Do you take money as Bigby?
I don't ever take money because I don't want it to come back to haunt me or something. Possibly it has some significance later on.
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I don't ever take money because I don't want it to come back to haunt me or something. Possibly it has some significance later on.
I took Crane's money both times, considered it reimbursement.
What I hope is that someone didn't put the money there in Episode 4 as bait. Still I didn't take it.
Haha I hadn't considered that. What kind of bait? Like tainted money or a morality test of some kind? Woody & Jersey better not rat.
Me too. I didn't steal from Dee or Georgie's vault. I may despise them but as the sheriff Bigby can't go around abusing his power/authority like this. Crane on the other hand was already under arrest. It really was just about confiscating the money. I wish there was an option to give it back to Snow now she's on charge of the office, where the money is from.
Absolutely. It needs to be reinvested into Fabletown
Yeah I take money. Gotta buy those Huff & Puffs somehow.
Bigby seems broke, considering the state of his apartment.... don't they pay him well enough? Regardless, I did take the money because it was my assumption that Bigby is poor as hell.
I couldn't take it because my chest was still puffing from the fight with the Jersey Deville, and my conversation with
Johan was going terribly wrong because I was having trouble deciding dialogue. Taking the money would have made me feel like I was going to far dude. I couldn't do it.
Ah, spoiler warning unessecary, woops
Every chance I get to steal money, I take it. Just the type of person I am, I guess. If stealing ever does have a bad consequence, I'm screwed, because so far I've only used it to pay Nerissa fully (so she doesn't have to use her own money) and to help out Toad. Probably some other thing I'm forgetting, but eh
This^^. I don't care how nice and heroic I'm trying to make Bigby. If I see some cash, I'mma have to take it. You know, "a little Robin Hooding never hurt anybody...".
First time I took money was in this episode.
After Nerissa's 'appointment' and trying to pay Toad at the Lucky Pawn, I was really miffed that I didn't pick up money from the Pudding and Pie or Crane's apartment. So without hesitation, I took the roll of cash from Crane's pocket and gave it to Toad. I'm glad I was able to make someone happy.
Ever since my first encounter with Nerissa, I've taking any money I can find. Uh, I mean confiscating. Each time I do, I hope that it'd be enough to whoever I had to give it to.
The money that Bigby takes is generally from shady dealings of people connected to the Crooked Man. So Bigby's basically taking the Crooked Man's money. And the more money I take from him, the more likely he is to come find me to get it back. least that's what I tell myself when I'm lining my pockets with mounds of stolen cash.
Usually I'm taking it from some scumbag like Georgie so it doesn't bother me, lol.
After not having money in the first epsiode, I always take money now. I don't consider it as a matter of right or wrong...I just consider it necessary for some parts of the plot.
So far the only options to take money are to take them from jerks like Georgie, scumbags like Dee, and assholes like Crane. No trouble whatsoever in taking the money.
yeah i only took cranes money because it was stolen from the people of fable town anyway
Only took money from the assholes who don't deserve it. Crane, Georgie, I'm looking at you.
I was more lenient with Dee. Not sure why that is though.
Idk I didn't think about it and didn't take it. I guess I'm not a kleptomaniac then? xD (Im just kidding)
I take all the money I can get. I doubt Bigby gets that big of salary.
I only take the money in other playtroughs. The only thing i regret is that i could`t give Toad money for glamour.
I could. The second time you offer, he takes it with gratitude. Its actually pretty funny.
I always take the money and I always give it away. Every time you can take money it is money that belongs to fables that I would not have Bigby piss on if they were on fire (tweedles, Crane). Some people here have called it stealing, I call it redistributing it to those who need it.
Plus I like to think that Bigby will keep a few bucks back for smokes. He is not saint after all, he's the Big Bad Wolf.
I always take money in the chance that I can give it to the people who are really suffering in Fabletown, like Nerissa.. though I didn't take it from the twins' secret room. Didn't want Flycatcher to potentially get in trouble because of it.
I always take money and I think then''yay I'm rich'' but then you usually can use them and then...I'm not rich anymore
Normal play through, I don't take money cause I play myself during my 1st play. On my 2nd play I play as bad bigby and took all
I take it every time. I never know where or when I'll need it. In this episode I gave it to Toad.
Your just doing the Robin Hood thing; take from the rich, give to the poor. LOL!
Bigby's awful smirk when it comes to confiscating grinds my gears. But I'm happy Toad will get his glamour...
I didn't steal from Dee or Georgie. Dee probably got paid for doing his job and Georgie runs a legitimate (by Fabletown laws at least) business. I'm not gonna steal money people earned with work and no, them being scumbags doesn't make it "right". I did, however, take Crane's money, seeing how he stole it in the first place. My intention was to give it back to Fabletown's treasury, but the game never gave me that option, so I just gave it to Toad instead.
The only time I took money was in the Pawn Shop in Crane's Jacket. Crane wouldn't need it and I definitely don't want it to be in the hands of Jersey.