We aren't the only ones worried about the new Telltale

in General Chat
"We're also worried Telltale is handling too much. Back to the Future and Wolf Among Us felt like passion projects, franchises they just wanted to be a part of. Game of thrones and Borderlands are bigger names, making it more likely the company is just going where the money goes."
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Telltale, please... don't do this.
Well I'm currently enjoying both but if they put more effort into them two I'm gonna flip. Fuckin' knights and robots. Lets hope the sales don't beat TWD.
That's some pretty weird reasoning... bigger licences mean we probably care about them less???
Telltale is a company made up of many unique individuals, and we're people just like any others, each one of us with a wide and diverse set of interests. Many of us loved Borderlands and Game of Thrones LONG before working on those licences was even a glimmer of a possibility.
Being genuinely invested in and caring about our licences is how we make games that stay true to those universes. Basically, I'm yet to see anything that ISN'T a passion project for Telltale... and that's part of what makes it a cool and exciting place to work.
And could you please explain the recent drop in quality over the last couple of months for your present titles? I mean how all the episodes suddenly has dramatically decreased in length, and how the latest episodes feels slow, and rushed in general. It seems that you spend all your energy and dedication on Borderlands and Game of Thrones and want to get our most beloved titles out of the way. You're over your heads with hype and fame and you have taken a too big a bite you can not chew.
Hate it as much as you like but as a member since the very first episodes of the original The Walking Dead I can see what's happening. The quality of Telltale Games's storytelling has fallen down significantly. If they keep going like this 2014 will be the downfall for Telltale Games as we know it.
I just wish you worked on one realistic project and one unrealistic. Both Borderlands and GoT are unrealistic
. I know zombies ain't realistic but, yano... more realistic than GoT with it's wizards and Borderlands with robots.
What's wrong with Telltale trying something different?
Back when Telltale mainly focused on comedy puzzle games, people had similar fears for Telltale once they announced Walking Dead.
cough TWAU episode 4 only an hour cough
From marketing point of view it's masterstroke buy a famous franchise with fanbase of millions your guaranteed big profit even if the game flops as you use a small budget compared to big gaming company projects. To maximize your market they will make the game capable of fitting on all systems so don't imagine a huge improvement in all areas be a TWD s2 sort of thing. Just wish telltale would go for one game just for PC and Xbox/Ps4 with massive improvements in all areas from game play to decisions while maintaining same graphics we know and love with bigger length. But for profit they will make a game capable of fitting on the lowest system but still be sold to all systems at the same price as the exact same game so there is no reason to upgrade the game for them if not broken don't fix it. Just hope they realized this or else gamers will just watch the game on youtube and save their money
Point and Click = With no hubs areas or puzzles
Story decision game = Decisions are rare and have no effect with majority cutscenes even shorter episodes
Season 1 was perfection but don't know what sort of game S2 is tbh
Bring on the hate
Well lets be honest, TWD made Telltale well more popular. Realism, nuff said.
Not to be rude, but I'd hardly consider that a long time ago at all. Saying it like that ignores the jump in quality Telltale had from their earlier games to more recent titles like Walking Dead and Wolf Among Us.
Oh don't misunderstand me. I can imagine how Telltale's story writing was back then and I'm not bashing at their previous titles at all. Not played them myself like Back to the Future, but watched walkthroughs. I'm only referring to their new titles.
Yeah, I think S2 is better in... um... a lot of ways, more exciting I guess, but S1 had way better choices. The Nick and Alvin thing was good though.
TWAU, I can understand but TWD is for sure. TWAU has that fairytale shit behind them though. More of a detective game.
I can honestly say that this is something I really appreciate about you guys. The amount of work and effort you put into your games simply because you want to make good and compelling games and not because your money hungry? This kind of passion is really what made The Walking Dead such a fantastic game.
The first season was way better in all ways and angles.
Before Walking Dead, it was Back to the Future that made Telltale popular.
Before Back to the Future, it was Monkey Island that made Telltale popular.
Before Monkey Island, it was Sam and Max that made Telltale popular.
