we hardly saw or interacted with him in Episode 3. I could say that Telltale is forcing Kenny on us by the way he's trying to take on a guardian role with Clem. You may not think that way since you like Kenny, but what about to a person who may dislike Kenny? Every person's opinion differs.
4. How do you know that Luke just hightailed out of there intentionally? If anything, Kenny was the one who took his time with Carver. If Kenny would've left sooner instead of his emotional and hotheaded approach, they would've gotten out of there before Carver's men started raining AK-47 rounds on us. Because of Kenny's approach to killing Carver it set of a chain of events. It got Carlos killed which made Sarah scream which made the lurkers aware of our presence which made Sarita get bit. Sarita is as good as dead because of Kenny. Here's my reasoning, we either don't cut off Sarita's arm and wait which would be too late or we cut off her arm with a hatchet covered in lurker blood which is going to make her get infected and turn anyways. Guess what's going to happen when Sarita dies? If you guessed that Kenny is going to go off the deep end (more than he already has) then you guessed correct! Luke's approach believe it or not, was more humane, efficient and would've caused the least causalities. Kenny couldn't get to Sarita with the thousands of lurkers and the heavy automatic fire coming from the roof. Don't you think that Luke got separated instead of him just running away?
If Kenny is as selfless as you imply, then why did he leave me, as Lee, to die multiple times for no other reason than “he didn’t kiss my ass”?
If Kenny cares about Clementine, why was he willing to leave her to die because of a petty grudge against her guardian?
If Kenny is as selfless as you say, then why did he goad Lee to MURDER Ben back in Crawford, and show vindictive GLEE if Lee goes through with it, even with Clementine right next to him?
If Kenny cares about Clementine, then why when he’s planning to escape the truck, he asks a LITTLE GIRL, and ONLY said little girl to help him fight a dozen armed guards with AK-47s?
If Kenny cares about Clem’s well being, why the hell would he allow her to watch him brutally beat a man to death with a crowbar? Does he honestly think that will be good for her mental health?
If Kenny cares about her, why does he get Clem to do pretty much everything? The most glaring example is having her give the radio to Luke, when there really wasn’t any reason why he or Mike couldn’t have done it.
In the light of these other FACTS, what you are saying also doesn't hold much water.
And as far as Kenny finding a boat giving him a purpose, this obsession is what got a bunch of people killed. Maybe not directly, but if it wasn’t for his ridiculously vague and poorly thought out plan, several lives could’ve been saved. I really wish we could’ve gone with Christa’s countryside plan earlier…
And good job Kenny, you decided to get wasted at the worst possible time. Despite the fact that Clem is missing, Omid is dying, and the whole group is trapped in a walker infested city thanks to your poor leadership, you decide to wallow in self pity and get drunk.
Yes, Kenny has his good points. No one is saying that he’s completely worthless. I’m just saying that you seem to be giving Kenny far too much leeway and focusing ONLY on his good points.
There’s a point when someone’s faults become too much to deal with, and you need to understand that some people really can’t handle Kenny’s (undeniably numerous) flaws. Not to say that he’s a bad guy, but please don’t be so biased against people with a different opinion from you :(
If I offended you, then I apologize.
I was more or less just giving my personal experience with him.
When he turned to Clementine for help, both in the truck and getting the radio to Luke, I think it was mainly out of trust.
Clementine has proved herself quite handy in the past.
Remember the meat locker incident, when Clementine crawled through the air-duct and opened the locked door?
I know if it were me, I'd have chosen her to get the radio to Luke, as well as asked her to help in the truck.
Kenny has done alright by me.
And one of the things I like most about him is, he just doesn't give up.
He'll never just turn belly-up and beg.
I will admit, I didn't like the way Kenny killed Carver.
Although I do believe it had to be done.
If Carver had been left alive, then he would've just come after the group again.
So in short, Carver was to dangerous to be kept alive.
And I can understand Kenny's reasons for killing him.
After all not only did Carver murder Walt, but also beat Kenny so badly that Kenny will probably end up totally blind in that eye.
I know if someone killed a friend of mine, and then beat me so bad that it basically disfigured me, I'd want revenge too
And as far as Kenny letting Clementine watch him kill Carver, he did give Clementine the option of walking away, even encouraging her to do so.
Clementine ( the player), decides whether or not to watch.
So that decision is on the player, in all fairness.
It is true, Luke in the game has been mostly seen to be in need of "rescuing". We didn't really see him in action OR to be successful with his intentions. You wonder if he is someone you can rely on.
So why everyone does falls for him?
Luke might not have been successful with his intentions, but he has a good mentality. It’s funny because you sort of fall for him when he was at the bridge. He needed rescuing but for some reason it truly shows his character of being a calm and steady person, who takes things easy, has optimistic good attitude, has a smart and steady mentality, that truly outshines his whole personality(maybe this is not the right word but something along the line).
