Petition to Telltale Games



  • edited May 2014
    postimg(dot)org(slash)image(slash)9ax9iput3 These are my current course details for my university course. Will that suffice? I'm more than willing to take a selfie with my coursework and student loans papers if you wish?

    Now we've got your sarcastic criticism of my honesty out of the way lets move on to the rest of your all caps. There are other reasons for episodic adventures. Not just criticism, in which albeit is a large part of it. I never said you were better than anyone either, so not sure where your getting that from and yes, I'm am aware that you are not trying to overthrow a government. My argument is rather expansive, however I can't say the same for your replys. Now please turn off caps lock and debate like a civil person.
    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Well, I'm a physician from India who just invented a laser ray that turns everything into nachos, can you prove that? It's easy talking like

  • edited May 2014
    (my comment posted twice so I'll just put this here...)
    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Well, I'm a physician from India who just invented a laser ray that turns everything into nachos, can you prove that? It's easy talking like

  • edited May 2014
    The episodes are only $5 dollars so I think the episodes lengths are good right now, but it would be cool for them to be longer, hell I'm gonna sign it.

    I say we also make a petition to get images back on this site, its boring without funny gifs and meme to look at
  • So you complaining about us "people with no life" trying to make a change for good? That means you have no life right? "Grow up, Get some kind of life outside complaining at other people"
    tntlee2099 posted: »

    If you do not like the way TellTale's way of doing things, then stop playing. Do you think that the thought of a petition, signed by 28 peop

  • Who said we'll win? It's our right to show our opinion and criticize the game!
    Rob_K posted: »

    I do, and he is right. I also know what goes into writing a story, and that a story shouldn't be longer than it needs to be. The develo

  • I've posted my proof. He didn't have to call me a lair, asking for evidence would have been just as easy.
    AWESOMEO posted: »

    On the internet, you can't just make statements and think people will believe you, that's how internet pedophiles were born.

  • Still, you don't know how much experience the 50 people supporting this have, we're not just "fanboys".
    CamTheWoot posted: »

    I've posted my proof. He didn't have to call me a lair, asking for evidence would have been just as easy.

  • Yes... I'm actually talking to Relic right now... He's rather confused and slightly offended and I never hid anything from anyone. I'll have you know the wiki is ran by fine people whom I consider my friends. Please refrain from insulting them.
    CodPatrol posted: »

    Yes, I know. But that bastard Relic has caused a shit load of trouble. No one believed me but in the end they found out, next time don't hid

  • edited May 2014
    You know, this is off-topic . . . but to go along with what I said earlier, there's been something on my mind for a long time.

    Why can't people care about people living on the streets and other problems as passionately as they do about a game that doesn't really matter in the grand scheme of things, outside of providing entertainment? Though sure, games and stories have the capacity to make us think.

    Same deal with celebrities. Even though people have likely never met them, they care more about them than they do the people living nearby. *shrugs*

    Just observations from someone who doesn't matter, anyway, and someone who is very much jaded with things as all this arguing and getting worked up over a game doesn't make sense to me. (Personally, I'm looking forward to Always Sometimes Monsters for this reason, releasing tomorrow, as it touches on life supposedly)
  • Actually I did not insinuate anything, insinuate means hint. I directly said you were immature.
  • You must not have a large vocabulary if the only way you can retort to a post is talking the way you do. You're not in the minority? Hmmmm...Yet the game still gets huge ratings, wins awards and millions still play. Funny. Sounds like the minority to me.
  • edited May 2014
    I'm sorry, this is too...diplomatic for me. I'm just going to incite a riot at their HQ! It's good to see others fighting the good fight! I'll sign it when I can.
  • Not really. They have GoT coming up and they could easily build a game around True Blood or Supernatural and not lose any money.
    ClemRox posted: »

    Telltale canceling TWD because a few people disagree with how they're making it would be incredibly immature and stupid on their part.

  • And if the 90 minute thing doesn't bother me at all?

    If it amounts to anything, I'll be utterly amazed. But eh, if it gets completely ignored (as it almost certainly will) its no skin off my back, so why not sign?

  • Hmm the fact we like a videogame doesn't mean we don't care about such issues, everytime i can i give money to homeless children or old people living in the street, once i went to dinner with my gf, and kids were asking me for money to eat, i gave em and they had a better dinner than me and my gf, we care but we can't save the world, we just do what we can.
    Rob_K posted: »

    You know, this is off-topic . . . but to go along with what I said earlier, there's been something on my mind for a long time. Why can'

  • No, it's not as every other episode of their recent games have been of the same length and that doesn't actually prove rushed production.

    That is just speculation and needs to be proved that it is effecting production. So far there has been no proof just consistent speculation.
    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Well, the fact that episode 3 took me about 80-90 minutes to complete isn't enough for proving they are a little rushed on these episodes?

