The Fable Storyteller Awards (F.S.A.) - May Contenders
Hello, and welcome, to the first-ever Fable Storyteller Awards! A little recognition thread I made for the fantastically awesome people that have posted in the 'Create a Fable' topic I've made quite a while ago. Here is the link:
Over the past week or so, I came up with an idea to compile a list for anyone who posts a story about their own Fable, specifically noting certain achievements that they have accomplished throughout this month, while I create little summaries thereafter.
You’ll see what I mean when you look down below. The categories can range from anything, but, I shall not waste any time going through the details.
So, without further ado, here are the lucky winners for May:
- Dedicated Users of the Month: Markd4547, LupineNoir, pudding_pie
These three amazing storytellers are given this award for being the most active in this discussion, congratulations you guys!
- Most Interesting/Recent Backstory: Scribz, she-wolf_x1, Gorvar, Hbh128
After making a good first impression, the following users win this award for having the most fascinating of backstories written for their recent Fable creation.
[Curious forum-goers can view their stories at the following pages: Scribz’s story begins on page 4, she-wolf’s on page 6, Gorvar’s on page 7, and last but not least, Hbh128’s on page 11/12.]
- Story with the Best Use of Comic References: EMMYPESS
If you are looking for a story that integrates flawlessly into the world of the Fables comics, it is recommended that people check out Emmy’s tale! Really, you won’t regret it.
[People can view the beginning of her story on page 1, be sure to click on the spoiler warning to reveal it.]
- Story with the Best Character Art: pudding_pie
Apart from having a superb story available for all to see, pudding_pie has taken the time to make his own art for his story’s lovable protagonist.
You can browse his most recent drawings on the ‘TWAU: Fan Art’ thread, along with some links available in his chapters.
[The pages of his beginning story are shown below.]
- Most Interesting Take on the TWAU Cast: Markd4547
Want to see an action-packed tale involve your favorite cast of TWAU characters? Then this is the one for you! Bigby just can’t get a field day anymore, can he?
[Users can look at Mark’s story on page 10, which ends on page 14.]
- Fables of the Month: Lyla Smith, Harmony Wolf, Draco, Mr. Weasel, Manny Webber
Lyla Smith - created by, pudding_pie:
Being the daughter of a werewolf and a Mundy, only but a few know her true weakness. This tale takes you on a romantic journey throughout Fabletown, as she meets some familiar faces along the way. Feelings will be had, and tears will be shed.
[Lyla’s story begins on page 4, as it ends on page 12. Ignore the accidental spoiler warning.]
Harmony Wolf - created by, EMMYPESS:
Hailing from a faraway land, it really stinks when you’re not born exactly whole. But, with a heart and curiosity like a child, such things would not stop her from visiting a place such as Fabletown. And in time, her visit over there would not be in vain, as surprises wait for her sudden arrival.
[The starting page of Harmony’s story is shown above.]
Draco - created by, MasterStone:
Born a human with a mysterious dragon for a father, Draco is faced with one task and one task only: to find out who and where the Hell his father is. Unfortunately, Draco finds out that it isn’t easy to get his long-lost dad back, and gets an interesting cast of characters to help. Shit goes down.
[Draco the dragon’s story starts on page 3.]
Mr. Weasel - created by, LupineNoir:
Finding himself in a creepy manor, a weasel of low stature finds that he is in the company of a mysterious host. Of course, being a Fable of some renown, he welcomes the hospitality of the mysterious man, and excitingly explains the tale of himself by the fire. An insight is thoroughly created on his side of the story, amongst many other things.
[Mr. Weasel’s story starts on page 2.]
Manny Webber - created by, Scribz:
Son of Archanine, and an unknown father. This spider will soon find out that life offers… many opportunities ripe for the taking, when he takes in a ‘bigger’ view on life, that is. Inevitably, such thrills in life will come at a halt for him, as he soon finds himself in Fabletown.
[And finally, viewers can read Manny’s story which is listed above.]
Alright, that wraps up the Fable Storyteller Awards! I certainly hope it was to your liking and has had met your expectations, for those who have anticipated it. I really tried making it fair for everyone. If you hadn’t made it on there, however, I apologize. There is always next month!
I will be answering any questions pertaining to the listings of the winners. If you have any complaints/suggestions or would want me to put in a better summary for your story or award, let me know.
Also, I’m all eyes if anyone has any tips on how I might improve the ‘F.S.A.’ for later months.
Yes dedicated user and Interesting take award delighted thanks so much
But I'm also bit gutted to miss out on Fable of the month but understand they are all very talented writers and deserved their awards so congratulations to Scribz:, LupineNoir, MasterStone, pudding_pie, EMMYPESS, she-wolf_x1, Gorvar, Hbh128 all very talented and creative geniuses well done
Hell yes; dedicated user, character art and fable of the month!
Congrats to all the other writers who took the time to create such wonderful stories that had us all shedding tears, cheering on or surprised! Can't wait to read on and continue to the next month! You all have created some fin work for TWAU!
Again, good job to everyone!
"Bloody come on then!"
Thanks, guys. Fable of the Month, I'm coming for you!
I have no doubts that your Fable will be a contender for June's Fable of the Month award.
You deserve it, buddy. Thank ya!