It is actually really simple. Think about the whole situation in the walking dead, not many guys (or mates *cough) are there in the zombie apocalypse. Some are just a bit old (like lee), some are just too young (like Ben...actually not for me), some are taken (like Kenny), some are just to irrational (again like Kenny) , some are just too nice to survive (Mark), and last but not least (NOT LEAST AT ALL I SAY) : some have just gone crazy ape shit (like St John and Carver).
So who is the most young but manly guys out there in the walking dead game? It’s probably Mark, Nick and Luke. Among the people I wouldn’t mind having Luke, Lee or Mark by my side. But who do you want the most in a zombie apocalypse? Probably Luke or Lee (Lee I believe is also handsome in a gentleman way).
Now let’s Luke at look XD
Nice Guy? Check! Young? Check! Smart enough to infiltrate the camp? Check! Surviving in the ZA? Check! Carries Leadership skills? Check (its level B not A), Attractive? Hell yeah!. Bonus: Carries a machete like a warrior? Oh baby please marry me!
This is strictly from my fan girl’s perspective, but as for who should be the right guardian for Clementine. That is another subject to discuss differently. I have to say though we need both Pizza and Ice Cream for a healthy developing child who is living in a ZA.
Though yes, I was disappointed in him getting caught (dang it). I am a bit skeptical about him disappearing for an SECOND time. Nick won’t be there to enforce the trust anymore. Dammit Luke.
Still, I have to add that I really don't believe killing Carver that way "had to be done"; it was completely unnecessary how brutal he was. Unless you're referring to just killing Carver in general as being necessary, rather than HOW Kenny did it, in which case nevermind.
- Saved Clem ( Episode 1 )
- Defended Clem ( Episode 1 )
- Defends his group from Kenny. ( Episode 2 )
- Trys to help free his group ( Episode 3 )
- Protects his group ( Season 2 )
- Leader of a needie-ish group ( Season 2 )
- Trys to break-up arguements with his group ( Season 2 )
- Cute. lol ( Season 2 )
It was to dangerous to keep him alive.
While what Kenny did was indeed brutal, I don't blame him.
Carver killed Walter, Alvin, Reggie, and probably would've beaten Kenny to death if Bonnie hadn't stopped him.
But Kenny still ended up disfigured as a result.
If Kenny had done what he did to an innocent person, I'd really have a problem.
But then again, Carver was far from innocent!
What Kenny did to Carver, is no different than what Rick did to that Mexican gang leader on the tv show, shortly after the group got into the prison in season 3.
And look at the kind of man Rick has still managed to be!
While brutal when he has to be, he has still managed to keep his humanity
And I have a feeling it will be the same story with Kenny.
While brutal when he has to be, Kenny will still retain his humanity.
-gave clem a gun. (episode 2)
Everyone Has their days, ups and downs, and then gets back up and become Victorious :) Just because He had a few flaws, Lets give Him a chance to Improve Himself
But Kenny is still a jerk to people tho, He has not Improved at all since S1.
2. Why take the chance? Carver is kind of a capable guy. Who's to say that he wouldn't have escaped? Who's to say that one of his guards wouldn't have strolled along and cut him free? Luke also never says or implies anything about Carver being doomed to the incoming horde, so we can't just assume that Luke was thinking that the horde was going to kill Carver for them. Honestly there is little difference in finishing Carver off themselves versus leaving him to the herd. Either way you're killing the guy, even though the latter option is somewhat indirectly.
3. I agree with this, Luke isn't being forced upon anyone.
4. We don't know if things would have gone that much smoother by leaving ~2 minutes earlier. They certainly would have still been in range of the gun fire. You're assuming way too much here.
Luke's approach could have very well resulted in Carver once again pursuing the group to the edge of the world in order to get his revenge. It wasn't a plausible idea for anyone that wanted to be sure that Carver would never hurt anyone ever again.
How I wish Lee had survived to season 2.
I would've loved to have continued to play as him.
While Clementine is interesting, to me, she'll always be that little girl who needs a father figure.
Now one thing I'll admit would be fun, at least for me, would be able to create my own character.
Remember in the Mass Effect trilogy, how you were able to create his look, and choose from three preset pre-stories while the Voice for the character was already predetermined?
Well that's something I wish we could do, maybe in season 3.
The character meets Clementine, Kenny, and the others, his main goals are trying to win their trust, and he ends up becoming Clementine's new guardian/mentor of sorts.
