The phone call
Who do you think was the voice on the other end of the phone call to beauty and beast in episode 4 - in sheep's clothing?
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Who do you think was the voice on the other end of the phone call to beauty and beast in episode 4 - in sheep's clothing?
It was Jersey, clearly.
At first, as most players, I though it was the Jersey Devil, who we knew we were about to get to know. But upon meeting him it's easy to notice that Jersey has a completely different accent.
I guess it's either someone we never heard that pissed off, like Johann the Butcher, who was playing poor victim to Bigby but actually is working for the Crooked man, or, more likely, someone we never heard before at all (or practically never heard), like the Crier (orange head guy that's everywhere, most notably driving all taxis) who just only talked once, in ep.1, an awkward "Hi" and "Ha.. yeah" to Snow White. His voice sounded really deep and could be our man.
Here's a short video with his only interaction so far as well as some apparitions:

By the way, I don't think he's the killer, but I suspect he works for the Crooked man as his eyes around the city. Some people think that he's a reused model, lazy work by Telltale or maybe an inside joke, but that too I don't think so. To me he has some kind of power to duplicate himself or has some magic, artifact that gives him that ability.
I do not believe it is the Butcher, or those ginger guy theories.. he's just there as a pedestrian model, recycled.
The color of the conversation is similar to Jersey's. Or it might be a new character, who knows?
It's true that some color of subtitles for characters have changed from episodes. I'm colorblind so it's harder for me to notice small hue changes, but I did notice for example that Beauty's subtitles have changed from a red to shock pink. Jersey, on the other hand, only appeared in ep.4. Why would they change the subtitles from the period you were at Beauty and Beast's ap to the moment you went for his shop? Doesn't make any sense to me. Besides I really think though similar in the aggressive tone, the voice from the caller is different from Jersey, specially for the accent.
Then again, the same argument could also be used against the Butcher possibly being the caller, that's why the Crier is my best guess. He was only heard talking in ep.1 and his subtitle was yelowish? (I could be wrong, like I said I'm colorblind). And a change to shock orange all the way to ep.4 would be nothing really. Besides his hair is orangeish ginger, so the color fits him.
Finally, why would a pedestrian model be so detailed and have lines? Snow even comment after stumbling upon him and having that awkward interaction that they (she and Bigby) have to be careful as "these walls have ears". That's another indication to support that he could be working as the Crooked man informant. Even if Snow doesn't know it for a fact (she didn't even knew about the Crooked man before Bigby found out), she probably sees the Crier's snooping around, acting suspicious or something and has a mistrustful feeling about him. Telltale wouldn't have hinted us like that if he was just a reused model meant to just be used for background, I don't think so.
He may just be a reused model of Cryer and a fake lead at the same time. I think the one who called was just a debt collecter.
As I've pointed out before, the caller's subtitles are orange, while Jersey's are brown.
In the subtitles the words are orange, just like when the crooked man talks. Since most charachters have their subtitles colored differently, I guess it was a very pissed off Crooked Man on the phone.
for instance, Bloody mary's subtitles are dark red, Jersey's light red, Toad's green and Snow White's blue.
I don't think he'd do it personally since he has an entire organisation who can play that role, besides, he seemed pretty calm. And why would he speak about himself at the third person?(unless he admires himself that much). The only members of his crew whom we met are Dee, Dum, Bloody Mary, Jersey Devil and Tiny Tim, maybe there's more.
The guy who voiced Cryer in the hallway in episode 1 ("Hi" and "Heh. Yeah.") is Sam Joan, the guy who voiced Doug in TWD:S1. Compare the voices and you will know.
In the credits his name is shown under "Cabbies", which makes sense since we see this guy driving every cab we've ever been in... There is no other character in the credits that describes the guy we meet in the hallway either.
Now here is where it gets a bit interesting and more relevant to the original topic...
Under the characters "Cabbies" (plural, have we actually seen more than one that speaks?) there is also another voice actor; Julian Kwasneski.
This is the same name that is shown in the credits for episode 4, under the character name "Caller". This is the guy who called Beauty and Beast, but it's not the same voice actor as Jersey Devil or any other "major" character.
Before you all go up in arms about this, do note that this guy is the Voice Director, so he may just do some voice acting for minor characters whenever it's needed. But I think it's a bit funny nevertheless. I really want to know what character in the game called B&B and threathened them, so if TT doesn't plan on telling me that then I'll be disappointing.
Edit: I think I figured out where Julian voices the "Cabbies" in episode 1. He's the cabby shouting "Hey!!" when they're driving to the Trip Trap bar
And just for fun, note that you get to see the following models walking past the screen at that point (in order): 'livia, Cindy, and Cryer (which is funny because the same model is used for the cabby).
Good job finding this out. From what i remember, Cryer is the only taxi driver and he only said the lines you mentioned. The caller is probably just a minor character that needed a voice.