Best to Worst Episode

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
201 < 101 < 203 < 105 < 202 < 104 < 102 < 103



  • edited May 2014

    202 < 102 < 105 < 203 < 201 < 104 < 101 < 103
  • edited May 2014
    Hmm interesting choices. 202 for me felt like nothing happened and we were waiting for so long

    EDIT: I meant 201 :p
    Mixpack posted: »

    WORST < BEST 202 < 102 < 105 < 203 < 201 < 104 < 101 < 103

  • Hard to say. I mean every episode was great in my opinion
  • In my opinion...
    Best: Season 1 episode 2.
    Worst: Season 2 episode 1
  • I agree on your worst

    In my opinion... Best: Season 1 episode 2. Worst: Season 2 episode 1

  • 102>105>103>202>104>101>201>203
  • From best to worst (imo)

    Ahh who am i kiddin' i love all the episodes D:
  • 1 - A House Divided

    2 - Starved For Help

    3 - No Time Left

    4 - In Harm's Way

    5 - 400 Days

    6 - Around Every Corner

    7 - A New Day

    8 - Long Road Ahead

    9 - All That Remains
  • Best Season Two: 203.

    Worst Season Two: 201.

    Best Season One: 103.

    Worst Season One: 101.

    Best 400 Days: Wyatt.

    Worst 400 Days: Shel.
  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    edited May 2014
    It was good but there was just one little thing missing so I felt not realy happy with it
    Tyranitar posted: »

    Hmm interesting choices. 202 for me felt like nothing happened and we were waiting for so long EDIT: I meant 201 :p

  • xD
    Cazabubu posted: »

    From best to worst (imo) 203>102>105... Ahh who am i kiddin' i love all the episodes D:

  • Best Season Two: 202
    Best Season One: 102
    Best 400 Days:Russel
    Worst 400 Days: Shel.
  • Honestly, there was never an episode I disliked... each one had some flaws but there was never a moment where I didn't want to play it again.
  • 202>102>103>203>101>201>104>105
  • edited May 2014
    Episode 2
    Season 2 Episode 2
    Episode 3
    Season 2 Episode 3
    Episode 5
    Episode 4
    400 Days
    Season 2 Episode 1
    Episode 1
  • Starved For Help - If this is a "filler" episode, then it is the best filler I've seen.

    Long Road Ahead - This taught me to expect the unexpected, that no one is safe, and to keep my hair short.

    No Time Left - The finale that justly completed TWDG's rise to prominence and made this user cry.

    A House Divided - Damn good episode, all things considered.

    A New Day - Damn good and heartfelt, if very clunky, premiere.

    In Harm's Way - This combines the good, the bad and the ugly of season 2. Good episode, but halfway through the season, the weaknesses start to show. I consider it the *Around Every Corner* of Season 2 so far.

    Around Every Corner - Crawford... damn Crawford. A mixed bag that puts our protagonist, and our journey to perspective.

    400 Days - Interesting episode, does the best it can with the time given for each character. Arguably the most varied episode to date, but like they say: Jack of all trades...

    All That Remains - I will never forgive you. The highlight of this episode is Clementine; plain and simple. We know she can now take care of herself, and it is an interesting 3/4ths of the episode to watch her simply dealing with bad stuff as it comes, but the second half (or what I thought was going to be the second half) in which our cast is introduced is weak, and the season is still recovering from the lack of a solid foundation a solid premiere should provide, IMO.

    There is no episode that I dislike, at least not in its entirety. There is always a saving grace, or something I thought was well done.
  • Forgot about 400 days

    Russell > Wyatt > Vince > Shel > Bonnie
  • I stopped and sat down to think about this. I recently went through the all the episodes, and I think it would go like this:
    Best: 202>105>102>203>103>101>201>400 days>104
  • u no lik crawford?

    I didn't like the backtracking, but Ben's scene was beautiful.

    I stopped and sat down to think about this. I recently went through the all the episodes, and I think it would go like this: Best: 202>105>102>203>103>101>201>400 days>104

  • Holy shit, how could you think 400 Days was better than Around Every Corner or Long Road Ahead?
    JakeSt123 posted: »

    1 - A House Divided 2 - Starved For Help 3 - No Time Left 4 - In Harm's Way 5 - 400 Days 6 - Around Every Corner 7 - A New Day 8 - Long Road Ahead 9 - All That Remains

  • The strongest episodes, for me, would be a toss up between the second episodes of both seasons.