4. It was over 3 minutes of extra time they could have used to escape than Kenny letting Carver talk nonsense for like 2 whole minutes then taking an extra minute to smash his face in over and over which was overkill and unnecessary. That's definitely enough time they could have used to escape the area and since Carver's people were trying to shoot the lurkers that were close to the camp rather than the outermost lurkers, we would've been fine since with that time we could have covered a lot more distance than we did without that extra time. Kenny single-handily caused those chain events that put the group in danger because he wanted his own sense of vengeance. People either died, were hurt, were put in unnecessary danger, or were separated which could have been avoided if it wasn't for Kenny's need for revenge.
~3 minutes of extra walking time would not have gotten them out of immediate gunfire range. How fast do you think they were walking..? They were moving very slow. You can't just assume that something similar would not have happened. Sarah may have freaked out regardless, and someone else still could have gotten shot by a stay bullet. There is no point in speculating what may have happened, because there are a ton of different things that could happen. Assuming that they would have gotten through safe and sound if not for Kenny taking a little long to kill Carver is kind of silly.
Also, if they would have gone with Luke's idea and tied Carver up somewhere, that probably would have taken awhile as well. No one even had any rope on hand. Plus, they could have been arguing over what to do with Carver for awhile, but Kenny was the guy who ended the discussion and took action.
- Gave Clem a hatchet ( Episode 3 )
Yes 3 minutes of extra walking time would have gotten them out of immediate gunfire range. There was a forest nearby Carver's camp that they were walking towards. If they would have gotten there then they would have been home free since Carver's people were shooting lurkers that were close to the camp and we would've been in the forest with trees that would've blocked their field of vision and it would've covered us from gunfire. We walked for 30 seconds and we were already more than halfway there to the forest. An extra 3 minutes added would've guaranteed us safety from getting shot since we would be deep in the forest immersed by trees while Carver's camp would've been inundated by lurkers.
Luke was okay with leaving him with shot to hell kneecaps. Kenny didn't end the discussion and took action. He walked around Carver for a couple of minutes then non-essentially wailed on Carver's face for a minute. Kenny wasted essential time that we could have used.
Again, you're just assuming things. You can't just assume that you know what Carver's guards were doing. You have no clue what they were doing (as a whole). You don't have any idea what they were thinking, and you have no idea whether they would go to look for Carver or not. He is their leader, and they wait for his orders. It isn't far fetched to think that someone would go look for him. Heck, if Luke had it his way, Troy would have absolutely ran right into Carver at the loading dock, where he could have proceeded to save him. That leaves a pretty big dent in your theory right there.
When I was talking about Kenny taking action, I was talking about when everyone was arguing over what to do with Carver... as in him making his decision to shoot out Carver's knees and then finish him off. There is no denying that he is the one who took action there.
Carver's guards asked "where's Bill? We need him up here". That's it. They never said "Someone go get Bill" so that makes me believe that they were too busy with the problem at hand to really do anything. Why didn't Troy bring up them killing Carver when he confronted them? Troy was surprise to even see them out there and it's as if he missed Carver's body altogether. Carver would rather put a bullet in his Rebecca and his baby than let them escape so I'm sure Carver would yell at Troy to go after us than help him which would result in the same fate Troy had before and Carver gets swarmed in the loading dock. Lurkers were already getting into the loading dock and we didn't see anyone else other than Troy in there.
If Kenny really wanted to take action than he should have shot Carver in the head. Instead of Kenny shooting his kneecaps when Luke was pointing a gun at him, why couldn't Kenny just put a bullet in his head and we haul ass out of there? 3 minute head start. Mission success. Carver's dead and those unfortunate events I stated earlier wouldn't have happened. It's a win-win situation.
I'll say again; "You can't just assume that you know what Carver's guards were doing. You have no clue what they were doing (as a whole). You don't have any idea what they were thinking, and you have no idea whether they would go to look for Carver or not. He is their leader, and they wait for his orders. It isn't far fetched to think that someone would go look for him." The guards on the wall were not the only guards in the compound. The fact that even one of them inquired about Carver's location showed that they were in fact concerned about him. This only strengthens the idea that they would go look for him, not the other way around. As for Troy, I don't know how in the hell he would manage not to see Carver's corpse laying on the ground. Its laying right there by the exit. I think he was probably too shocked and disgusted by the group covering themselves in walker guts to even bring it up. Anyway, it doesn't really matter. If Carver had been left alive, all he would have had to do is call out to Troy when he saw him running through the loading dock area. Who knows for sure what would happen after that, but the point is that you're giving Carver a legitimate shot at survival. That is a terrible idea, no matter what excuses you give it.
You're not understanding what I'm talking about. I'm strictly talking about Kenny taking action when the group is debating what to do with Carver. If he didn't do what he did there, how long would the group have argued amongst themselves? I'm sorry, but blaming the "unfortunate events" strictly on Kenny is ridiculous considering the large number of variables. Man, if only Jane had dealt with Troy a little faster Carlos would have been approximatley 2.2ft away from his original position of getting shot and he would have been totally fine. Fuckin' Jane.