The hardest choice for me that i couldn't decide ! you will be surprised what it is

it was in S1 Ep4 when Kenny And Lee and Clem found the boat and kenny checked it ! when he came to lee he said you wanna hear good news or bad news and i was like stuck I froze !! forgot about the timer it was so hard ! i wanted good news for a change but then i knew it was pointless because there is a bad news coming and vice-versa ! then the timer ran out and i was still FROZEN !! it was so hard ! even harder then the final clem lee choice ( i chose to leave him in a heartbeat couldn't stand watching him go !! i couldn't he was like a part of me and he still is ) but that was easier then the above

what about you ? what you think ?


  • I always choose "Bad news", so there's no FROZEN for me.

    Except for that Disney movie.
  • Hahahahaha nice One xD
    as for the choice it was really hard and tense espacially with all what was going on in that episode ! ( stalker , walkers , parents , salt licks , ducks , ... ) needed some good for a change but was useless
    Lingvort posted: »

    I always choose "Bad news", so there's no FROZEN for me. Except for that Disney movie.

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