Anyone planning on "special" playthroughs?
I was talking to my buddy about Episode 4, and we got to talking about ways to replay this series after it's been finished. Sure, we can always do a playthrough where we only choose the violent angry options and make Bigby a total cruel badass, but I was thinking of other entertaining ways to play. One idea we had was if you're playing on the Xbox 360, only choose the X Button options. Entire game, doesn't matter what they are, you select X.
My first replay is gonna be the "No Choice" playthrough. Let the timer run out each time, then watch as Bigby responds to every single question by staring and smoking silently. I don't know why I find the idea so damn funny.
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I am
I have three saves for the game. The first is nice Bigby. The second is nasty Bigby for when I'm feeling mischievous
. The third is the no dialogue option.
I'm currently doing a playthrough that is "be as big as an asshole as possible, steal all the money, and get the crap beaten out of you whenever you can." It's been very entertaining.
Well, I have a playthrough that I like to refer to as my "Dickby" playthrough. Basically the idea is that Bigby is a total jerk and on top of that he's a bad detective. It's pretty funny.
I also have a WWBD game where I try to make choices like the ones that I think Bigby from the comics would make. That's been interesting.
I was planning on doing some kind of "contradicting Bigby"-playthrough where I just constantly say and do things that contradict eachother. Sort of a "making no sense at all-Bigby"...
I also have three - the one where I just go with my gut, the monstrous and sadistic Bigby and the Bigby who's nice to EVERYONE
me too, but in episode 4 people will start to call you monster and I felt really guilty about sending Colin away and being mean to Snow..
I got one where i play as nice Bigby and one where i try to be as bad as possible.
I tried to make a silent playtrough but it didn't changed that much.
Yeah my first save is my main one, the one I use whenever a new episode comes out, I go in blind.
My second save is the 'Douche Among Us'
And the last two saves are just empty.