what's your opinion about.....
i wanted to ask for your opinions about an idea?
Telltale games are not a first/third person shooter or an open world game, it's just a very simple games, it's like watching a movie or tv series with the ability of making choices and repeatedly pressing "Q" in a fight situation.
so what about making telltale games as an acting performance?, i think it can be easy to replace the animated characters with real actors and add the choices bars to change from scene to another. and add the fighting functions such like click to attack (if you were too late to click, it will be changed to death scene) .
advantages :
- saving a lot of time
- graphics will be very real
- characters movements will be very real
- game's system requirements will be very low
disadvantages :
- some game's functions might be cancelled,like manualy walking around.
- not sure about expenses but i guess it will require more investment
sorry for my bad english.
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This wouldn't be too good I enjoy TWD as it is now.
everyone enjoying TWD right now, so it's not the point, i'm taking about improving Telltale games to make it even more enjoyable, there's no doubt in that telltale has been working on improving thair games, there's a big difference between puzzle agent and TWD, anyway i think your opinion is disagreeing with acting performance idea, thanks for sharing your opinion.
Trying to make TWD or Other telltale games with livecast/actors would be like.........it would be like trying to do the kung fu panda movie using real pandas,tigers,cranes,snakes,monkeys and mantises.
The walking dead tv show works simply because it has an appropriate setting for an actor based tv show or movie. The things Telltale games do on the other hand, even for same franchises, work a hell of a lot better as 3D animations. And theoratically if they were to suddenly make a movie for some reason or another, they'd be much better off doing an animated movie than a normal one. It's just how the role of the systems work. Some companies are Golden at something, but won't shine half as much on another.
And not just Telltale, but video games in general. video games were never meant to have acting performances that go beyond voice acting and motion capturing. Because there's a lot of freedom to do with just programming everything else in there. And even more freedom when it's gameplay based and not a video. Even if it's supposedly branched games that are actually linear. The same general principal still goes for these games.
I am not saying it would never ever work, but 97% of the time it won't. And I'd rather telltale not take the chance.
no . I don't like the idea , and you forget something , how we move the actor ?? we can't !!! and the whole game well Change to passages in cinematography with choices and I don't like that , In fact I like the animation how we move the character and Talking to other characters ... and how they Bring a actor like clementine with the same voice !!! because " clem is the game " .
I love the art style, so actors (among many other reasons) wouldn't be very appealing to me.
Interesting ideal I suppose, but it'd only go so far.
So I'm going to have to say "no."
The Walking Dead isn't supposed to be another "The Last of Us" game. It's based off The Walking Dead comics, and the art style of the graphics is too. Telltale isn't going to change the purpose of the game because 1 person wants it to be modern. If you simply don't like the graphics, don't play it, and play a game that suits your preference. If millions of people love the game for how it is, there's not point changing it.
i was taking about the upcoming games, not TWD, but lets take TWD as an example of Telltale games, unlike any other game TWD is not a shooter game, it's not that kind of a games that you will be damaged with a million bites and a million bullets and u will still standing, it's already like an animated movie with some simple functions :
1.the choices bars that will take you from scene to another, (very easy to add the choices bars on acting performance and change from scene to another)
3.press the right key to evade (very easy too)
but i think there will not be any effect on examining the environment
Kung fu panda cannot be a movie, thats true, but the reason why is not because companies are golden in something(if that what u mean), it's because like you said, you cannot bring a real pandas, tiger,....etc, on the other hand TWD can be a movie, every company is always looking for improving thair goods/services, there's always a room for improvment, look to TellTale games and compare between the first game they produced and TWAU.
don't talk about any other video games, they have a complicated system of gameplay.
Marvel and Disney and a lot other companies, made a movies and a video games and a tv series and a cartoons and toys and a lot of other products. so don't tell companies are golden.
let me ask u a question, assume that telltale will make a movie of TWD, which one do you think will collect more profits, an animated movie or an acting performance movie.
actually u forgot to read all my post.
first of all, i didn't mention TWD i was talking about the upcoming games, and i didn't say the graphics is bad, but there's always a room for improvments, and saying "there's not point changing it." doesn't make any sense, because telltale has been trying to improve thair games since they started to develop games, but i can assume that u was talking about TWD.
Phantasmagoria used real people but this is different.
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That's funny, last time I read it, it had The Walking Dead, not any upcoming games. I see you've seemed to edit it too. You must have not gotten it when I said "there's no point changing it", I meant there's no point changing anything from TWD, (art style ect). And anyway, now that you've edit it to "any new upcoming games" this shouldn't be in TWD discussion.
can't u even read English?, my post last Edited May 29 at 12:44pm, your post May 29 at 5:32pm
you are right in one thing, i should have posted it in Telltale talk discussion. i just thought it will take more attention, but instead people thought i was talking about TWD season 3 or something.
\So, basically, you want The Walking Dead to become this:
Outbreak Interactive Movie
When I was a kid I remember playing a game that had real actors and it was like a interactive action movie. but I was too young and didn't understand any English. so i didn't go so far haha
again, i wasn't talking about TWD, i was talking about any upcoming game of Telltale
i want an upcoming game of telltale to become like this? yes and no, Telltale games now is like an animated interactive movie (Regardless of manualy walking function) and i wanted them to make a real interactive movie but not in this shit level of outbreak movie
I don't know. I'm playing Outbreak now - it's not bad. I know know if I like the lighting - but that gets friggin expensive if you want to do it right (plus a lot of technical skills... Don't know why, film lighting is interesting.) Granted I wouldn't pay money for it...