Would you tell your BIGGEST secret for episode 4?



  • i once put penut butter in my back pockett and went to court and when the judge asked me how i plea i reached in my back pocket pulled out this big ass glob of penut butter (pretending it was shit) and the proceded to like it off my fingers
  • im supper antisocial.
    ViTALiTY posted: »

    I have been diagnosed with 2 personality disorder. Antisocial and paranoid (paranoid is not that strong tho thankgod..). Gimme ep4 alrdy!xd

  • Man I love feet too !

    Yes. I would tell you that I licked my cousins foot while she was sleeping once. I felt creepy for doing it, but you know, it wasn't lik

  • Spongebob is still on the air, and has not been canceled.
    Gobananas01 posted: »

    I loved that episode of Spongebob. Spongebob was a really good series. I think it was canceled sadly. EDIT: Never mind, It's not cancelled. I'm really bad at catching up on cartoons.

  • edited May 2014
    I have a lot dark secrets... If I choose one related to TWD is that a lot of people in this world should die. I kinda agree with Carver. Now even the most weak people survive and reproduce. Thats not natural. I will never have kids because I think my genes are not good enough for reproduction. So yeah. I have some pretty sick thoughts.
  • WHAT?! `Throws up table`.

    My darkest secret is.. I've never played any of the Legend of Zelda games.

  • My biggest secret is that...no, thats too personal.

    im supper antisocial.


    I have an issue with temperature. I cannot stand even the slightest breeze: It needs to be either completely warm or completely cold for me. Warm with a breeze bugs the hell out of me for some reason.

  • Is it soo embarrassing?
    rabscuttle1 posted: »

    My most embarrassing secret yes because I don't experience this emotion very deeply. My darkest secret fuck no. I wouldn't share that for all the money in the world.

  • If we ever drove in the same car I think I would literally unalive you. I can NOT stand the heat. If it was up to me my ac would be at a permanent 32 degrees lol

    Then again I live in Houston where 82 = 102 and 100 = Leave me the fuck alone, don't talk to me unless you want a hostile remark.

    I have an issue with temperature. I cannot stand even the slightest breeze: It needs to be either completely warm or completely cold for me. Warm with a breeze bugs the hell out of me for some reason.

  • Damnit I quit a month ago. :(

    Brings me back. It was like an every hour on the hour thing for me lol. I actually feel a lot better after I detoxed.

    Same here, but it's not really a secret. Treat e'ry day like 420!

  • Canceled? It's still going on. Every new episode is on every other Saturday I think.
    Gobananas01 posted: »

    I loved that episode of Spongebob. Spongebob was a really good series. I think it was canceled sadly. EDIT: Never mind, It's not cancelled. I'm really bad at catching up on cartoons.

  • edited May 2014
    1Ks comment,

    can i have the episode please?
  • >:3

    1Ks comment, can i have the episode please?

  • No, not just normal foul language. We couldn't joke about poop or anything like that.

    Foul language, yeah, I get that... trust me, I know... But cartoons?

  • My family is what you would call, an immigrant family. We didn't have any form of cable TV for a good amount of time, and when we did, we had AFN (American Forces Network) which is used for US armed forces and DOD civilians deployed in other countries. My parents looked at the cartoons available on AFN and told us that we couldn't watch them, because they were to "immature" for our family. So, we grew up watching the classics. When we finally got back to the United States of America, we were able to purchase real cable channels. We tried to watch the cartoons that they had on them, but we had grown out of it, and we couldn't watch them, mentally. We literally just couldn't watch them. It's probably has something to do with the mentality of watching older and more adult themed movies that mentally prohibited me from watching cartoons. But, I'll tell you, a good thing of watching so much James Bond is that I know five hundred ways to kill a guy.
    Pell3t posted: »

    Not trying to diss your parents or anything but what was their logic? Don't watch cartoon they are bad for you! Watch James Bond k

  • My mom is Russian, so she didn't smack us on the bottom. She literally would smack us upside the head. It hurt like hell!

    This guy! I was raised the same way... I got to watch anything (save sexual innuendo and content) I wanted, but I was assured: if I eve

  • Try AFN, I hate that shit. Half of it is stupid, and the other half is propaganda.
    Pell3t posted: »

    I also really didn't have many kids shows to watch since I only had fox and cbs and they took away fox kids and replaced it with the fox box

  • Ha, I thought I was the only one.

