The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Good point. Though, idk what it feels like to be in your position, lol. I get random invites from time to time from people on YT, but nothing compared to you I bet, lol.

    it's a good thing...believe me...although some simply respect your work or who you are as a person, but the one that keeps asking to be adde

  • What type of fans?

    it's a good thing...believe me...although some simply respect your work or who you are as a person, but the one that keeps asking to be adde

  • just people who liked my work and creations and people who just think I'm the funniest mofo they ever met. To their credit I am probably one of the funniest guy on PSN xD

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    What type of fans?

  • Wow, you're so modest dude.

    just people who liked my work and creations and people who just think I'm the funniest mofo they ever met. To their credit I am probably one of the funniest guy on PSN xD

  • What "work and creations"?

    just people who liked my work and creations and people who just think I'm the funniest mofo they ever met. To their credit I am probably one of the funniest guy on PSN xD

  • back in the days it was because I hanged out with the best creators on LBP, later LBP 2, then I lost everything because my old PS3 died, yeah that actually gets you crazy fans xD

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    What "work and creations"?

  • some of my work still remains on my profile but it's mostly bigger projects vanished and I never got back on it after's a hassle to gather all the elements I need to create something...fuck all that noise...took me enough time the first time...

    back in the days it was because I hanged out with the best creators on LBP, later LBP 2, then I lost everything because my old PS3 died, yeah that actually gets you crazy fans xD

  • haha I try xD nah but seriously I do sound pretentious when I say that...I pretty much just repeat what everyone thinks of me...for some reason...

    Wow, you're so modest dude.

  • My favorite user created level was on LBP2 it was a Slender level where you were in first person.

    some of my work still remains on my profile but it's mostly bigger projects vanished and I never got back on it after's

  • sounds awesome, I haven't went back on it since my old PS3 died so I wouldn't know /:

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    My favorite user created level was on LBP2 it was a Slender level where you were in first person.

  • No-one can beat fried batter covered with sugary goodness.

    Puncake32 posted: »

    It's a Puncake face, Puncake looks like Pancakes but It's more tasty.

  • I can't read the date on the can but I don't think they're expired...

    How old are they? .-.

  • Yeah, but then the can's opened and I have to eat them :P

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    You should taste it first to see if you like it.

  • Wait, I shouldn't eat them on their own? Why not?

    don't eat sardines by itself ! Its delicious with the right ingredients :P



    JonGon posted: »


  • Puncake32Puncake32 Banned
    edited June 2014

    Yeah I know but his like Ben and gets everyone killed.

    Haha, technically Jewf didn't murder him. He left him to die. The walkers got eking.

  • Damn. Well, better hope someone likes them, then :P

    sardines posted: »

    Yeah, but then the can's opened and I have to eat them :P

  • Hey nice place, I could get real--- OMG IS THAT A BAR BACK THERE?! [Tobi puts on his tux and sits at the bar and says...]


    Alt text

    EVERY ONE from the story so far (except cam, I couldn't get his picture because he is banned). Up by the lights are the dead RIP If I missed anyone let me know. I'll update this every now and then as more people are added/die !

  • Alt text [Gives you Vodka martini]

    Hey nice place, I could get real--- OMG IS THAT A BAR BACK THERE?! [Tobi puts on his tux and sits at the bar and says...] VODKA MARTINI

  • Alt text

    Nobody told me we had this I missed all the fun :'(

  • Girl, don't waste your time.

    • watch porn


    • read a GOOD book. Like GoT. I haven't read it, but the show is awesome, so the books can't be bad.

    I'm reading my mom's copy of Fifty Shades of Grey, just because why the hell not. I'll probably regret this soon.

  • Oh, sorry.

    Yeah, you missed all the fun.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Nobody told me we had this I missed all the fun

  • I did not spoil anything >:(

  • I still wouldn't trust it.

    sardines posted: »

    I can't read the date on the can but I don't think they're expired...

  • I can't sleep.

  • edited November 2014

    hehe I see me at the bottom...

    EVERY ONE from the story so far (except cam, I couldn't get his picture because he is banned). Up by the lights are the dead RIP If I missed anyone let me know. I'll update this every now and then as more people are added/die !

  • and then finds a piece of wood big enough for the 2 of them but just to make it dramatic only one say they can fit.

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    I hope your boat sinks like the Titanic.

  • I san't cleep.

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I can't sleep.

  • Eat them on their own and find out. :3

    Alt text

    sardines posted: »

    Wait, I shouldn't eat them on their own? Why not?

  • Thank you kind sir. ;) [drinks vodka]

    Puncake32 posted: »

    [Gives you Vodka martini]

  • Think about it hard...

    Why... would the pages be sticky? .-.

  • Heyy, you're up early. School?

    I san't cleep.

  • Answer

    WhatTheDuck posted: »

    Answer me mofo.

  • edited June 2014

    Im on ps3. I have a mic to. don't know if I should use it...

    Anyone else who plays on PS3 ? I wouldn't mind adding you fine people, sure is kinda boring on it now that most migrated to the PS4...

  • Yep. School. x_x

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Heyy, you're up early. School?

  • she already reads it...

    Girl, don't waste your time. * watch porn OR * read a GOOD book. Like GoT. I haven't read it, but the show is awesome, so the books can't be bad.

  • I've read every single ASoIaF book there is. Like, twice.

    Girl, don't waste your time. * watch porn OR * read a GOOD book. Like GoT. I haven't read it, but the show is awesome, so the books can't be bad.

  • Alt text

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Nobody told me we had this I missed all the fun

  • Well, just hang in there. You're almost done :)

    Yep. School. x_x

  • Gary-OakGary-Oak Banned
    edited June 2014

    Alt text

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