Review made by Swedens biggest newspaper Aftonbladet

NOTE: This is NOT my opinions about the game, this is Carl-Johan Johanssons (writer of Aftonbladet) opinions, I only translated it. Link to original:

We expect more from Telltalegames
The latest episode of The Walking Dead doesn’t live up to our expectations

Before S2 of ‘’The Walking Dead was released Telltale released a DLC named ‘’400 days’’ to bridge the gap between the two seasons. The DLC was structured like a mini series of vignettes that all focused on one specific character, during the 400 first days since the epidemic started. Eventually they all were reunited at a campsite, and there they were contacted of a woman who wanted them to follow her back to her camp. She stated that she could lead them to a safe haven that a few other survivors had built nearby. Depending on the choices you had made some of the characters remain in camp while others choose to follow her. How it feels? As a missed opportunity.

The idea of the "400 days" was that the new survivors we got to know would each have a role to play going forward. So far we have only seen one of them glimpse past a little snappy, but in "In harm 's way" , we come suddenly on them all again . It shows that " refuge " as they were promised in fact, a pure fascist camp . Clementine , Kenny and the other from "A house divided " brought here in chains to integrate into what amounts to be akin to the Woodbury community that The Governor reigns over in "The walking dead " books.
Almost none of the characters from "400 days" is in the picture for more than five seconds. We are not given any feedback or insight into what they 've been through since we saw them last. We can not even hold a simple conversation with them. The only one of them that gets any exposure is Bonnie . And Bonnie also happens to be the only character from "400 days" whose fate is never ruled by your choices in any way.
Telltale can do better than this. They have built their reputation on always develop when they could stand still instead. We evict superlatives over them almost every month , but it also means that expectations are high. It felt like they were building up something important before season 2 with a variety of input options in the story - but when it comes down to it they do not deliver .
Thankfully , it only applies to a single point .

Too dark
I have a rule when I play "Walking Dead ": choices must always be made instinctively . And afterwards , I try to deal with the consequences of them , whatever they may be. If the story in these games is about taking responsibility for their actions , it is also of withdrawal an important part of the emotional spectrum.
Still, I'll break the rule this time . It 's too dark . Clementine balances the whole episode through on a boundary where reviewed and empathy is about to give way to hatred ( in itself , this is a pretty apt metaphor grew up ) , and when she dumps across the border , it is - in fact - my own fault . She chooses to stay in a room and witness a shocking crude death scene . The choice I make has no consequence for her character development at all, but it changes my picture of Clementine in a way that I'm not comfortable with. The truth is that I leave her there because I myself am vindictive . And in retrospect , it feels like I betrayed her.

Quick Flushed story
Carver, the camp's leader, saying at one point to Clementine that they are of the same mettle . I really do not want him to get right. The choice I'll come to regret I do not "in character" . I do it for my own sake - and it goes against the whole point . For me, "The walking dead " never been about reflect my own values, but rather to define the characters' moral compass.
" In harm 's way" feels like a short episode , even though it is not really there . The reason is that the story is advancing so rapidly that it is difficult to get a handle on things . It's almost as if someone has replaced the middle portion of a book with a recap of half a page . The story itself is good, but the presence is missing. Part of the strength of the previous episode , " A house divided " , just that it could hammer out a 20 minute drama with devastating consequences based on such a banal thing to cross a bridge .

"In harm's way" was meant to highlight the dramatic turning point of the season, and in many ways it's a good one. The episode sets up a variety of scenarios that will inevitably be driven to extremes to come, and it introduces a new character, it's easy to become very fond, but we expect more of Telltale. The enduring feeling is rather that they threw away a big chance. They had the chance to do something grand. Instead, they deliver a very unbalanced episode. It is quite natural that even a talented developer and then drop the ball.
The problem is that we have come to see Telltale as so much more than just a talented developer.

3 STARS out of 5

Carl-Johan Johansson


  • Long road ahead was certainly better than harms way


  • edited May 2014
    I was smiling before I went to read this.


    I thought the episode was AMAZING! did this guy play survival instinct instead or something and is reviewing that?!

    im very pissed off right now. id like so see HIM write something better than 203.
  • edited May 2014
    Too dark?I can write an essay on how utterly stupid that reason is...
  • edited May 2014
    I completely agree. Except for its too dark its the walking dead.
  • Is he supposed to be some kinda big hoe in Sweden? Because that might hurt TTG.
  • edited May 2014
    He lost me at 'It 's too dark'.

    This game is set in an apocalyptic world and rated M for a reason.
    What did he expect sunshine and unicorns?
  • At least we got #warmpuffyrainbows !

    He lost me at 'It 's too dark'. This game is set in an apocalyptic world and rated M for a reason. What did he expect sunshine and unicorns?

  • I'm at an awe at this dude.You shoot a dying boy in the head,you cave in another zombified boy's head in with your shoe,you countlessly see walkers rip out peoples intestines and eat them like spaghetti and he thinks this is dark?So stupid...

    He lost me at 'It 's too dark'. This game is set in an apocalyptic world and rated M for a reason. What did he expect sunshine and unicorns?

  • I don't get the 'too dark' part. Is he saying it's a good thing or a bad thing? And he even says it's his own fault.
  • edited May 2014
    The only thing I thought was too dark in the game was the "It's going to get messy" "I know" part.
    The girl that said that wasn't "my" Clementine anymore.

    But hey, it's not a part of my canon playthrough, so it's fine.
  • ^ This is another cure for the ZA.
    goodcop2 posted: »

    Long road ahead was certainly better than harms way

  • debatable, I think they're tied. And when I said there is nothing better I was referring to other games, there's no game that has shit on ANY episode of TWD but I'm sure this guy gave 'em better ratings. THAT is what pissed me off.
    goodcop2 posted: »

    Long road ahead was certainly better than harms way

  • Aftonbladet is also the most hated newspaper, so i wouldnt be too nervous :D
    CodPatrol posted: »

    Is he supposed to be some kinda big hoe in Sweden? Because that might hurt TTG.

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