What do you want to see in the finale? (Episode 5 Discussion)
So this season of Wolf Among Us is starting to wrap up, as we are nearing the last episode. How do you guys want to see the season end? What things do you want included?
A satisfying, good ending that answers all our questions. None wants a game to end on a cliffhanger, or have an ending that doesn't fit with the rest of the series (for example, Mass Effect)
Less choices, more consequences. Have every big decision some sort of mention.
Relationships with characters change depending how you treated them. Will Woody have your back, or try to kill you? Will Holly and Gren help you? Will Mr. Toad be in glamour, and express his opinion of Bigby? Who will support Bigby, Beauty or Beast?
Get Snow's opinion of Bigby. Will she be proud of him, or hate him? Will she show some romantic feelings for him, or ignore him? All Bigby's choices that involves Snow should matter here.
Get a final veridict if Bigby is a good or rough sheriff at the end. Have for example Snow or Colin tell him what side Bigby is on.
What do you think? Make our opinions heard!
Bigby Fight Bloody Mary, and murder her.
Crooked Man crooked to death.
Faith alive and well repaying Bigby with some deserved honey. :-)
Some of you're ideas are already answered through the comics. I won't say which ones, but some are.
I think that they are going to end it pretty darn close to the comics. There getting pretty close now. (any fellow comic book readers should know what I'm talking about) I really only expect the Crooked Man problem to be solved in the most badass Bigby way ever and I hope that all our questions are answered. Or at least most of them. Have to leave some question.
By the way things are going and where they look like they might lead, I have a feeling that some -not all- of our questions willed be answered. Some questions can be answered through the comic books. So, there's that as well.
I think -and hope- that in the final episode our decisions -good and bad- will have an effect on us. They already had several small little minor decisions take a toll on us. (depending on how you play) I really want that to effect our last episode.
Choosing to cut Nerissas ribbon (which results in her death) and learn the truth from Nerissas last dying words, or not cutting the ribbon and have some questions unanswered. Of course, 90% of the people who choose the last option will watch a walkthrough of the first option, But it's a cool decision IMO.
I have read all the issues, so I know the Fable universe pretty well. Yes, I know that Snow will marry Bigby and have kids yada-yada-yada.
But that doesn't mean that Snow's opinions of Bigby can change in the game. A lot of descisions is about gaining Snow's trust and showing that Bigby is human. And if those descisions doesn't matter in the end, it will feel very cheap. They can't have the two of them kiss in the end because of the comics, but maybe she can just hug and thank him.
And if you treated Snow bad, she will just ignore you and see you as a violent co-worker, like at the start of the Fables comic. It should matter!
I want to complain about the game a little bit... I'd really love if the choices we make would actually change the events, because now it doesn't really matter.
I mean, it would be great not to be bored while playing the game for the second time.
And yes to romance between Snow and Bigby! Though, I guess we won't see their cute little litter in the finale, haha.
Can nerissa even die this episode?
I would take off her ribbon, if she was willing to die for Faith and Lilly, and then lead to an epic confrontation with the killer.
It's pretty safe to say that Episode 5 will be absolutely epic, but there is one think that I hope so much for - the final scene being some sort of conversation between Bigby and Snow on the Fabletown rooftop (in a similar way to the comic book issue #5 ending, after Bigby solved the case of Rose Red) - an honest talk about the investigation and character interactions from the entire game - with Snow declaring that Bigby is a good detective and she hopes that he will keep up with great work (if we obeyed the law throughout the game) or Snow stating that Bigby went over the line on most occasions, but they have an eternity to work on it (if we were too bad).
"This will be Bigby's last stand"
I'd like to see Bloody Mary fight Snow, actually - finally let her "flippin'" hair down, you know?
I doubt a decapitated head could talk for long.
And what if you were in the middle? I seem to be jumping back and forth between alignments.
Well, maybe Snow will say that even though Bigby had problems with keeping himself under control, he was trying to do the best thing possible and she appreciates the fact that he's trying to change
No, he means in Episode 5
I'm hoping for a 2 hour finale extravaganza to end it all.
Hell yes.
After replaying Ep 4 and watching Ep 5 preview - I think that Mary's monologue is the key aspect of the finale - Bigby will take out the entire Crooked Man's organization, one by one - but I don't think that Bloody Mary is in the car that Bigby is chasing. I think that the fight with Mary will take place at the end - and, guessing from her and Bigby's surroundings in the preview, the fight will take place in The Woodlands (Snow will be held hostage somewhere etc. and that is why Bigby is shown near the Witching Well - he will be looking for her and probably he'll be attacked by Mary on one of the upper floors).
Imagine the fight taking place in the corridors, then Business Office, Bigby's Apartment and finally ending up outside, in the night, during the full moon. Epic!