Mass Effect Fans
I am a MASSIVE mass effect fan and i thought maybe we should start a discussion here about Mass Effect days before E3 and the possible reveal trailer of ME4.
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I am a MASSIVE mass effect fan and i thought maybe we should start a discussion here about Mass Effect days before E3 and the possible reveal trailer of ME4.
Do we reckon it will be set pre or post- ME3? It's exciting to think there might be a trailer at E3.
I personally think It'll be post-ME3. And it won't feature the Andromeda galaxy as may think eventhough i wish it will. They said that there're only two new species, Doesn't make sense if it's set about a galaxy's first contact with another one. How will they handle ME3's ending input into ME4 is still a mystery and i can grantee it will upset a partition of the fans. Yes, It won't relate to Shepard, But a massive war and decision like ME3 ending can't be ignored.
Someone called?
The two new species could still fit if the contact war also involved other known species, however I suspect you're right about it being set post-ME 3. I'd quite like to see how things were before Shepard, yet I guess there's no real point as the technology would - surely? - have to be downgraded, and that doesn't fit with the niche they've got going.
Though I've played all three games and enjoyed them, I wasn't that bothered by the original ending. Sure, it might not have been the best in terms of fitting into what was referenced in previous games, I just think the hate seemed extreme. Shows people care though.
Ending was bad. I admire the EC Synthesis ending, But the whole Starchild thing and Priority: Earth is so poorly written and i understand why. The change of the writing team in ME3 was too much and too focused on Mac Walters' Artistic shit. Yes, Fan outrage was overrated and for the wrong reason. That they wanted the "MEHEM". But ending is bad and it needs to be fixed. I'm new to the ME community, About 6 months ever since i started playing ME1 and I'm doing a project to fix the ending and add it as a DLC.
About ME4, First contact war wouldn't be an RPG and besides, It's already addressed in the Comics. I'm pretty sure it's the future.
I'm sorry, But I'm not sure i follow.
Also, Mass Effect history has no record of new species during the first contact war.
I'm pretty sure they confirmed it's post ME3
Among rumors and not much confirmed, I can't really recall. And since all the buzz about Mass Effect: Contact and the first contact war speculation has been rising.
The Synthesis ending was the first one I did, which might explain while I wasn't overly riled, however I do agree that the Starchild thing was a complete shift in writing. In comparison to the other games, and most of ME 3 up to that point, it all seems pretty realistic, or whatever realistic is for a story set quite some time in the future, whereas the Starchild thing was really - weird. Not necessarily bad by itself, just in context to the rest of the established fiction.
I admire your efforts to make your own ending. I haven't got the games on PC so I wouldn't be able to play it, yet I'd be interested to know what you do.
Looks like all eyes will be on the future, then.
Yes, The Tuchanka and Rannoch story archs were already set in previous games. Mass Effect 3 was supposed to add a reaper arc, Yet the writing staff failed. The whole Act III of the game was so poorly done that it feels I'm reconstructing it. I'ma actually calling the project "Reconstruction DLC". I'm creating the concept, "Near finishing it" and then will write the first draft of it on my blogger to check public's opinion, such as yours.
The Rannoch storyline was even better when I was romancing Tali
Actually, Rannoch was quickly escalated and needed to slow down a little bit. Also, Legion was supposed to survive somehow.
On consideration it does seem as if the story backed itself into a corner with the Reapers. They make for great antagonists, however they're not going to be gotten rid of easily or quickly, unless something like that ending is done.
Okay, I will search around and keep a check out for it.
Did you ever get to see behind her mask? That was one of my disappointments of ME 2 - not getting to see - after playing it through again and romancing her :P
YES! Mass Effect 3 ending has to be unconventional in order to end the story. They brought an average and a plotholed twist with no atmosphere at all.
I agree, it was executed without finesse. You said they changed the writing game for ME 3 - why was it changed?
Well, The lead writer for ME1 Just left the staff, Most of the rest were changed as well. Not much has remained. Only Mac Walters and two more. And Mac Walters isn't really that good as a "lead" writer.
Ahh, fair enough. Personally ME 1 was my favourite as I felt it captured that sense of impending threat with a genuine need for exploration of different planets, i.e. going to Novaria and Vermire. It didn't feel forced.
YES! Me too. But ME2 portrayed the terminus very well which gave a sense of a complete galaxy to different variations of people.
Indeed, Omega served as the perfect counter-point to the Citadel. I couldn't agree more that ME 2 gave a sense of completeness to the galaxy.
The writers of ME 4 will certainly have to prove their worth.
Indeed. Though the presence of Mac Walters disturb me. He was the lead writer of ME2, But he was surronded with a lot of people to prevent mistake.
One of the writers of ME3 Talked about the ending that Only Casey Hudson and Mac Walters were the ones who worked on it ditching the whole team but he denied that the interview was legit eventhough some of what he said was added in the EC DLC.
It wouldn't be the first time a writer commenting such and it later being denied has happened. Yet why ditch the team? A lot of people blame E.A. for certain implementations that have occurred in the business side of video games, and whilst I'm not the company's number one fan I've never been so irked as to particularly bash them. Could this be an instance where ME 3 was forced before it was ready, however?
