Dont_Look_Back posted: »At killing people...
At killing people...
kawaiiclem posted: »I GIVE YOU PERMISSION BRO (you don't even need permission I just wanted to sound cool and shit soo)
I GIVE YOU PERMISSION BRO (you don't even need permission I just wanted to sound cool and shit soo)
SwiggitySwoogity posted: »Urbans are people too.
Urbans are people too.
Saltlick123 posted: »Maybelle was awesome and under developed
Maybelle was awesome and under developed
ps3gamer095 posted: »(SPOILERS , SPOILERS ) hey, he saves Lee if you go just with him to Crawford and fail the belltower jump
(SPOILERS , SPOILERS ) hey, he saves Lee if you go just with him to Crawford and fail the belltower jump
ComingSoon posted: »I can't find it XD
I can't find it XD
Dont_Look_Back posted: »I want Molly to come back.
I want Molly to come back.
BenUseful posted: »Chet is the best character.
Chet is the best character.
Alive_Clem posted: »Clementine likes apples.
Clementine likes apples.
SupernovaeHollay posted: »Kenny and Luke have to live to the end. THEY HAVE TO.
Kenny and Luke have to live to the end. THEY HAVE TO.
ComingSoon posted: »Correction: loves.
Correction: loves.
Davidsanden27 posted: »Mike should survive episode 4 #savetheurban
Mike should survive episode 4 #savetheurban
Saltlick123 posted: »I would call troy a dick but he lost his...
I would call troy a dick but he lost his...
OmidShouldHaveLived posted: »Carver's crowbar death would've been even better in episode 5.
Carver's crowbar death would've been even better in episode 5.
booki94 posted: »Episodes should be 2hrs + long and not rushed. invent hubs.
Episodes should be 2hrs + long and not rushed. invent hubs.
Choices shall matter!We shall be rewarded for teaching Sarah how to shoot!Nick shall speak more than 4 lines!
P.S Screw Crowbars they are just jealous of Saltlicks