Being Devoured By Walkers
If you're devoured by walkers, do you still turn? Walking Dead Wikia states Carley and Doug status is: Dead, but in A New Day there eaten by walkers being ripped open in the stomach and neck, there brain was not harmed at all ._. The only thing that makes them "dead" is being shot by Lilly. Same with Alvin, he was shot in the head by Carver which counts for being dead, but can also be shot in just the stomach. Last time I checked being shot in the stomach means you'll turn. Is the Wikia lazy or correct?
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That said the wiki is edited by anyone and is often quite biased. For example with the show Morgan is listed as alive despite not being seen for a whole season yet Carol,Tyreese and Judith are unknown after not being seen for two episodes
She first was undead, but now she's dead dead.
"You can not turn if your brain is destroyed"
What's this, Telltale?