So I almost never cry in real life - like, I have not ever shed a single tear because of the Walking Dead, even (not even the ending of Season 1) - and for example right now I think the last time I cried was at least six months ago. But every once in a while I'll have just these random outbursts; I'm a cosplayer, and I frequent cons, and the first time that I went to a Homestuck meetup at a con, about 2 years ago (but definitely not my first con lol, I've been going for years) something really embarrassing happened.
There are like, 100 people there, all paying attention to the meetup and the instructions the leader of the meetup is giving to us ... and my best friend keeps talking. Eventually, I turned to her and told her to be quiet and listen to the meetup leader (one of her rules was to be quiet while she was talking.) What do I get for my troubles? The leader yells at me, and tells me if I'm going to cause trouble I should just leave. I wish I could say it stopped there, but... Suddenly I just started bawling. Like, sobbing and crying and hyperventilating. The leader didn't notice and kept on with her thing, but everyone else - yes, all 100 people - did. Some strangers tried to comfort me, others looked confused, while I just sat there bawling like a baby with random strangers trying to calm me down.
The worst part is, it was first experience with the Oklahomastuck community, who I've now made a lot of friends in... (Including the leader! She's since apologized.) But the point is, that was my FIRST impression with them. Me suddenly bawling like a baby. :P I'm a huge loser.
He reminded me of that charcter from jimmy newtron. Forgot his name...
I couldn't resist.
Right, trap, what trap, what's happening right now?
Because weird is so much better than normal.
You feeling alright, Noncy? o.o
Umm, alright...
It's hard for me to get it because... I dunno, i think i'm unlikable.
I'm just gonna... Yeah. Merge with the shadows.
*pulls up hoodie *
If I were you, I'd probably refrain from posting a real picture of yourself on here.
You may not be able to handle it.
You.... You smiled at me. You've never done that before. I can die now
Noncy only smiles for me. Go away.
Please do die. Bitch.
That's not a very fair thing to say.
I find you to be very likeable
Tackles Woodbury
Fine, see you in hell
Are we officially virtual friends, then?
Hahahahaha jokes on you, Noncy isn't going to Hell.
You don't know that >.>
Of course! xD
Friends are awesome.
Yes I do. I made a deal with the Devil. Noncy is in the Lord's hands now.
Then.... you're going to hell?
I guess I am now. Some sacrifices must be made for love.
Still, i still boat you with Noncy. NONCYWOODBURPLEDORP 5 EVER
That's deep.
Woo, another boater
I really hope NoncyWoodburpledorp becomes a thing in Pro's story. Otherwise, all this excitement would be for nothing.
So I guess I'll be the one seeing you in Hell.
.... Sucks for you. >:D
COCKADOODLEDOO ! wait its not morning its 5pm... were the hell have I been!?
That's it... we're too far gone...
It'd be nice if Pro would introduce ships in the fanfic, yeah. It adds to the suspense! ^^
You kids quiet down with the bumps will ya?
Some people are trying to study here!
lol NOPE !
Ya'll motherfuckers need Talos.
Are we sharing secrets?
So I almost never cry in real life - like, I have not ever shed a single tear because of the Walking Dead, even (not even the ending of Season 1) - and for example right now I think the last time I cried was at least six months ago. But every once in a while I'll have just these random outbursts; I'm a cosplayer, and I frequent cons, and the first time that I went to a Homestuck meetup at a con, about 2 years ago (but definitely not my first con lol, I've been going for years) something really embarrassing happened.
There are like, 100 people there, all paying attention to the meetup and the instructions the leader of the meetup is giving to us ... and my best friend keeps talking. Eventually, I turned to her and told her to be quiet and listen to the meetup leader (one of her rules was to be quiet while she was talking.) What do I get for my troubles? The leader yells at me, and tells me if I'm going to cause trouble I should just leave. I wish I could say it stopped there, but... Suddenly I just started bawling. Like, sobbing and crying and hyperventilating. The leader didn't notice and kept on with her thing, but everyone else - yes, all 100 people - did. Some strangers tried to comfort me, others looked confused, while I just sat there bawling like a baby with random strangers trying to calm me down.
The worst part is, it was first experience with the Oklahomastuck community, who I've now made a lot of friends in... (Including the leader! She's since apologized.) But the point is, that was my FIRST impression with them. Me suddenly bawling like a baby. :P I'm a huge loser.
He has! ...Sorta?