Would you really KILL in the ZA?
Well guys you always say "I would kill that bitch Tavia" " If i was in his place i would kill fucking Andy" but do you think you would really have the guts to do so?
Especially if its your first time doing it? I wouldnt want to but i guess that i would have to eventually do it.
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In self-defense, yes.
If you need to for your own survival then its not much of a question Hell yeah i would.
What about if it was your best friend? (not zombified)
I don't think I can, tbh.
i dont think i would neither maybe if it was an unkwon person but my friends and familly its something completely different
what if you had to kill a father infront of his child and wife?
Yes. I am very good at compartmentalization, life is hard in the Zombie Apocalypse.
Yeah, you're right. I don't have the heart :P
Ummm... yes. If I had to.
Yeah, I would. Maybe I'm a little insane, but as long as the the person I'm killing is bad I would easily end their life.
Do we have to actually wait for the ZA? I've got the chainsaw all revved up and everything, right now.
and what about if the person isnt bad ?
Everyone is "bad" in the Zombie Apocalypse.
Well, not necessarily. I wouldn't just kill random groups I met, but people like Carver, the St.Johns, Crawford, and the Save-Lots Bandits wouldn't really affect me if I killed them.
There is no such thing as a killer with a conscience. It doesn't work that way.
Eh, everything's easier said than done. When the shit hits the fan, there's no telling what people are really capable of. Maybe I could kill someone. Maybe I'd freeze up and let him/her go. You don't know until it happens. That said, I do tend to have a more muted emotional reaction to things than most other people so I think I could probably kill someone if I felt it was necessary.
Wouldn't it be a good thing if you killed someone bad though? I mean, you just stopped them from killing anyone else. I don't think you have to be humane to them if they aren't humane to other people.
"Would you kill in a ZA" Its the fricken apocalypse! How else you gonna defend yourself from walkers?
I'd totally kill a carver or stranger.
What if I told you I've killed people already?
...cause I haven't. Just thought I'd sound tough for a second.
what if the person doesn't deserves to die but you gotta do it anyway?
Why would I kill them if they didn't deserve it. That's just inhumane. If you mean I have to because there is a bullet at the back of my head. Kenny: "I uhh... I don't know how to answer that."
imagine you join a group like Carver's without knowing how bad it is and one of your best friends tries to scape with his brother they catch him and accidentally kill his brother then your leader forces you to kill you best friend to demostrate that you are not a danger for the community or he will kill you. Would you kill him? cause i think he doesnt deserves it but you have to , to survive.
( i know you already said you dont know how to answer but i just wanted to show you on of the many possible scenaries)
Again. "I uhh.... I don't know how to answer that."
dont worry i wouldn't have the guts to do it either
If it was necessary, then yes. I wouldn't go around killing people for fun like Nate and Negan.
Of course, finally a thread for this! Yes!
OH for a za? lol shit.............................................................................
Then they would have to understand that its for their survival and that im doing them a favor by not making them suffer just like i did with Kenny when i killed duck for him for he doesn't have to suffer.
If it was necessary then I would kill
Most of us on this forum would be too scared to leave our homes if a real zombie apocalypse broke out. For one, we wouldn't even know if the virus was airborne or how it is passed on. Most of us would be like the boy who hid in the attic in "around every corner" and die from dehydration or starvation.
Plus if you're in a country like me with no frikken guns your pretty much dead from word go.
Nope. I'm a pacifist I can't even kill a moth or a fly, let alone a person. But I did have a long ethical debate with myself and decide that since walkers were dead and could not feel pain, then I wasn't really hurting, or killing them. Like having a wooden shelf fall on you. It used to be alive but not now so it doesn't matter if I push it away, because you can nether hurt nor help the dead.
I wouldn't want to, but if someone is threatening my ass, then yes, of course I would kill him/her.
But, there is always option B: beat the shit outta them.
Well, in ZA there is no medication and the guy you just beat up would probably die later, but at least you don't have to be there when it happens.
In this world, you either kill or you die. Or you die and you kill.
Yes, you sounded and I was scared for a couple of seconds.
Is be willing to kill but I'd never accept the "en Sabah nur" philosophy (comic fans you know what I mean)
I definitely wouldn't want too but actually wanting to and having to are different things. If someone I cared about was in harm then I'd like to think I would do whatever I could to protect them and myself. Though I know the path to hell is paved with good intentions so if I did ever kill anyone I'd sure as hell have to watch myself to avoid becoming some tv governor type person.
I would be a loner, so I wouldn't have much to kill, but, If i met someone bitten on the road I would kill him out of mercy, and I am one of those people who actually has the guts do so.
It depends.
Under most circumstance, no. I don't have a vindictive bone in my body. I wouldn't bash some asshole's head in with a crowbar, like Kenny. Maybe I'd shoot a bite victim/hostile survivor, if I had to, but I would agonize over it and take no pleasure from the experience. Murder in the name of revenge is hollow and pointless.
Still, certain moments in my life have shown me how violent I can be when I'm startled or scared. Once in the school parking lot, one of my friends walked up in my blind spot, grabbed my shoulder and yelled something in my ear. Most people would have jumped, or screamed...I did both of those things and then nearly broke his ribs by hitting him in the gut with an elbow strike and tackling him into a car. In a situation like that, with a weapon on hand, it's conceivable that I could kill someone. Truth be told, if the victim has the nerve to startle an armed, jumpy, half-blind guy, they probably have it coming.