You earned it, friend. Have you considered making your own Fable for the next story you're gonna make? If you do, then I'll be sure to put you in as a contender for Fable of the Month too!
appreciative whistle Nice award skills, dude! I think you've done a great job of giving them out and the write-ups for each award are excellent.
Thanks for the awards and thanks to all who have read my idiosyncratic pieces! I will go somewhere with it all, I promise!
Also, I think there are at least three awards you could include yourself in, Dragon. Not to mention one for most creative and enthusiastic thread starter; after all, these stories probably wouldn't be here if not for you
Aww, thank you man. I appreciate your kind words!
You have a point there, I could have included myself in an award or two, but my top priority right now is listing/thinking up the awards for the contributors that post their excellent stories to the original thread, especially for the later months. Besides, it's the least I could do. Thanks again for the kind words!
Thank you for the award and acknowledgement
Thanks but not sure if I think of a good concept or get inspired I'll see don't know hard to get motivated takes a lot of work for me tbh last story took me between 8-10 hours altogether to complete plus did so much additional preparation planning for plot and story arcs etc. Also have dyslexia so takes me ages editing for grammar etc so maybe not I'll see
No problem, Stone! Be creative! That's what us storytellers strive for. :P
Got it, I understand. Well, you are obviously more than welcome to create your entirely own Fable, if you can. I believe that you can do it, I'm sure the others would too.
Man, makes me want to do my own Fable now! Can it be anything and then you add TWAU characters in it? BTW, good job everyone! Looks good!
Yes, your Fable can be anyone or anything. Yes, it is recommended that you add at least one of two TWAU characters into your story. Even characters from the comics if you want!
I'll write my own Fable actually taught about it I will but be my style so warning will be violent though lol
Best. Gif. Ever. Congrats, Mark!
I feel kinda honored! I never knew my writings would ever get nominated for anything, so thanks so much! I'll think of writing another chapter or something. Maybe I'll start up a new story with new Fables. Thanks, again!
Also, congrats to others who've won! I'm glad I'm not the only talented soul, and I've enjoyed everyone else's stories as much as my own!
Your story definitely deserved a couple of awards Em, just like the others. I still commend you for adding references from time to time that are nods to my previous threads.
Sometimes a little one-two punch action is needed for a Fable story, if you know what I mean. :P As always, I'm excited to see!
When will you post the next part to Mr. Weasel's story? Do you have an estimation of when you think you're going to finish it? Simply wondering, is all.
I'm really happy with all the positivity that I've been receiving with the F.S.A. so far! I am so glad all of you are enjoying it, as well as the praise you guys have been giving each other!
Excuse me, I need a moment... :')
Part 1 will be up tonight
yes the most important award I accept just want to thank everyone on the forum not great with words :')
The next part I've started on and I'm hoping to get done this week, and while it is part of Mr. Weasel's story it doesn't actually feature him, as I'm going backwards in time and doing a bit of a character background thing. I'm hoping that sounds a little mysterious :P
In terms of finishing, I'm hoping that will be soonish. It takes me aages to think it all out and write because I obsess over details a little, and I quite like the idea of doing a few one or two-off tales of different characters.
Thanks for asking, and how about Tezoth? Are him and Snow going to escape from the truck or will they meet the Crooked Man? :O
Presuming the boss is the Crooked Man, of course.
Ooo, a flashback type deal, I like it! That alleyway scene left me hanging from what I remember, man.
And since you asked about Tezoth, (thank you to you too for asking) I've been randomly thinking on where to go after the diner, there's literally so many things that I could do with that particular part of the story now. I'll think of something really awesome eventually.
Thanks Dragon! Reading these amazing stories was definitely worth my time
Pleased to hear you have so many ideas, it's a real downer when you're stuck with where to go. Look forward to reading you're something really awesome
For sure, anytime!
Btw, will you post more about Lehava? It's entirely up to you of course. :O
What? Me being really awesome or my story being really awesome? I have a feeling it's the second answer. XP
Chapter 3 should almost be ready
I've been rewriting it, then deleting it, rewriting it, then deleting it ... But hopefully I'm sticking to what I've got this time xD
Fantastic! Maybe there'll be a possibility where she'll win an award for June's Fable of the Month!
That Gif I award my best gif award to Dragon lmao. But agreed
How could I not, it was just brilliant! Thank you for creating these threads in the first place, otherwise we'd have never gotten this far! It's amazing, really.
Neither, it's both!
I think everyone here's got a bit of awesome
I know! (sniffs) My thread contributors have exceled in their imaginations so fast, it's beautiful...
EDIT: I forgot to say, that you're welcome Em.
Ah-hah! You got me, I can't go wrong with what you said there. All of us must have awesomeness flowing through our veins!
Aw, it's okay. And I just wrote on that Walking Dead Create Your own story thread that Mark Posted a while ago. It's on the last page if you're interested. I actually really like how I wrote it. I'm definitely going to continue that one. As for your forum, I might wait a week before making a new post. I definitely have to start a fresh story. We'll see.
Well, I actually already read your story. :S I may need to read it again though, my eyes tend to skim around sometimes when I browse all these stories, y'know?
Can't wait for your possible 'new' story, but I would still love to see more of Harmony Wolf if you can. She's awesome with those blue streaks and childish personality. ^_^