Interactive fanfiction "A Brave New World" [FINISHED]
This is a story of a guy named Gregory.
He was born and raised in Toronto, Canada. Greg lived a happy life, being a quite and a little bit shy, but he was also brave and loyal boy. School, friends, walks - everything seemed great. When Gregory grew up, he moved to America to study in the Harvard University. Student life was fun, but now he is 22 and the studies are almost over. He is ready to become an adult! He is ready to step into this brave new world with a lot of interesting and amazing events!
But unfortunately.... Gregory`s dreams were too naive to be true...
Everything is pretty easy - submit your character and wait him to be introduced in the chapters! He may be major or minor, he may die fast or crawl through the whole story, but he will take part in those horrible events! The story is tailored by your choices, so you better think twice before doing a choice. The submission box is closed for now.
Characters introduced in the story: Gregory, Rachelle, Clarice Chang, Devyn, Devin, Veronica Dumhope, Emiline, Arabella, James Hodge, Chris Lovasz (Sips), Josh, Tess, Alice, April, Fredo, Joan, Spark, Zed, Stefan, Megan, Joshua Samuels, Elian, Kevin, Artie, Willy, Erica, Danny, Brendon James Farron, Bradley O'Cart, Sky Smith, AC, Ian, Nicolette, Zack Lockwood, Matthew, Eren, Elizabeth West, Kaden, Liam Deveraux, Michael, Joel, Winston Tsao, William Dickinson, Lloyd, Thomas, Adalbert, Rafael, Steve, John, Ante, Samson, Duke Daniels, Travis, Mike, Justin, Besim Ismaili, Ivan Dolzhaev, Sven, Kami, Gina, Anthony, Ophelia, Jacob, Peter, Robert, Logan, Paul Sykes, Stephanie Kowalski, Raymond, Ariela, Clara, Hazel Celesttine Caverly, Emma, Austin, Olivia, Rose, Matthew Andrews, Cynthia Andrews, Zaphaeus, Paige, Julian, Sasha, Lewin, Autumn, Kei
Characters, who is waiting to be introduced: -
Farewell, Gregory.
Submitted a character! This sounds s'all good, I can not wait
Okay, I submitted my character.
Eh, I decided on not making a appearance description for my character, instead I'm going to post a picture.
Now ain't that sexy.
I'm a medic named Zed
Dirt Tycoon?!
I'm a dirt tycoon, think I owned ya there.
Yeah, it is okay.
Thanks, mate.
Alright, I checked every character. They are really unique and interesting! So many Canadians though :P
I am gonna wait about an hour for a few more characters, and then I will start the first chapter. Not many people will be introduced in it, but Chapter 2 will have a wide range of girls and boys! Well, hopefully.
Just submitted a character, let's see how this goes :-)
Submitted... sorry about how long it was, I'm sure it's kind of annoying :P I didn't mean for it to come out that long...
Nah, it is okay. I will check your character and then start writing a chapter.
With my brother's help, I submitted him too, hope that's okay! He wanted to be in the story too.
I submitted a character too
Yeah, sure. I just want to ask - do you mind if both Devyn and Devin will study in the same university with Greg?
That's fine, so long as Devyn stays the same age or at least having graduated at the same age (I really did just graduate, and I'm 16.) It'd give them a reason to be there, I guess! But maybe they were visiting home when the apocalypse hit? Or otherwise just assume that their family is dead, since they weren't home when it happened?
I'd like Devyn to still have the dagger though, she probably took it with her wherever.
No, I got an idea. Devin was already studying and Devyn just graduated, ready to move to her brother, when the apocalypse came. ZA started earlier and came to the student town only after few days and there is possibility that Devyn saw her famly dying, met a small group, drove to her brother and told him about the family. Sounds okay?
And do not worry, the dagger will be with her.
Sounds good to me, yeah!
Great. I will give you a spoiler - both Devyn and Devin will be introduced in Chapter 1
BRACE YOURSELVES, THE CHAPTER 1 IS COMING! I am starting to write it now. I hope you won't be disappointed!
Oh yay!!
I'm excited!
I can hardly wait
I submitted my character, too. I hope she's going to be okay, my character had a sad-ass life.
Episode 1 - No Other Way [Part 1/5]
"I am going to miss that place." I said, while looking at the sun. It shone brightly, and I had to squint. Rachelle giggled. She was a nice mexican-canadian girl, the new student in our university.
"I am going to miss you, weirdo. You are leaving the Harvard, and I have to spend here 4 years." She sighed. "But it does not mean we cannot communicate after this, right?"
"Yup. Good luck with all the suffer for the sake of knowledge!" I said. We both laughed. "Um, sorry, but I have to go back to my room. I know, we are the only idiots who wak in such an early hour, and it would be a shame to leave you here, but I am not really in a mood for walks right now."
