The silent wolf play through Playlist from episode 1 - 4
Or jump straight to Episode 4
The Quicktime Inaction
See what happens when BigB gives Fable town the silent treatment. Will jack get away? Should BigB take the $$$, kill or not, sit or pull a cigarette.
I did this for episode 1 and was planning on doing it for the rest just to see what happens, but now I don't have to! Thanks
Saves alot of time for some people then to redo it all. I myself don't have time for more then 1 playthrough, so I watch others who hopefully chose a different path.
Romanful posted: »I did this for episode 1 and was planning on doing it for the rest just to see what happens, but now I don't have to! Thanks
Final episode single video...
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I did this for episode 1 and was planning on doing it for the rest just to see what happens, but now I don't have to! Thanks
Saves alot of time for some people then to redo it all.

I myself don't have time for more then 1 playthrough, so I watch others who hopefully chose a different path.
Final episode
single video...
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