Who do you think will die in episode 4?!?



  • I just stole it for the giggles and almost died laughing when I was kind of rewarded for my sticky fingers with Nick's happiness. :-D
    But yeah, like I said, I WANT to believe in this theory, but I'm losing hope. Actually... I don't have any hope for it at all anymore - so... it's more of a possibility that Nick will die next Episode.
    It would've been a really awesome change for determinant characters, though. It's frustrating to know that it (in all objectivity) doesn't matter who you save, because the other one dies at some point anyway...
    Spooch posted: »

    That's not fair for us people who didn't want to rob this poor group :\ .

  • edited May 2014
    MY GOODNESS please tell me how they can handle it. Even they they don't, people are gonna complain about their limited screentime. Even though -SOMEHOW- they gave determinant characters enough screentime, another thing will get worse. Story, other characters, graphics maybe... Dunno. So please stop complaining about it.

    And I think they should stop killing off determinants as well

  • edited May 2014
    Well we know with Sarita she might not have long, and I think Nick's a goner too, I don't see him surviving through episode 4 (weeps). Rebecca's life is 50/50 right now. She might not make it but I just hope she gets to see her baby first or that'll really suck for her T____T

    Sarita, Nick and Rebecca are the three I voted to. I wasn't too sure on Mike and Jane though, they just seem very secondary characters and might not last long.
  • No it's not. It kinda is.
  • No they won't.
    People never complained about Carley or Doug's limited screen time, well maybe some people did but everyone complains over something, And how in the world will graphics get worse?

    MY GOODNESS please tell me how they can handle it. Even they they don't, people are gonna complain about their limited screentime. Even thou

  • I'm surprised only like 10 people have voted for Jane.
    Lilacsbloom posted: »

    Well we know with Sarita she might not have long, and I think Nick's a goner too, I don't see him surviving through episode 4 (weeps). Rebec

  • There isn't a lot of change in the polls now.
  • I threw in my vote, such as it is.

    I voted Sarah, because I think it's not unlikely.

    I voted Kenny cause I hope he dies.

    I would vote for more, but I have a hard time determining if I think they'll die or not (which I guess I'm not alone in)
  • I doubt the blood will affect it,I mean clearly when they're all fighting with melee weapons there will be some walker's blood that goes inside their bodies,I'm certain only the bite and a death with brain intact that turn them into zombies
    booki94 posted: »

    I definetly think Sarita. If you decide not to chop her arm off its pretty clear shes going to die. So but remember if you do, before choppi

  • And to add on to this, Ben was Determinant and he got some decent screentime, and even added an extra element to the Episode if he was saved in the previous episode; allowing the player to give Kenny more bullets if the player did not shoot any of the Walkers in the House.
    Carley123 posted: »

    No they won't. People never complained about Carley or Doug's limited screen time, well maybe some people did but everyone complains over something, And how in the world will graphics get worse?

  • I think her accent is sexy as well, so if you're weird then so am I.
  • Yeah just because Sarita is in first doesn't mean she will die. And just because Jane is in like last it doesn't mean she won't die
    Eguro posted: »

    I threw in my vote, such as it is. I voted Sarah, because I think it's not unlikely. I voted Kenny cause I hope he dies. I wo

  • edited May 2014
    sarah : dies but they wont show her death on ep4, instead they'll make it the main theme to look for her in ep4 only to know she died on ep5, kind of like sophia on tv show.

    sarita : shes soo dead

    rebbeca : died at childbirth (baby survive)

    kenny : kinda get the feeling the reason he's so dominant in ep3 is cus they will kill him on ep4
  • For some reason I want him to drown. No ones drowned yet.
    CatySky posted: »

    Nick is pretty much doomed. If he manages somehow to survive 204 he will die in 205. I just hope his death will be beautiful ( not like Carlos' more like Alvin's )

  • For some reason I want him to drown. No ones drowned yet.
    CatySky posted: »

    Nick is pretty much doomed. If he manages somehow to survive 204 he will die in 205. I just hope his death will be beautiful ( not like Carlos' more like Alvin's )

  • "Wyatt?!"


    "He looked like he was gonna shoot!"

    This. AND THEY NEED TO REUNITE HIM WITH WYATT We need that bromance.

  • Mike is less likely to die , He's a badass !
    Kordas posted: »

    I think that Sarita, Nick and Mike will die in episode 4.

  • It's strange that some folks picked Clementine
  • Nick for sure. I think TTG purposely used E3 to build up Alvin a bit before he died, which is why they completely ignored Nick. So they're going to use E4 to build up Nick before they kill him off too.

