The near-unanimous Becca hate has always baffled me. Yes, she can be a little irritating with her tough-girl attitude, but she's a kid for christ's sake. She still has a lot to learn.
Rynna's points are in this thread, a few posts above mine. It's basically about how people treat her like an adult more often than they treat her like a child. And given Clem's intelligence and maturity, it is understandable. It just feels a bit unrealistic. It's definitely a nitpick though, and it doesn't really bother me all that much.
I don't care about Christa , at all. Or Omid for that matter.
I still dislike Rebecca after episode 2
I enjoyed Roman's character.… more
Many peope want to see Lilly (or get my point) back in S2...but let's be honest , it would feel cheap if every character that wasn't "dead" kept appearing like that, finding Kenny was enough
I don't dislike Ben as a character , in fact i think he is a nice one...but i hate how the writers used him as a way to create bad situations every single time in order to advance the plot. I know fuck-ups exist i'm one myself, but man...
I found Carley annoying, somehow.
Hubs, done right are awesome, abuse them and they become a pain in the ass
When i was playing the game for the first time, i was certain it was someone related to the Senator, the Stranger just seemed a bit Deus ex Machina to me.
Yes! Starchild shit! Understanding those last two words would require being a mass effect fan. Anyways, It really pissed me off, I can't see what all the others saw in that episode. To me, It was the worst episode followed by Long road ahead.
When i was playing the game for the first time, i was certain it was someone related to the Senator, the Stranger just seemed a bit Deus ex Machina to me.
Also, I agree with Rynna's points about Sarah and the way people have been treating Clementine in Season 2.
What are Rynna's points about how people have been Treating Clem, I haven't read that thread.
Rynna's points are in this thread, a few posts above mine. It's basically about how people treat her like an adult more often than they treat her like a child. And given Clem's intelligence and maturity, it is understandable. It just feels a bit unrealistic. It's definitely a nitpick though, and it doesn't really bother me all that much.
I've practically forgotten Christa exists at this point.
Season 1 didn't have any good cliffhangers. (the exception obviously being the final episode)
I don't miss Lee.
I think Nick is gay.
I never liked Kenny.