I don't know if they'll show shirtless Luke, but one can dream... or maybe, someone could do a texture/skin swap where they put Luke's texture/skin on shirtless Bigby? Would that work? Please tell me...
No I just mean shouldn't we focus on finding aspects of characters and giving theories on what hidden characteristics we haven't seen from the characters or theories or something? I mean I'm not against women wanting this but still, just a thought.
I don't know if they'll show shirtless Luke, but one can dream... or maybe, someone could do a texture/skin swap where they put Luke's texture/skin on shirtless Bigby? Would that work? Please tell me...
He probably wouldn't be scrawny, since everyone in the apocolypse gets their fair share of exercise. Well, he wouldn't be buff because of the little food and he's middle-aged, but I don't think he'd have a scrawny chest.
No shirtless Maybelle and mister Juicy?. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Uhhhhh.... I have no idea what's happening, I don't even know why I joined this discussion.
Shirtless Luke plz.
Well... Yeah, you know, I wouldn't complain.
My reaction to Fan Service:
ABS? He's round xD
You should start a discussion then. What your saying seems interesting.
Luke doesn't have as big of build as Bigby, so it would look a bit mutated or stretched out. O_o
He probably wouldn't be scrawny, since everyone in the apocolypse gets their fair share of exercise. Well, he wouldn't be buff because of the little food and he's middle-aged, but I don't think he'd have a scrawny chest.