Season 1 VS Season 2
Hi guys, I am starting this discussion because I am curious on which season of the walking dead you have preferred so far.
Personally I much preferred playing season 1, because it just seemed like a more realistic scenario. Lee was an adult, so as expected he was particularly influential when it came to group decisions. The dynamic of the group was full of tension, as leadership was a desired role. Also it seemed right that Lee was expected to carry out missions, as his character was strong minded, and physically strong. I also loved being in a position (as Lee) where I had a responsibility over the group, increasing the bond between the characters.
Don't get me wrong, I love season 2, but I think making Clem the main character was a mistake. We already knew Clem's story, so we did not get to discover Clem's past like we did with Lee's.Also, Clem is a child, so it just seems silly, and out of place that all the adult characters are expecting her to carry out large tasks. Similarly, the dynamics between characters seem odd, because of how they treated her like an adult.
Clem is an ass-kick warrior, but I would have preferred to see her evolution through the eyes of a new character, who could have formed different bonds with other characters.
What do you guys think?
I think both are great, but I would say so far season 1 was better.
It was just more interesting. Having said that I still am really enjoying season 2 and am hoping for a season 3
I completely agree. Season 2 is still great so far, and I can't wait to see how they continue it in the next episodes, but if they do make a season 3 I hope they do it from the pov of a new character. But they better not kill off Clem!
Season 1 for the story, characters, emotion, twists and turns.
Season 2 for the intensity, brutality, action, blood and gore.
Overall, I like Season 1 better, but Season 2 isn't over yet so I'll have to wait before I can properly judge it.
Season 2 I feel more helpless which is a good thing.. I think Season 2 where you have to pick between Luke and Kenny was one of the hardest choices i had to make in TWDG. I am waiting on S2 to finish before i judge.
I feel like the last episode of TWD was a massive build up, so hopefully the next episode is great.
I like both, though i think season 1 was a lot scarier than season 2.
I had some scare jumps while playing season 1, especially in crawford's episode, something that still didn't happen in season 2.
I love the whole franchise, because it focuses on how human relationships develop through horrendous struggles. That is why I loved how Lee was like Kenny's brother, Clem's farther, Carly's admirer. And I think they did a great job with that in season 2, with Luke.
Clem isn't weird as main character. Like Chuck says in S2 trailer, there are no laws are constraints. That said the Clem wind turbine thing is weird, that many adults don't even bother to try the key?
the main character being clem is what makes this entire season for me since they aren't doing much good in a lot of the other departments, clem was not a mistake i think she is the perfect character to play as for season 2
I love her strong willingness, but it seems awkward when none of the adult characters volunteer to do the hard tasks, and they all look to Clem. I mean she is more then capable of completing the tasks, and they shouldn't under estimate her. But maybe they should use perceived weakness ( young age ) to enhance the story, maybe her battling to do the harder tasks, which they did show a little of in the last episode, which I give them props for.
Season 1 no question Season 2 is ok but its walking backwards instead of forward.
As of now? Season 1.
Clem as the protagonist in concept is something that I still think has great potential. Once again, it is the execution that I feel that is lacking. That goes for her, the cast, the gameplay... you get the picture. I was saying in another thread that the ideas, the concept behind Season 2 is mostly ok with me, but we cannot judge the final product based on ideas only.
if i be serious, i would say theres not even competition here, its so damn clear which is better while s2 is not bad its fun but i can no longer take major decisions or make impact on storyline anymore. However one thing i liked from s2 is they got rid of annoying puzzles (i know that was fun for some ppl but starting train in ep3 s1 was hell wastage of time)
I'd say Season 1 is the stronger of the two. It had a lot of optional dialog and tasks to do, and unfortunately those extras are missing in Season 2. But that being said, I still freaking love S2.
As for the story/characters department, can't really say just yet considering we still have another two episodes to go with S2.
True. They should make characters more hesitant to let her do things. She should be trusted but the adults honestly need to take the reigns more. In S1 the story is so immersive because characters make logical decisions which is good for the zombie genre. In S2 it's brilliant but they rely on Clem so much it feels more like a game. In S1 it feels like I'm Lee. In S2 it feels like I'm playing as Clem
So far I love Season 1 way better, but before drawing any conclusion let's wait all Season 2 episodes are out.