    My darkest secret is.. I've never played any of the Legend of Zelda games.

  • Lol don't get your combat skills from a movie.

    I see what you mean now though, I hate propaganda. It's basically brainwashing you to believe certain things just because that's what they think you should. You and me basically did the opposite once we got cable. I still watch tons of serious things but I have to take a break and watch some cartoons every here and again. It's a nice way to get away from pointless sex scenes that every movie pg and up will have in them that don't even advance the plot. Hell they even turned half of The Xmen and Wolverine movies into half action half chic flicks.

    My family is what you would call, an immigrant family. We didn't have any form of cable TV for a good amount of time, and when we did, we ha

  • I can watch a youtuber play the scariest game and not get scared.

    When I try to play that game I can't get pass 5 minutes.
  • If I tell you that, I'll have to kill you.
  • Ive never played it either. And don't plan on it.

    My darkest secret is.. I've never played any of the Legend of Zelda games.

  • edited May 2014
    Actually, I'm not listening normal music's enough. I'm listening movie/game OST's more. Epic ones and sad ones. (Including TTG TWD S1.) I can imagine myself in a happy place or in a sad situation and then rising from the ground no matter what life itself is gonna throw at me. All that stuff about heavy metal, hard rock, rap and the other stuff I don't subscribe to any of that. It's all just music. Not because I hate them all. But these ones; are my extraction point. My chance of redemption. My second chance to know the worth of life. Now can I play the ''Amid The Ruins'' please? :)
  • i killed my fish ..................for fun
  • Okay... So.. umm...

    When I was like 7 years old... Me, my friend, and my 4 year old brother...
    Were uhm... Outside...

    And we thought it was "Funny" or something... to umm...

    Chase each other around...
    and fucking piss on each other...

    I still look back at it, and nearly puke....

    So yeah, my biggest secret.....
  • O_O
    nickybello posted: »

    i killed my fish ..................for fun

  • xD OMFG!

    Okay... So.. umm... When I was like 7 years old... Me, my friend, and my 4 year old brother... Were uhm... Outside... And we tho

  • That's so randomz.

    Okay... So.. umm... When I was like 7 years old... Me, my friend, and my 4 year old brother... Were uhm... Outside... And we tho

  • I do the same exact thing. I listen to practically only twd game and anadels music.
    Dark_Star posted: »

    Actually, I'm not listening normal music's enough. I'm listening movie/game OST's more. Epic ones and sad ones. (Including TTG TWD S1.) I ca

  • Yes, yes it is.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    That's so randomz.

  • Doesn't everyone piss on their friends?

    xD OMFG!

  • I..I...don't know how to react to that, not sure whether I should respect you for having the guts to say that or hate the ever living shit out of you for it, it's pedophilia but, you seem to be ashamed which you should be. Ok I'm done with the nice guy stuff YOU SICK FUCKING BASTARD!!! WHY? JUST FUCKING WHY?! Ugh...at least you seem ashamed, you better be fuckin' ashamed.

    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    Oh ,God, I don't know if I can say it, and still be treated the same here. But..*Sighs*...I do look at...Clem R34.

  • ...Sorry but I just had to laugh have a like.

    Okay... So.. umm... When I was like 7 years old... Me, my friend, and my 4 year old brother... Were uhm... Outside... And we tho

  • I only steal stuff in videogames... and killing for that matter.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • ...why?!

    rowni422 posted: »

    i once put penut butter in my back pockett and went to court and when the judge asked me how i plea i reached in my back pocket pulled out this big ass glob of penut butter (pretending it was shit) and the proceded to like it off my fingers

  • I'm fucking zombies.

    "That ain't so secret, we ALL are" gasp

    I'm joking, if I really did tell people my secrets, you'd all think I'm weird. Well I've actually told some people so they're no longer secrets, but rather things I'd best keep to myself.

  • so people are openly blurting out secrets on a public forum ?

    why hasn't this thread been closed ? surely is pointless spam ?

  • Because it's just a fun thread?

    so people are openly blurting out secrets on a public forum ? why hasn't this thread been closed ? surely is pointless spam ?

  • I'm secretly useful.

This discussion has been closed.