I could mention some cool guys here, but they're too many, so I'll go with ''the whole motherfucking forum''. And by that, I mean I like all the actual users that comment regularly and are nice to other people.
I have no friends here even tough i'm one of the big posters i'm still invisible to everybody ;_;
ok, i have four friends: Alive_Clem, SweetpeaClem, Rafoli, Saltlick305 and Don't_Look_Back Excluding my girlfriend NoncyFippleDorp.
I have no friends here even tough i'm one of the big posters i'm still invisible to everybody ;_;
ok, i have four friends: Alive_Clem, SweetpeaClem, Rafoli, Saltlick305 and Don't_Look_Back Excluding my girlfriend NoncyFippleDorp.
Sorry, I have a fetish for biting off rabbit heads.
Are you the Headless Horseman ?
I finally feel whole.
But seriously it would be ScarletSplash. I'm like the weirdo of the fourum.
Wow dude I love you already. Best friendship ever ?!?!?!
Goddammit you need more friends than that!
Love you too, sweetcheeks.