The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • NoncyWoodburpledorp isn't restricted by sill things such as "morality" and "not being old enough."

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    @Welcome_To_Woodbury How can you and Noncy date in the story? Isn't your character 17? And Noncy's character is an adult... Maybe 28 years old? That would be pretty weird xD

  • I said why, lol. All my friends teased me about not having it yet.

    ........You were sad cuz you never had your period?

  • "Haha I cramp up and my uterus is pretty much destroying itself and have bad mood swings, you're such a loser, Rachelle!"

    I said why, lol. All my friends teased me about not having it yet.

  • Pretty much. :3

    "Haha I cramp up and my uterus is pretty much destroying itself and have bad mood swings, you're such a loser, Rachelle!"

  • How old are you in the story anyways?

    Hey, it's the apocalypse. Anything can happen.

  • How old are you in the story anyways?

    NoncyWoodburpledorp isn't restricted by sill things such as "morality" and "not being old enough."

  • Never really thought of it. I just assume somewhere in the 20s.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    How old are you in the story anyways?

  • LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOLOOOLOOOOOL i dont even think that guy knows what the fuck he purchased.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    it was on the app store and I found it well it was 3/5 still wtf

  • yeah I know exactly how you feel... :/ it really sucks.

    I wasn't all that sad because I thought I wasn't going to be able to have kids, I was sad because it was something my friends talked about A

  • PFFT dale and andrea dated in the comics, why cant noncy and woodbury?

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    @Welcome_To_Woodbury How can you and Noncy date in the story? Isn't your character 17? And Noncy's character is an adult... Maybe 28 years old? That would be pretty weird xD

  • I'm probably in my 20s too, since Pro made me a vet.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    How old are you in the story anyways?

  • I know how you feel too. Kinda. You see, so many people I talk to have broken bones before, while I haven't. I feel left out. I imagine it hurts though, I wonder how bad. If anybody here has broken a bone before, can you describe to be in full detail how it feels? Like the sensation, the heights of pain you feel, etc.

    I wasn't all that sad because I thought I wasn't going to be able to have kids, I was sad because it was something my friends talked about A


    b a r f s

    PFFT dale and andrea dated in the comics, why cant noncy and woodbury?

  • this stupid snought bratty girl in my school did the same thing to me. And after I got it I heard her talking about how she gets cramps, so I told her "I got mine already and i don't get craps, HA. HA. HA. " then I walked away and she's been jealous ever sense..

    "Haha I cramp up and my uterus is pretty much destroying itself and have bad mood swings, you're such a loser, Rachelle!"

  • Aren't Michonne and Ezekiel still together?

    PFFT dale and andrea dated in the comics, why cant noncy and woodbury?

  • But, wasn't that for a short time? Well, if they did go out, then NoncyxWoodbury can work out.

    PFFT dale and andrea dated in the comics, why cant noncy and woodbury?

  • The only "bone" I really broke was my nose. I tripped up the stairs and fell on my face.

    Rigtail posted: »

    I know how you feel too. Kinda. You see, so many people I talk to have broken bones before, while I haven't. I feel left out. I imagine it h

  • there relation shop ended when dale got but and eaten by caniballs... but it lasted a while.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    But, wasn't that for a short time? Well, if they did go out, then NoncyxWoodbury can work out.

  • How'd it feel? How much blood came out?

    The only "bone" I really broke was my nose. I tripped up the stairs and fell on my face.

  • Really? I kept thinking you were 17 or something xD

    I'm probably in my 20s too, since Pro made me a vet.

  • Well, I could be a 17 year old super genius who got into vet school early xD

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Really? I kept thinking you were 17 or something xD

  • years ago, a friken cockatoo bit part of my thumb off. took the whole nail and the tip was flapping off and everything. xD it was at the zoo when it bit me and wouldn't let go so I ripped my finger out. (BIG MISTAKE). I had those helies, the shoes with a wheel at the bottom.

    so I had to attempt to run to my dad will part of my thumb flailing all over with blood all over my arm with shoes that had wheels on them... I had to get stitches and you could see part of my bone. My skin on my thumb is shaped incorrectly and I think it got one of my nerves because it still hurts to this day when I put pressure on it.

    It hurt like a living hell.

    Rigtail posted: »

    I know how you feel too. Kinda. You see, so many people I talk to have broken bones before, while I haven't. I feel left out. I imagine it h

  • edited June 2014

    if I remember right it lasted from before they arrived at the prison to when dale died which was when the hunters came onto the scene (for all you tv show people that is the comics terminus) so it lasted quite a while

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    But, wasn't that for a short time? Well, if they did go out, then NoncyxWoodbury can work out.

