The curse of the people\walkers\animals who lay a hand on Clem
Okay, I can't be the only one who picked up on this. Has anyone noticed, any character that grabs\slaps\hits Clem ends up dead by the end of the episode or the next episode? Here's what I mean,
*Bathroom Walker, grabs Clem. Shot in the head by Carley
*Andy St. John, grabs Clem's hair. Kicked into an electric fence, shot in the head, or left to be devoured by Walkers.
*Jewelry store Walker, grabs Clem. Killed by Clem
*Winston, grabs Clem. Devoured by Walkers.
*Sam, bites Clem. Throat cut, or left to bleed out.
*Tool shed Walker, grabs Clem. Smashed by Clem.
*Carver, hits Clem with butt of gun, and\or slaps her. Beaten to a bloody pulp by Kenny.
*Troy, slaps Clem and\or hits her with butt of AK. Crotch blown off by Jane, and left to be devoured by Walkers.
Don't get me wrong, most of them deserved their fate (excluding Sam, and Troy's was a bit.... Overzealous?) I just thought it was interesting lol.
its the hat man. the hats protecting her. the "D" STANDS FOR DEATH
Just a coincidence. Plus, what would happen if the hat were to burned, and be gone forever? That better not happen though, I like her with her hat on, but just saying.
Wait misread.
no is obiously Lee's ghost
Ghost Lee confirmed for season2
Ghost Lee: "Put tha girl down beotch!"
The moral of the story is don't fuck with Clemie
Suddenly, your comment made it all make sense!
Each drop of blood on Clem's cap represents the victims!