New Update Discussion - Share issues here. Images back, Post Flagging and PM notifications improved.

Hey guys. As you probably noticed, a new forum update has been released. For you guys, you should notice that pictures can now be posted again, and PM notifications have been improved.
On our end, we have some spiffy new moderation tools - including ones that will allow us to respond to flagged content quicker as of now.
The update is currently being applied to the site, but you may notice some temporary issues during the transition. I will move this thread to General Chat over at Telltale Talk later, but for now, I am posting this in Walking Dead's General Chat as that is the most populated forum.
Basically, I made this thread so you all can point out any issues that may need fixing.
Please stay on topic and do not post pictures just to post pictures. Thanks.
Edit: Having problems posting a new thread?
Another user found this:
I was on that front page of TWD section and it wouldnt let me post new topic due to permissions. But when I click in navviagation bar (Telltale Games Community > The Walking Dead > General Discussion) on general discussion, there I can make a topic.
ok guys. i think they will be back either tomorrow or Wednesday
heres my evidence
-Blind sniper said they were coming incredibly soon, and sooner than you think
-telltale isn't in office on weekends and i don't believe on memorial day, so that might be why they haven't updated the site yet
and that's all my evidence. if you think i'm wrong than, uhhh i dunno go put lemon juice in your eyes or something. anyway i can't wait for them to be back it's already been 25 days :(
A good number of my posts disappeared when I checked out my profile.
I tried logging off and back on to no avail.
Any users that have been banned on accident during the update?
Why did some of my comments just desapear?
Edit: Wait a moment ago I was always seeing just 300 comments now I see 1000 what is going on?
My notification counter is stuck on 99+ I guess thats a update bug?
yep me too
Same for me also
Having problems posting threads?
Read the above update on the first post.
Well, I was havin' a little chat with '_ Juice_Box _' over skype, she said that she keeps getting an error message whenever she tries to post a comment and sent me this link:
I told her to try logging off and back in and closing her browser and she did try it, but she said it didn't work.
--Oh yeah, and ignore that favorites tab...
Well I keep getting the same. Using Firefox...
Typing this post in IE10, now. Looks promising, I see the captcha-thing, which I don't even get in Firefox!
Edit: OK, apparently it's a Browser-thing, since IE is working. The captch won't show up in Firefox!
Thanks, that worked.
Yea, I hope that'll get fixed fast. My hate for IE runs so deep... I feel me dying inside having to use it!
OH SHIT IT WORKED! I HAD THE SAME PROBLEM! it kept saying that a body was needed. I was like BULL SHIT! IM GIVING IT A BODY!
Same here.
Edit: Nevermind, it's normal again, weird.
It works! Thank you so much Gunab! My Stache will always be there for you!
It took me a while to get everything working plus remembering some password I used ages ago but all done now. I had to sign in and out about 5 times
Here's hoping the update fixes the issues particularly the spambots.
Thanks again for posting this here... and jesus, only now did I realize how embarrassing my favorites tab is ._.
Chrome doesn't put the capcha so I can't post anything there. Firefox is okay though.
image test
Check, Check!
Oops, missed this thread.
So...there seems to be a problem with the mobile version now. It doesn't seem to acknowledge that there's anything in the post box. Whenever I try to post it just says the body is a required field. Had to roll over to my computer to post.
As someone who browses this site on mobile most of the time, this is annoying.
Only new users should have to do that. Odd.
Nevermind, It didn't last for long. A couple of comments and then it was gone. Thank you for clarifying everything around here.
This thread is Molly Approved. xD
Log out and back in. That should fix it, hopefully.
Well mine always resets to 15 instead of 0 eversince I got an account
Just tried that, to no avail. Still giving the same issue.
It didn't for my android and I did what you said (I have chrome)
Well...good to see it's not just me, then.
EDIT: Posting through Google Chrome didn't appear to work, the field that you are required to fill in doesn't appear. After trying Firefox it did appear and now I can post again, but not in Chrome however.
Haha what a story!
Hmm...guess it was Chrome, because Firefox works.
Same here. I hope we can use Chrome again
It's back Baby!
wait how does this stop trolls?
Posting from IE. Just testing.
Edit: Interesting
The number of likes in my profile is going backwards or something, I'm losing them ;-;
that's happening to some people.