  • Damn, that's awesome. Not you getting hurt, but the blood. Blood is good. The most blood I've ever gotten out of myself is when I used nail clippers to pull a hang nail down my finger until the pain was too much. Blood made it's way down my hand and wrist and I let it drip all over the paper I had next to me. I even took a photo of it and showed my friend, he thought it was gross XD

    years ago, a friken cockatoo bit part of my thumb off. took the whole nail and the tip was flapping off and everything. xD it was at the zoo

  • Are you guys making a story?

  • he died after the prison. the prison got destroy by the gov, then the got split up, then they meet up , then carl almost got rapped and rick bit the neck, then they found Gabriel, and then the hunters came in.

    im pretty sure that's how it happened.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    if I remember right it lasted from before they arrived at the prison to when dale died which was when the hunters came onto the scene (for all you tv show people that is the comics terminus) so it lasted quite a while

  • edited June 2014

    yea I'm just gonna leave this here

    Alt text

    DALE AND ANDREA? b a r f s

  • Honestly, it was so long ago that I can barely remember, but I do recall that it felt like I got shot in the face. The pain was nauseating, like it was so bad that I barfed. There was a crunch sound when my nose met the concrete, and then blood started running out of my nose like a faucet. There was blood everywhere. I don't think it stopped for 20 minutes. My face was so swollen afterwards and my nose blew up to like twice its size. I had to get a splint put on at the doctors. It healed completely in a month. My nose still kind of looks wonky, but thankfully the splint was put on quick enough that it's not too terribly bent.

    Rigtail posted: »

    How'd it feel? How much blood came out?

  • lol, Rick's dick has been in the same place Dale's dick has been.

    This is Rick upon realizing the cold truth.

    Jewfreeus posted: »

    yea I'm just gonna leave this here

  • These comments in the Play Store piss me off the most

    "I'm going to rate this game 3 stars becuz its a great game but becouse you have to buy the rest of the episodes I'm not giving it 5 stars this should be free game I mean come on you'll have more people getting this game if the rest if free"


    "Fun game, but excessively foul language. The foul language takes a lot of enjoyment out for me. It's unnecessary. Clean up the language for 5 stars."

    LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOLOOOLOOOOOL i dont even think that guy knows what the fuck he purchased.


    Jewfreeus posted: »

    yea I'm just gonna leave this here

  • Assistant vet, maybe?

    Well, I could be a 17 year old super genius who got into vet school early xD

  • I had stitches once, but I never broke anything. I don't remember how many stitches though, it was quite a bit that's for sure.

    Honestly, it was so long ago that I can barely remember, but I do recall that it felt like I got shot in the face. The pain was nauseating,

  • LeeTheProfessional is. We're just cast members.

    Are you guys making a story?

  • this is one of my secrets...

    I have this habit that's from anxiety and stress were I bit the inside of my lips (im doing it right now) to the point were its raw and starts bleeding. one time I did it so bad I didn't even know because I don't really feel the pain and I went to the bath room and there was blood all over my mouth ... it sucked I didn't even know.

    I do the same to my thumbs, I pick them. I can be doing it sometimes and I don't even notice. I notice when they start bleeding and get SO raw to the point were it actually starts to hurt. I can peal the skin off and it doesn't hurt. I don't know why though. I notice that when im scared I do it LIKE CRAZY.

    ( I DONT cut myself or anything!!! just wanted to say that.)

    Rigtail posted: »

    Damn, that's awesome. Not you getting hurt, but the blood. Blood is good. The most blood I've ever gotten out of myself is when I used nail

  • I guess it's a possibility. The world's over though, so it doesn't really matter anymore. =P

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Assistant vet, maybe?

  • yea something like that

    he died after the prison. the prison got destroy by the gov, then the got split up, then they meet up , then carl almost got rapped and rick

  • Can i be in it? :D you guys got a villain?

    LeeTheProfessional is. We're just cast members.

  • I'm pretty sure that is carol can't really tell


  • You have a gift, DLB. A gift that grants you immunity from minor pain. I wish I had that gift. Okay, maybe it's isn't a gift, I don't even know what the hell to call that, but it's an awesome ability, that's for damn sure. i just take in any pain I feel (or try to at least) so that next time I feel the same pain, it isn't so bad. It helps because then I get used to feeling a certain type of pain, and it sorta acts like an immunity-ish thing. It's not really immunity, but it makes it so much easier to block out the pain.

    this is one of my secrets... I have this habit that's from anxiety and stress were I bit the inside of my lips (im doing it right now) to

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