I don't think it was rushed. I think the new writing team just screwed it over. Wanted to have something BioShock Infinite-ish. As you can see, BioShock Infinite's creator and most invested fans have liked the ending of ME3 just as it is.
Bioshock Infinite came out after ME 3, unless you mean the storylines of the Bioshock universe in generall?I'm a pretty invested fan of Bioshock, especially Infinite, so perhaps that also explains my above opinion.
Yes, I didn't like it, But i respect that opinion. Though it doesn't really fit the setting of Mass Effect.
Oh, I certainly agree that it doesn't fit with the setting, I just meant that I'm not mega-annoyed by it. Though the more I talk about it the more it is becoming annoying haha
Tell me, What's your favorite ending?
That's a tough one.
The Refusal ending is certainly different from many other video game endings as it implies that you didn't exactly win. I like it and dislike it for the fact that it puts you almost back to the first Mass effect game, with finding the Prothean Beacons, rediscovering a lost civilisation and uncovering the Reaper threat and so forth. There's not much closure, yet it's a different sort of ending.
The Destroy ending seems the most obvious one that could be followed on from in terms of a post-ME 3 game as it removes the Reaper threat, yet doesn't particularly change anything else. Is Shepard alive or dead? I'm not sure that inhalation was necessary to see - they can't get away with rebuilding him twice, can they?
The Control ending doesn't really do anything for me. If there's some sort of invasion threat in the galaxy Shepard - or the essence of Shepard - could get the Reapers to wipe it out; that being said, it's entirely possible to have Shepard go mad with power which seems too much of a cliché for my liking.
Lastly, then, is the Synthesis ending. It could be a real game changer - a universe changer, even. Will they follow ME 4 on from it? I doubt it, however this ending and the Destroy ending seem the most satisfactory out of the bunch.
I'm finding it a bit tricky to pick a favourite, yet I'm going to say the Synthesis ending. It just seems to wrap things up in a more unexpected parcel than the Destroy ending, which would be my next down on the list. After that is the Refusal ending, due to liking and disliking it for the reasons I mentioned above; and finally the Refusal ending.
How about yourself?
Also, sorry if a. I've got some of the implications of the endings wrong, and b. if you really didn't want a mini-essay on it. I've just never had chance to discuss the ending of the game with anyone before
Sorry for being late but all you get is some shitty real life photo look:
I have to admit she is kinda hot.. LOL NOT REALLY
Synthesis is my choice. I choose Synthesis, I am alive and I am not alone. xD For a variety for reasons, Synthesis is the ending i looked forward to ever since Mass Effect 1. But it was so poorly introduced that it sounded very bad before i chose it. That's one of the main issues we're focusing on fixing in ME3. Introduce Synthesis correctly.
Destroy is kinda good, But it has a lot of flaws to me. Firstly, You become an alliance hero. Actually, I'm a Spectre to the bone, Not an alliance solider. Secondly, It ditches the whole responsibility of understanding and analyzing the situation and to create the solution that really fits the situation. "Synthesis".
Control is for people who likes power, Mostly Renegades. Requires you sacrifice yourself to save everyone. Not really my type of choice, But i respect it. Refusal's brilliance is that as you said, It's really different than anything we've ever seen before.
Verdict: None of the endings represent a Paragon/Renegade choice. It represents how the trilogy will end and leaving morality for you to decide. The ending has a lot of potential, It just needs to be put right. Unfortunately, The fans don't see that potential. Try googling "MEHEM". That's the kind of ending they want, Though It doesn't fit Mass Effect, Not by a long shot.
I heard about this issue and have seen the photo. But I never really romanced her, She kinda annoys me. For me, Male Shep, Miranda. Fem Shep, Garrus. And I want to try a full Liara romance.
IDK for me I picked Tali in ME 2 because IMO she was the best fem character on the ship at the time.
Jack looks like Miley Cyrus and is more of a Renegade romance (Which I'm Paragon all the way)
Miranda seemed a little too forced (Constant ass shots, is uncaring for personal feelings till last minute..)
But this is my opinion so don't take it personal.
No, No, No, No. Nothing personal. We're here to have a friendly chat about Mass Effect.
I do agree Jack is Miley Cyrus though. xD And I'm a Paragade. Miranda has always struck me as a very strong women, Even FemShep made mention of that during Citadel DLC. She was talking to Miranda and then said, We're not girly girls, We're like Space divas. THAT's what compel me to her, Not her ass xD, Not for being a human. I'm open to dating aliens. xD
XD Yeah because there are alot of people (like one of my cousins) Who ONLY picked Miranda because her ass XD
xD I'm not superficial. Character > Appearance. Yes, Appearance matters, But no way near Character's importance.
We need a silence option in ME4 urgently. All those parts with the council...
You mean disconnecting the council. Yeah, it was hilarious. Didn't do it in gameplay but saw it on youtube. I always have this feeling of the diplomatic consequences of my actions.
No, I wanted to have silence options in those moments from Mass Effect 1 where you really get to see the councilors and all. But silence options in all conversations would also be good, even though it would work better if we had a timer.