Sticking with "popular" franchises solely because they made Telltale popular is poor reasoning for Telltale to continue working on a franchise. Also, how would that be any different from the people accusing Telltale of being sellouts for going after larger franchises?
Walking Dead isn't exactly realistic. What makes Walking Dead special - and other Telltale games old and new for that matter - is the interpersonal drama. I'm sure Game of Thrones has plenty of great potential for interpersonal drama.
Personally, I wish Telltale would try to go off the beaten track just a little. Mine for material from older franchises. Interactive stories centred around Clive Barker's NIGHTBREED or the NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET series (maybe even roping in a few actors from the actual movies to do the voices) have the potential to be exciting as hell.
Yea TTG you guys are slacking TWAU Episode 4 was trash FOR ME and i dont know but if ya follow this with TWD Season 2 episode 4 then maybe its time for me to move on.
zombies ain't any more realistic than robots
Well I've never watched it before and it's some 13th century shite IMO. Horses and knights and urh... horrible.
With that logic, you could say Walking Dead is just some generic zombie show where people kill zombies and run.
people seem to think that telltale as a company can live of love and pennies.
Edit: and by that I mean that it is a smart move to work like they do with franchises. One big franchise to get the money rolling in, and one "underground" franchise for the fans and possibly create new fans.
Why not?
What are you talking about? This is similar to The Walking Dead 203 hate. telltale is evolving into something very great especially by that episode. Dark and bleak atmosphere that fits the apocalypse, More morally defining situations via RPG elements, More quality on the storyline. I believe this has been TTG's plan even since they started the walking dead. The only thing that is missing TWG is scientific understanding of the outbreak.
Haven't played anything beyond TWG for TTG tbh.
So what you're saying is they should milk and half-ass their big franchise and work harder on the other lesser ones? Looks exactly like what they've been doing.
Copypasting this from another thread.
"Poor Clementine being used as a money grab so they can finance all their other crappy games that won't sell near as much as TWD.'
-Summer 2015
"shit, borderlands sold less than Bigby and nobody bothered 'buying' GoT, how the hell am i going to afford that $19,900 green interior for my maybach?. BRECKON!, go to the whiteboard and start TWD's Season 3, we need a quick buck right now if we want to finish Breaking Bad, James Bond and Jurassic Park's Season 2. Make sure the episodes are 60-75 minutes long, i remember back in the day people ATE that with In Sheep's Clothing and Cry Wolf."
R.I.P Vanaman's legacy"
Fixed that for you
E3 rumors = fact
Horses, knights, lots of drinking and inbreeding!
Want some cheese with that whine?
Nah the Future of TTG is this they will Release Game of Moans and TFTB and they would sell pretty well because of the name. In 2015 they will release a BS TWD Season 3 that is 45-60 minutes episodes. By 2016 TTGs CEO/President will sell the company to Ubisoft for a quick buck on the dying company.
You're focusing too much on the lore and not the gameplay elements that made season 1 the masterpiece that it is.
I just want to cry.
Yes, finally I can reply on Internet Explorer. Chrome wouldn't work, anyway erm... that's your opinion so...
Yes, they're.
No they really ain't
you work for telltale?? you are not the same as the moderator right? well I love season 2 and the new episodes of TWAU, but I can see some of the complains and "mistakes" that happen in the newest stuff, and I understand them. so could you explain the shorting of the episodes, specially that of the Walking Dead Game? me I understand why there wasn't more exploring of the setting there was in EP.3, but it did felt shorter in time, so what is the reason of shorter time? I still love these games I think they are heart pounding and still great story, but I understand some of the complains of the people here are saying, but I don't let it, or more better put, it hasn't completely ruined my gaming experience, but it has been notice and felt.
Yes, It's missing hubs, I know. But it doesn't deserve all these fuss. And personally, S1 Wasn't a masterpiece to me at all. Episode 1, 2 and 4 were masterpieces, But 3 and 5 weren't.
But I'm pretty sure they have reasons for that they didn't reveal for some reason.