How long do you think you would last in a zombie apocalypse?

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
Personally, I can't see myself as having the survival skills/ adaptability necessary for survival in the long run.


  • Long time as long as i don't drink too much of the kool-aid
  • I can't fire a gun and I have no outdoorsman experience what so ever. So around two days before I die of starvation.
  • Well I am pretty fast and very skinny, and I don't need a lot of food to survive. But I have never held a gun in my life and i'm the weakest shit you've seen.
  • I'd probably hide and then die of starvation
  • I'd probably be the first one to die. c:
  • Depends on their survival skill :/
  • edited May 2014
    Depends where would I be...
  • I'm aldready depressed as fuck, I would last a minute, probably because of suicide.
  • I'd try my best to make it. It's hard to say how long anyone would but I'd toughen up pretty fast and only care about those close to me and protecting my family. You could say I would go full Kenny.
  • edited May 2014
    I can survive for a while in Zombies in CoD i can make it to 50 so i am very well trained lol
  • Apparently I can't die thanks to Welcome_to_Woodbury :3

    But probably for like a few months I can stay alive.
  • Damn dude, don't be like that :/

    I'm aldready depressed as fuck, I would last a minute, probably because of suicide.

  • "Y'don't just end it because it's hard. Y'stick it out and help the folks you care about" - Kenny
    Just hang on bud, things will work out.

    I'm aldready depressed as fuck, I would last a minute, probably because of suicide.

  • it depends I live in a small town and have no survival skills whatsoever but I probably could survive a while if I was lucky and didn't take the piss so much
  • Id live forever.
  • *Looks at maimed Regi_* YOU HAD ONE JOB.
    Regi_ posted: »

    "Y'don't just end it because it's hard. Y'stick it out and help the folks you care about" - Kenny Just hang on bud, things will work out.

  • Well... If I didn't commit suicide in the first minutes, I would probably be a loner, I do not trust anyone, also someone give me a crossbow and a saltlick.

    I'm aldready depressed as fuck, I would last a minute, probably because of suicide.

  • none of my business but you might want to get some help of find someone who can relate to what your feeling

    I'm aldready depressed as fuck, I would last a minute, probably because of suicide.

  • Hey man, It wasn't my fault I got pushed off a roof.
    "What happened back there was straight fucked up"

    *Looks at maimed Regi_* YOU HAD ONE JOB.

  • man if zombie apocalypse is really happening
    i probably will just pack my bag and moved to fabletown
  • I've got Nick.
    TWD95 posted: »

    none of my business but you might want to get some help of find someone who can relate to what your feeling

  • I haven't worked out in half a year, can't carry anything heavier than an apple in my left hand, I literally can't physically hurt people and I get panic attacks from high saturation picture edits. Yeah, I... think I'm gonna need my mommy.
  • "I don't care! Your one job was to not be pushed off a roof, and you fucking failed!"
    Regi_ posted: »

    Hey man, It wasn't my fault I got pushed off a roof. "What happened back there was straight fucked up"

  • I will lock myself in my room and play walking dead and if power goes out then i will sit in corner and just die... soo depressing :/
  • After the sight, of one zombie...I would probably end my life there. In my opinion, there's no point of living, if the world has become that awful. owo
  • I apparently put everyone in danger because I didn't clip a few berries? Man, Carver is a dick ...

    "I don't care! Your one job was to not be pushed off a roof, and you fucking failed!"

  • "NO! You put everyone in danger by getting pushed of a damn roof! Just because you're maimed doesn't mean you can't fight a old piece of shitzu.
    Regi_ posted: »

    I apparently put everyone in danger because I didn't clip a few berries? Man, Carver is a dick ...

  • I know some really basic survival skills, and I can flint-knap, but yeah for the most part I'd be Sarah.
  • Either I'd like for a fair amount of time with a good group with bants and fun - 5% chance
    Or I'd die in the first 5 minutes and be the generic jump scare walker for a more interesting character - 95% chance
  • edited May 2014
    Well i'd drive towards my parent's ranch which is in the middle of no where and near a very small town (population like 100-200) which has a mini grocery store and such.

    So as long as i'd be able to get out there without getting infected, i'd basically be set for a good while. Also, there's a well, so there's a large amount of water... also my old junior bow and my parent's guns are at there as well.

    And as far as weapons, I have *some* strength and know how to shoot a gun and crossbows and such.
  • right now maybe like a month. but once I get back from an injury and learn to shoot maybe 1-2 years. need to learn to live of nature more. barely know some of gardening. but then again people are fucking crazy so I could die within the first 24 hours
  • edited May 2014
    i took a handgun course so i could probably live for a couple months?

    maybe 3 months tops
  • I think my first mode of action would be to find a group. Safety in numbers, and all. I could see myself in an establishment like Crawford or Carver's camp, turning a blind eye to the tyranny if it ensured my physical security.
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