Rachelle shrugged.
"Fine. I am gonna stay here for a while. Bye!" She smiled. But suddenly, expression on her face changed. I turned around and realized that she was looking at students, who ran in panick. "What is wrong with them?"
"I heard that some sort of the disease is spreading. Probably not a big deal, because last year there was another disease, but it passed our town. And those guys are always nervous and panicking, so do not pay attention to them." I answered her. Rachelle calmed down and smiled. "Anyway, I will see you in the next few hours."
I walked towards the dormitory.
Everything was different in the dormitory - nobody ran, nobody was paranoid. It was fine. I looked forward for a charming afternoon, reading a book, when I heard terrifying screams outside. They were really loud and full of fear and pain. I felt goosebumps on my hands. I immediately dropped my book and ran to the window, to see what is going on.
Sadly, I did not see much. People were leaving their houses and rooms, yelling in fright, but I could not find out what scared them like this. It was dangerous to go outside. Shit, what do I do?
But it did not take me a long time to think, because in a few seconds after, I heard somebody knocking on my door. No, "knocking" is the wrong word - I heard somebody BASHING on my door.
"LET US IN, GODDAMNIT!" Somebody was yelling. I recognized Rachelle's voice and opened the door right away. Three more people rushed into my room with Rachelle.
One of them was Clarice, chinese student. She had a really weird look - asian face with piercing and long dark hair wit pink tips. She was not really talkative, and local girls liked to spread rumors about her - they said, that she ran away from the family with an old boyfriend and then mutilated him in revenge. Sound really stupid, so I never believed them. Even though I do not really know that girl.
The another one was Devin, one of the guys that I am friends with. Sometimes he acted strangely with me, but he is nice brown-haired lad with glasses and muscles (unique combo, huh?). He seemed a little bit scared and I noticed some blood on his shirt. There was a girl, standing next to him. I did not recognize her, but I remembered that Devin told us about his younger sister Devyn, who is going to study here too. Perhaps it was her? She was holding a fancy medieval dagger and a handgun. Where did she even get that?
"OH GOD, GREG, IT IS HORRIFIC! There are walking corpses on the streets! I know, you think that I am out of my mind, but only speak the truth! People die and the disease somehow bring them back as... zombies. Devyn got here only in the morning and she said, that her town is already infected and she had to leave. Infection is coming from the south! God, it is horrible. Those things... everything is covered in blood..." Rachelle spoke intensely. I tried to calm her down and comfort her.
"This is a mess. You do not know what it takes to move from one city to another. These monsters die only from the clear shot or stab in the head. Destroying their brain is the priority." Devyn spoke.
"Everything is fucked, but at least we are safe here... Well, probably. We should barricade the doors and stay here, so these devils will not get us", finally said Clarice. She was shaking a little bit.
"I agree. I am not going out THERE, after what I saw!" said Rachelle. "Besides barricading the door, we should search the dormitory for something. I am still not sure what exactly should we look for, but getting a weapon should be good now."
"Stay here? Are you crazy? We should leave this goddamn place NOW. There will be no chance later", Devin started to argue. Rachelle was not really amused.
"Alright, we leave. And then what? We die out there? Excuse me, but I care for my life! This is a bad idea." Rachelle disagreed with him.
I heard a loud creak. When I took a sneak peek at the door of the dormitory, I saw that these things were pushing the door and groaning. I realzed, that it is not going to hold for a long time. It looked very scary.
"Umm, guys? The door will not hold under their pressure if we would not stop fightnig and make a decision!" I spoke.
Everyone subsided and looked at the door. It did not look good. I would say it looked AWFUL.
"Urgh, great! Clarice, go barricade it with something!" Rachelle said angrily.
"IT IS NOT GOING TO WORK! We should leave the building right now!" Devin started to argue with her.
Rachelle glared at Devyn and Devin. She knew that they will hold one`s ground.
"Come one, Greg, help me! You can persuade them, I know!"
I stood there, being confused.
[Stay in the dormitory] or [Leave this place].
Gotta agree with my brother here, lol.
[Leave this place].
[Leave this place]
Sounds like the most logical option if the walkers are already trying to get into the building.
[Leave this place].
Sounds reasonable, atleast for a pink watermelon.
[Leave this place].
Leave, goddamnit, before they get in and make dinner outta your friggin' brains!
[Leave this place]. And I love how you've portrayed Clarice!
I submitted : ) good luck with the story
[Leave this place]
Oh? You know him?
Of course I do!! I'm a huge Yogscast fan! ( But especially a Sips fan! He, Sjin and Hannah are my favorites
[Leave this place] seems like the best idea.
By the way, I like the story so far, I just submitted my character!
I would like to add something to my character if it's okay with you. My character is Alice and when the apocalypse started, she was in Canada to visit her parents.