Fine by me :P Next time i'll simply state that what they are doing is wrong if it ever comes to that again. I'm just glad that this didn't spawn some petty conflict over a misunderstanding. There's nothing I hate more than that...actually there's probably a lot of other things but you get what i'm saying xD
Fine by me :P Next time i'll simply state that what they are doing is wrong if it ever comes to that again. I'm just glad that this didn't s… morepawn some petty conflict over a misunderstanding. There's nothing I hate more than that...actually there's probably a lot of other things but you get what i'm saying xD
Just so you guys know, I honestly didn't mind all the random comments on the thread, lol. I was out all day today, but I'll be posting up another part "nooS"
Just so you guys know, I honestly didn't mind all the random comments on the thread, lol. I was out all day today, but I'll be posting up another part "nooS"
My sister wants me to fangirl with her too, so don't worry I'm already halfway through Breaking Bad, I think. So maybe I'll watch GoT sometime in mid-June or as early as next week?
My sister wants me to fangirl with her too, so don't worry I'm already halfway through Breaking Bad, I think. So maybe I'll watch GoT sometime in mid-June or as early as next week?
Some people minded, I think. All that scrolling and false notifications must've drove them crazy, lol. The scrolling is what irked me, though, especially on mobile devices >.>
Just so you guys know, I honestly didn't mind all the random comments on the thread, lol. I was out all day today, but I'll be posting up another part "nooS"
EVERY ONE from the story so far (except cam, I couldn't get his picture because he is banned). Up by the lights are the dead RIP If I missed anyone let me know. I'll update this every now and then as more people are added/die !
Some people minded, I think. All that scrolling and false notifications must've drove them crazy, lol. The scrolling is what irked me, though, especially on mobile devices >.>
Noncy, my life is ruined.
You cocky fuck.Just eat the motherfuckin tacos.
Yah I don't watch GOT so I can't sulk with you.
Oberyn would want you to remain strong.
Who is that?
EDIT: Never mind, it must be a character from GoT.
Don't watch it. It'll ruin your soul. T_T
Same, I don't watch it either
Says the girl who has read the thousands of pages in the books, has watched every episode, and has a GoT pop-up book.
I don't watch it either. I just watched one episode where this blonde kid breaks a guy's fingers.
It still gets me, even if I already know what happens. =(
Fine by me :P Next time i'll simply state that what they are doing is wrong if it ever comes to that again. I'm just glad that this didn't spawn some petty conflict over a misunderstanding. There's nothing I hate more than that...actually there's probably a lot of other things but you get what i'm saying xD
Just be careful with ladies man, they float like a butterfly, but sting like a bee
Dayum GOT is like a second religion to you.
"ooohhh Okay."
You could say my GoT game is pretty serious.
You must be looking forward to Telltale's version of GoT, huh?
ARE YOU KIDDING ME? YES! I'm psyched as hell!
The only book I've ever obsessed over was Enclave and The Hunger Games.
I'm watching it after I finish watching Breaking Bad :P
Watch it so I can fangirl with you.
Just so you guys know, I honestly didn't mind all the random comments on the thread, lol. I was out all day today, but I'll be posting up another part "nooS"
Oh yeah, he's a character. Can't say anything about him though, because some people might not have watched this night's episode.
Hi Pro
My sister wants me to fangirl with her too, so don't worry
I'm already halfway through Breaking Bad, I think. So maybe I'll watch GoT sometime in mid-June or as early as next week?
Your sister is awesome then.
Is my fangirling not enough for you? ;_;
Some people minded, I think. All that scrolling and false notifications must've drove them crazy, lol. The scrolling is what irked me, though, especially on mobile devices >.>
I STILL need to get around reading my GoT books AND watch the series. I dunno why I haven't done it yet to be honest...
oh yeah, where are ya at in the series Broseph ? :P
EVERY ONE from the story so far (except cam, I couldn't get his picture because he is banned). Up by the lights are the dead RIP
If I missed anyone let me know. I'll update this every now and then as more people are added/die
Love me goddammit.
I'm pretty sure she "knows" that -.-
Stop being so jealous
Of course it is, my sun and stars.
You'll always be my favourite fangirl buddy.
No it isn't not for her,come wit me my beautiful Noncy.
The last two episodes of season 2
I love you all.