    I enjoyed In Harm's Way, but to a lesser extent than the others.
  • 203 < 101 < 201 < 103 < 102 < 202 < 105 < 104.
  • (BEST)
    400 Days
  • My favorite is still Long Road Ahead, and my least favorite is probably.... All that remains. (Cause of the sowing bit)
  • I don't dislike any of the episodes but:

    Best Season 2: Episode 3 (Honestly one of the most intense episodes for me.)
    "Worst" Season 2: Episode 2 (Just because I don't like Kenny and the whole Nick thing was incredibly stupid)

    Best Season 1: Episode 2
    "Worst" Season 1: Episode 4
  • Worst > Best
    201 > 202 > 104 > 103 > 101 > 203 > 105 > 102
  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    202 > 105 > 104 > 201 > 103> 102 > 101 > 203 > 400D

    And yes, I know my one is weird. But it's true. I loved All That Remains.
  • edited May 2014
    105 > 104 > 102 > 103 > 202 > 101 > 203 > 400D > 201

    Not to crazy about season 2
  • I did like Crawford, it's just that it was the one that stuck out in my head the least XD Maybe it's still me denying the whole Lee got bit thing..
    Tyranitar posted: »

    u no lik crawford? I didn't like the backtracking, but Ben's scene was beautiful.

  • Ahh

    I did like Crawford, it's just that it was the one that stuck out in my head the least XD Maybe it's still me denying the whole Lee got bit thing..

  • edited May 2014
    201 < 101 < 202 < 104 < 203 < 103 = 102 < 105

    or maybe
    101 < 201

    i can't decide which is better; the storyline and choices of 101 were a lot better, but the graphics and overall atmosphere were better in 201

    obviously my opinion is quite different from other people's though
  • Best: Season 1 Episode 2, Episode 4 "Except for the ending", Season 2 Episode 2 and 3.
    Great: Season 1 Episode 1, Season 2 Episode 1.
    Bad: Season 1 Episode 3, Episode 5.
  • edited May 2014
    Just personal preference. In a way I found the train puzzle in 103 and the walking-back-and-forwards Crawford Tape puzzle in 104 tedious and kind of dull.

    400 Days is kind of an anomaly. I just don't know where else to put it, so I put it midway because it has stuff I like, and stuff I don't. I liked the idea that the characters going with Tavia depended on your decisions, but I didn't really like how fast the episode moved by.
    Rafoli posted: »

    Holy shit, how could you think 400 Days was better than Around Every Corner or Long Road Ahead?

  • I never quite got why everyone hates 201 so much. It was the most immersive episode for me, as it was the first time I ever truly felt like I was playing the character, and not just me.
  • there was no episode I disliked, but 203 was my favorite.
  • But S2E1 is the first time we ever see Luke's sexy face. D:

    In my opinion... Best: Season 1 episode 2. Worst: Season 2 episode 1

  • 1. In Harms Way -Best
    2. Starved for help
    3.No Time Left
    4. A House divided
    5. 400 Days
    6. Long Road Ahead
    7. A New Day
    8. All That Remains
    9. Around Every Corner - Worst
  • edited May 2014
    I was unimpressed by it because the plot depended on everyone in the cabin group acting like idiots.

    It was also a rather poor introduction to our new group, since by the end I mostly just wanted to get away from these people and find Christa again.

    I didn't hate it, but it was far enough below the standards I had come to expect to make me start worrying TWD season 2 was going to be its shark jumping moment.

    I never quite got why everyone hates 201 so much. It was the most immersive episode for me, as it was the first time I ever truly felt like I was playing the character, and not just me.

  • edited May 2014
    201 < 400 days < 101 < 104 < 105 < 203 < 202 < 102 < 103

    I hesitated in choosing between 102 and 103 because the St. Johns Farm plot was just so much fun. Yet 103 was where the shit really hit the fan, after which you were never allowed to feel anyone was safe ever again.

    EDIT: The more I think about it, the more I feel 202 and 203 deserve to have their positions swapped on the list
  • Not everyone, it's never everyone...

    I found it immersive, too. Many reviews cite, and I can agree with that, that halfway through the episode they felt like if they were Clementine. I quickly accepted her as my new avatar. It fails for me because of it's last part, when you were supposed to meet the cast, your new group. We got so relatively little from the new people just as not to call them one-dimensional and then the episode ended.

    I thought that maybe the following episode would compensate, and it did... for two people and then we got to see Kenny again. The amount of character interaction is defended as an "immersive design choice" (like feeling captured and with less free time to do stuff in 203) and I can see that, because you are a stranger to the group, but I still think that it left the group as a whole standing on a weak foundation.

    If trust was such an important theme this season, then I expected to earn their trust and have the acknowledge them that I had or had not. I guess that it is taken for granted as of last episode, but it somewhat contradictory to the way your relationships could determinately begin with at least three of the members of the new group: Carlos, Rebecca and Alvin, hell, even Sarah.

    I never quite got why everyone hates 201 so much. It was the most immersive episode for me, as it was the first time I ever truly felt like I was playing the character, and not just me.

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