  • Tell me....

    tntlee2099 posted: »

    If you do not like the way TellTale's way of doing things, then stop playing. Do you think that the thought of a petition, signed by 28 peop

  • edited May 2014
    No-one with programming experience would support this. I'm sorry but this entire thing is pretty much an insult to our line of work. We can tell when effort has been put into something, this petition is screwing that up and saying "It's not good enough, we want more."
    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Still, you don't know how much experience the 50 people supporting this have, we're not just "fanboys".

  • Make a change for good? Longer episodes and more Nick is for the greater good. Well all this time I thought feeding starving children, helping abused animals, putting abused children into good homes, and acts of kindness were for the greater good. Guess I was wrong.
    darky07 posted: »

    So you complaining about us "people with no life" trying to make a change for good? That means you have no life right? "Grow up, Get some kind of life outside complaining at other people"

    edited May 2014
    You just said that we think us "hardcore" fanboys are better than the other fans, if you think all caps is "rude" than you're simply just someone who likes to sass people since it's only a way to bold a phrase (the bold thing was cancelled here).

    Don't call me sarcastic, "I'm am aware that you are not trying to overthrow a government." You know what I meant, there's no real significance to this other than to let our voice be heard, because no matter what you say, episodic gaming is for people to give opinions about the last part, and suggest improvements.

    Key word here is "suggest".

    So stop playing all high and mighty since you're on some university course, it doesn't change a thing, when I get criticized for something I don't take as something intended to hurt me, I take it as a compliment since people want me to improve and make them better content, and it can be art, essays, music, stories and video games.
    CamTheWoot posted: »

    postimg(dot)org(slash)image(slash)9ax9iput3 These are my current course details for my university course. Will that suffice? I'm more than w

  • Then don't sign it.

    And if the 90 minute thing doesn't bother me at all?

  • Splitting the budget over 4 games, that is what I'm talking about.
  • Don't give money to old homeless people.
    darky07 posted: »

    Hmm the fact we like a videogame doesn't mean we don't care about such issues, everytime i can i give money to homeless children or old peop

  • I signed the petition. Hopefully enough people will join the fight and make a difference. "Viva La Revolución! "
  • You need to have several thousand before it even reaches a point where it represents little more than the tiniest percentage of the playerbase.
    AWESOMEO posted: »

    We got 14 supporters in less than an hour, that's really good, we need to reach at least 100 for it to have consist a large part of this com

  • edited May 2014
    Hehehe, Oh I see. Hello Daniel. Been quite a while and still just as bitter as ever. So how's your ban? Going well I assume. Hopefully because your threads insulting Relic and the other users have been sent to the admins, you may be enjoying your ban a little while longer.
    CodPatrol posted: »

    Yes, I know. But that bastard Relic has caused a shit load of trouble. No one believed me but in the end they found out, next time don't hid

  • Trust me, everything that is high quality is hard to make, whatever it may be, I got critisized for lots of things and I'm still supporting constructive criticism, even though I know it's frustrating to give all you got for something and then getting criticized for it.
    CamTheWoot posted: »

    No-one with programming experience would support this. I'm sorry but this entire thing is pretty much an insult to our line of work. We can

  • I'm not saying people don't, but . . . it just seems like people are getting worked up over something that is, quite frankly, irrelevant, if that makes any sense?

    I play games, I enjoy them, but that's all. If I don't like something, life's much too short to go around complaining and trying to get devs to change things. Chances are it's wasted anyway. I'd just, you know, prefer to care about things that matter.

    And I'm guilty of what I've said myself. I remember one time being out in town. There was a homeless guy sat down outside an ATM machine. While I was waiting in the queue, I couldn't stop myself from staring at him because one side of his head looked like it had been bashed in. And the worst part is I know how he must have felt when people stare.

    Anyways, I'm not going to stop people complaining. Neither is anyone else, but neither is anyone going to get Telltale to change anything. So, I guess I'll just drop it. It's not achieving anything.
    darky07 posted: »

    Hmm the fact we like a videogame doesn't mean we don't care about such issues, everytime i can i give money to homeless children or old peop

  • Are you a retard? We have the right to complain for something we PAY OUR HARD EARNED MONEY for! Telltales being a developer must listen to us or risk losing its fans.

    They own the company? Really... That like saying I'll start a charity and take all of the donations cause I started it, I mean fuck the poor right? Yes, its their own company, but without us they are nothing. If they want us to keep buying their games then they SHOULD listen to criticism. I mean even fking EA is listening to their fans.