    I honestly don't know besides that. If they're bringing in the 400 Days characters, that's a TON of people, so it has to get weeded down somehow. Plus they're the possible of other new characters, or NPCs from 400 Days (Eddie? Nate?). I would be really pissed if the 400 Days characters' appearances were nothing more than a cameo, but at the same time I'd hate to see other good characters get killed to make room for them.

    I think it's plausible for Mike, Sarita, Rebecca, her baby, Sarah, or Bonnie to die this episode. I wouldn't be surprised if any of those kick the bucket. I WOULD be surprised if Kenny, Luke, or Jane dies.

    There are SO many characters. I'm really hoping we end this season with more than just Clem!
  • I think nick should be higher than Sarita Maybe
    skeletori posted: »

    Nick for sure. I think TTG purposely used E3 to build up Alvin a bit before he died, which is why they completely ignored Nick. So they're g

  • #FuckHashtags
    Carley123 posted: »

    #savenick #savenick

  • Kenny will drown trying to save his boat.
    Carley123 posted: »

    For some reason I want him to drown. No ones drowned yet.

  • Sarita for sure. Probably Nick too.
  • How do you want nick and Sarita to do die?
    Metafrost posted: »

    Sarita for sure. Probably Nick too.

  • I agree. Sarita is not seen in the ep4 trailer, it is likely she dies from blood loss if you chop her arm off and even if you don't, I'd say she wouldn't have made it out from the herd anyway. Nick will almost certainly die in this episode him being determinant and Mike and Jane will die at some point although Jane seems to be a smart, surviving character it seems so she could survive to Ep5 at least.
    Kordas posted: »

    I think that Sarita, Nick and Mike will die in episode 4.

  • Moowtje72Moowtje72 Banned
    edited May 2014
    Not that I want these people dead, but these are my predictions :
    Sarita - will die early because of the hand/bite
    Nick - I don't know why, I just have a feeling
    Luke - He looked bitten/like shit, and when Kenny said : Where is Luke, I think they will see him as a zombie
    Rebecca - After her pregnancy, she will die
    And people we still don't know yet.
    NOTE : I don't want this people dead, I just have a feeling
  • Matthew kinda drowned u.u
    Carley123 posted: »

    For some reason I want him to drown. No ones drowned yet.

  • edited May 2014
    Nah they didn't put her in the preview so we don't know what happens to her till we play
    dan290786 posted: »

    I agree. Sarita is not seen in the ep4 trailer, it is likely she dies from blood loss if you chop her arm off and even if you don't, I'd say

  • They're keeping her out of the Episode 4 trailer to keep her fate ambiguous, also, the trailers are usually different from the episode's actual events because it hasn't been fully developed yet.
    dan290786 posted: »

    I agree. Sarita is not seen in the ep4 trailer, it is likely she dies from blood loss if you chop her arm off and even if you don't, I'd say

  • Thanks for 500 votes :)
  • I hope I get OVER 9000!!!!!
  • Everyone dies, no exceptions.
    TGP95 posted: »

    It's strange that some folks picked Clementine

  • #everyonedies
    BenUseful posted: »

    Everyone dies, no exceptions.

  • Nick(if saved)
    Almost all of Carvers random goons
    Some of the 400 days characters
  • Are you sure 400 days characters are in it?

    Nick(if saved) Rebecca Mike Tavia Almost all of Carvers random goons Some of the 400 days characters

  • He'd still have Clementine to live for
    Rock114 posted: »

    Sarita: C'mon, we all know how small her chances of survival are now that sh'es been bitten/arm chopped. She's a goner. Nick: The guy is d

  • i take that back the episode 4 picture has them behind her
    Carley123 posted: »

    Are you sure 400 days characters are in it?

  • no, we already know that body fluids can actually infect you.
    Herodriver posted: »

    I doubt the blood will affect it,I mean clearly when they're all fighting with melee weapons there will be some walker's blood that goes inside their bodies,I'm certain only the bite and a death with brain intact that turn them into zombies

  • -Sarita definitely
    -Rebecca's Baby

    Kenny has the power of deus ex machina, he cannot die. Luke will stay until the very end. Don't really know about Mike but I feel they need one of the new guys to go onto episode 5. Jane knows how to survive and isn't going to sacrifice herself for the group, I do think she'll leave at the end of the episode and I think Sarah will play a big part in episode 5 so she won't die.
  • Oh yeah? Tell that to Jesus.
    BenUseful posted: »

    Everyone dies, no exceptions.

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