A choice I'd love to see in Ep. 4

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
Okay, imagine this:

Clem, Kenny, Nick, Mike, Rebecca and Jane (others are separated) find Sarita unconscious in a
small town with walkers. Sarita could survive, because she has almost stopped bleeding, and
needs help. Kenny starts to help her. Meanwhile, Rebecca starts to give birth. Jane starts to help her.
Rebecca starts shouting, attracting the walkers nearby. Nick and Mike start to clear them.

- Help Sarita - Result: Nick and Rebecca dead.

- Help Rebecca - Result: Nick and Sarita dead.

- Help Nick and Mike - Result: Sarita and Rebecca dead.

The baby is alive no matter what. What do you think? What would you do?


  • Help Sarita, I'm not about to let Kenny lose another loved one if I can help it.
  • Help Nick and Mike, they're my favorite characters.
  • God f***ing damnit man, this is a hard one...

    I really badly want Nick to live as well as Sarita damnit DX
    Idk...Kenny's obviously going to help Sarita, and I don't want to leave Rebecca alone give birth with Jane...but she seems to know a lot of shit, and I just love Nick too damn much. So Help Nick and Mike. Sorry, Kenny. Sorry, Rebecca.

    Damnit man! Good choice.
  • edited May 2014
    Yay, I thought i would be the only one who'd leave the woman without an arm and the new mother to die! XD
    BenUseful posted: »

    Help Nick and Mike, they're my favorite characters.

  • #SaveMike
  • Wow, people really like Nick lol
    ComingSoon posted: »

    God f***ing damnit man, this is a hard one... I really badly want Nick to live as well as Sarita damnit DX Idk...Kenny's obviously go

  • edited May 2014
    I'd be crossed between Rebecca and Sarita. I don't want one of the only people I trust alongside Kenny and my Clem's motherly figure to die but I don't wanna be 'that guy' who let a mother die and leave her child deprived of her. In the end I might end up going for Sarita because there is no way to know for sure if the baby is going to make it in the first place and Sarita is my family and family always comes first.
  • #SaveNick Right guys?
  • If I didnt know the outcome I'd help rebecca.
    BenUseful posted: »

    #SaveNick Right guys?

  • I'm SORRY I JUST PROMISED PETE and I'm trying to keep him alive as long as possible and I justdonknowwattidoidof....

    *intense blubbering of sadness*
    That1Guy posted: »

    Wow, people really like Nick lol

  • I know that feel, bro. I'm doing the same DX
    ComingSoon posted: »

    I'm SORRY I JUST PROMISED PETE and I'm trying to keep him alive as long as possible and I justdonknowwattidoidof.... *intense blubbering of sadness*

  • Oh God. I don't think I'd actually make a choice, I'd just pick one when the timer is about to run out.
  • Damnit...I hate being so trustworthy! Why TellTale?! Why did you make me have so many feels?!
    That1Guy posted: »

    I know that feel, bro. I'm doing the same DX

  • #SaveNick4Life
    That1Guy posted: »


  • Must...Save...Nick... But Rebecca and her baby...ARGH! This is so tough!
  • Tough choice. I would have to pick Sarita for Kenny's sake. I would hate to see him lose it.
  • Wait, if Nick is dead, what happens? Does Mike defend by himself and you have to choose between Sarita and Rebecca only?
  • easy, #savenick
  • Saving rebecca saves her baby as well, which means you can save two rather than one. Hence, rebecca is the obvious choice.
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