    Also with your stop playing it, if you don't like is, is really stupid thing to say. All you are doing is promoting people to go away from telltales.
    tntlee2099 posted: »

    If you do not like the way TellTale's way of doing things, then stop playing. Do you think that the thought of a petition, signed by 28 peop

  • Ban? I'm not banned fool, and I won't be anytime soon. At least I'm not hanging out with a bunch of fuckin' chavs. Relic got promoted by that bastard Tomb Raider fuck who isn't even active anymore and didn't even review his stuff. The Wikia is dead and everyone has left because of the people who run it now.
    CamTheWoot posted: »

    Hehehe, Oh I see. Hello Daniel. Been quite a while and still just as bitter as ever. So how's your ban? Going well I assume. Hopefully becau

  • "Well, I'm a physician from India who just invented a laser ray that turns everything into nachos, can you prove that?" That's where I called you sarcastic. I'm really not playing "all high and mighty" because I'm on "some university course" (The very same one you asked me to prove by the way) I'm telling you that I have a far greater knowledge on how games are made because that is just the case here.

    What you are doing here is not suggesting, you are telling them to do what you people want. petitions aren't made to suggest. Nor are you giving them constructive criticism, you don't constructively criticize by making email templates for people to spam them with.
    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You just said that we think us "hardcore" fanboys are better than the other fans, if you think all caps is "rude" than you're simply just so

  • You are too funny. I wasn't talking to you like that. I didn't use foul language. But there are some that think they are offered more then what they pay for.
  • Length for the sake of length is not what I ask for, and that is what the petition seems to ask. Oh, you have me, of course, but as others before me have said, the scope is bigger than just length.
  • criticism and scolding are two very different things. You're demanding they do better, there is a big difference.
    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Trust me, everything that is high quality is hard to make, whatever it may be, I got critisized for lots of things and I'm still supporting

  • And what do you think you are doing by talking about Telltale the way you do. If someone new who hasn't played the game and wanted to check the forums to see how the game is, what do you think would be their decision by seeing nothing but negativity.

    Are you a retard? We have the right to complain for something we PAY OUR HARD EARNED MONEY for! Telltales being a developer must listen to u

  • edited May 2014
    Excuse me, you are banned for bloody slander. Those people are my friends Daniel, I will defend them for as long as I can and I'd ask that you NEVER insult them. Friends are something that a agoraphobic, high functioning autistic like me doesn't have many of. Not many people have left, the wiki his more populated than ever.
    CodPatrol posted: »

    Ban? I'm not banned fool, and I won't be anytime soon. At least I'm not hanging out with a bunch of fuckin' chavs. Relic got promoted by tha

  • edited May 2014
    "If you do not like the way TellTale's way of doing things, then stop playing. Do you think that the thought of a petition, signed by 28 people who say they love the game, are going to change the way they do things. Where there a few of you complaining, there are millions more who like what they put out. If you are crying and complaining after every episode or the time it takes for episodes to come out, then that can mean only one have no life beyond Telltale Games and this forum. And for that you have my pity. Do you own TellTale? Did they ever promise you anything more than the best product they can put out? Answer:No. If you get this upset about the time between episodes, I would hate to see how childish you become when waiting for the next graphic novel or the TV show. And let's say your petition got their attention and they said "Well if they do not like the way we are handling the Walking Dead, let's just drop the game all together ( which I would find funny ). We are sick of hearing nothing but whining." And they did just that and you now have no Walking Dead game to play. If you complain this much over every little detail, then canceling the game altogether just might drive you to suicide. Grow up.......Get a grip..........Get some kind of life outside video games."

    Dude! The graphic novels come out quicker than the game so that probably isn't the best example to use when referring to lengthy waits. The wait between the tv show seasons isn't that long either what with the mid season finale mini break which stretches each season's time span.

    As for hating on the guy making the petition you sound like you work for telltale and are proper pissed with the guy. You talk about him not having a life but you're getting quite emotional about a petition about a fucking video game! Maybe you should think about that.

    The way I see it. If his petition fails it doesn't effect you're life , you can continue as normal. If the petition did work you would benefit by playing more of the game that you obviously love enough to be greatful for whatever you get like oliver twist in the soup kitchen or a vampire's "familiar" from the Blade movies.
    tntlee2099 posted: »

    If you do not like the way TellTale's way of doing things, then stop playing. Do you think that the thought of a petition, signed by 28 peop

  • I gave you a thumbs up for mentioning Blade.
    loop hole posted: »

    "If you do not like the way TellTale's way of doing things, then stop playing. Do you think that the thought of a petition, signed by 28 peo

  • There's nothing wrong with game length.

    The problem is content. There is no content when you DO get the chance to roam around, it's basically a puzzle leading into the next area, dangerously close to being Jurassic Park with choices.

    Season 2 has the exact same types of areas as season one, the problem is there is no content in those areas. Tried talking to Rebecca, she thanked me. OK. So I go to Sarah to talk, says she doesn't want to talk. Go to Nick to talk, says something and lets you go. No more investigation into these people's lives.

    The issue with Season Two isn't length or hubs, because the length is fine and the walking simulators are there, but it's the way the areas are being used.
  • The section on the FAQ states how it generally takes people to finish an episode on average. What it doesn't state is how long that episode would actually be.

    "TellTale has really upped the ante in season 2, more choices, choices carrying over from season 1 ect ect... Do you really think they can d

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