my llttle cousins are practically like Clementine :P They're so cute haha it's also nicee that they think i'm the best cousin ever i'm good… more with kids, I just can't stand the "stupid" ones....I don't hate them...but i'd rather not have to take care of those...some people can but I just don't have the patience
Sorry, sir. You're lovely, but I've already promised myself to Noncy. I'm just waiting for a proposal.
We'll smuggle that damn kid out of Zimbabwe if we have to.
He's not even in the comics, so I don't know when he might die. Lol, I hope you're not one of those people that will stop watching just because they kill him off.
i mean, if one persom loves another, and the other loves them back, why cant they be allowed to love each other?
its not pedophilia or an… moreything which is 100% wrong. its 2 adults that love each other that are the same sex, whats so bad about that?
i was best friends with someone and they mentioned that and said soemtihing like :gays ruined everything and its not normal and the world would be better without them"
i looked them strait in to eye and said " shut.the.fuck.up"
And then i walked away and never talked to him again.
He's not even in the comics, so I don't know when he might die. Lol, I hope you're not one of those people that will stop watching just because they kill him off.
A kid needs their real mother around them to live a healthy life, if you're never around to take care of them, they might grow up with issues and a lot of baggage. A nanny can never replace the maternal love of a loving mother and father.
A kid needs their real mother around them to live a healthy life, if you're never around to take care of them, they might grow up with issues and a lot of baggage. A nanny can never replace the maternal love of a loving mother and father.
So you'll wear plate mail underneath your suit?
You're so fucking lucky! If or when I have a daughter, I'm gonna try my best to raise her to be very sweet and smart.
i can see this happening at your wedding:
and then somebody gets mad and fly's on of these things at the worst moment.
Exactly! See? I think ahead
Moral of the story: Don't get married on a beach at high tide.
Sorry, sir. You're lovely, but I've already promised myself to Noncy. I'm just waiting for a proposal.
We'll smuggle that damn kid out of Zimbabwe if we have to.
...or one of these.
I knew it. You don't love me, I get it ;~;
don't say that, i'm sure you would be a great mother :P
He's not even in the comics, so I don't know when he might die. Lol, I hope you're not one of those people that will stop watching just because they kill him off.
or this starts getting thrown all over by someone. damn itf freaky..

Doubt it. I'd probably be too busy with my world domination plans to bother with a kid, so I'd just hire a nanny.
I'm sorry, but that's guy's an idiot.
if you want to puss your wife off, get her this.
I don't cheat. I'm faithful >:(
Pssh, no. I'd be severely depressed, but I wouldn't stop watching.
It's cool. Don't mind me, I'll just be over there at my sad corner
Don't be sorry.
Maybe you'll find a nice girl in the DR to bring home to the family. xD
Grrr... if I see a guy wearing that shirt, I'll burn it while he's still wearing it.
throw im in a pit of fire myself. ill srick em in here:

oh ya and you said you were reading 50 shads of grey? well this is better.
Screw the DR >.>
Hi, I'm back. I almost died.
A kid needs their real mother around them to live a healthy life, if you're never around to take care of them, they might grow up with issues and a lot of baggage. A nanny can never replace the maternal love of a loving mother and father.
What went wrong? Haha, I'm joking. What happened, though?
Why? .-.
Exactly. See? Busy women shouldn't have children.
I didn't mean it, lol. But nice girls are really rare down there.
I fell down the stairs because my dog got in the way and I didn't want to step on him xD
Well, shit. are you okay, though? If something like that happened to me, I'd probably have some broken bones.
There are nice girls everywhere, you just have to look in the right places. Like... not bars or strip clubs.
okok, who in there right mind would buy this?! (its 12$)
I never go to those places ._.
My arm hurts, eh... My cheek does too, but that's it.
Well at least it sounds like you didn't break or sprain anything. So you'll be fine.