The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Sweet

    Yeah, I know. Sometimes replies don't show up on my profile too, it's kinda annoying. I'll add you later and let you know it's me. B]

  • I didn't change my pic, i'm too ugly;_;


  • edited November 2015


    papai46 posted: »

    I didn't change my pic, i'm too ugly;_;

  • Well, good to know Pro. :p Lol

    Pssh, of course you can! I just put that there for no reason actually, haha. B]

  • I have one too bro, highfive!

    Deceptio posted: »

    I got an xbox, my GT is Deceptio like my username. Thank god there's someone else here with an Xbox...

  • Is it still happening?

    Awesome, people are starting to show up :P This shall be a blast !!!

  • edited June 2014

    Alt text

    Don't wanna start a fight

    Rafoli posted: »

    PC master race... ;-;

  • Trust me, i don't lie and i look younger than i am and you guys would laugh at me.


  • -Sees front page is set as Borderlands-

    My face reaction: -_-

  • Me any you Xbox live. Now.

    Deceptio posted: »


  • My face reaction :D sorry i love me some new games.

    -Sees front page is set as Borderlands- My face reaction: -_-

  • Ooh Xbox users. Do you ever get a freaking ring on your disc?

  • I always sticked to PlayStation in my gaming life and never regretted it :P

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I never want to hear about an xbox again my first one got red ringed and my second one scratched all my games every time I played Gta V o

  • You mean that white ring thing around it? That should only happen if you try to move the xbox from vertical to horizontal, or the other way around while the disc is spinning inside.

    Ooh Xbox users. Do you ever get a freaking ring on your disc?

  • edited November 2015


    papai46 posted: »

    Trust me, i don't lie and i look younger than i am and you guys would laugh at me.

  • Maybe you are right, i'll change it tomorrow because i'm too lazy to do it now, thank you for helping my morale :)


  • edited November 2015


  • I've never actually had any physical problems with the xbox. There were things that annoyed me though. Maybe this is a problem, but the "go offline" thing was always buggy for me. I'd constantly get annoyed by guys on xbox so sometimes I would change my status to offline to deter them. It wouldn't show all the time though T_T They might have this, but I wish there was a thing to stop friend requests from coming in. I'm barely online now but when I am I get like 20 requests from random people. Worst of all is the online. Maybe it's different for the ps3, but the people online were just horrible. The only time I found people who were actually nice was when I played L4D/L4D2 and Dead Island. And some really cool-sounding games weren't available for the xbox, so I couldn't play them. So I'm just gonna save up for a ps4.

    Ooh Xbox users. Do you ever get a freaking ring on your disc?

  • 90's master race up in here !! :D

    JonGon posted: »

    90s master race reporting in.

  • edited November 2015



  • I agree with that. The Xbox community is horrible. I can't even go into a game and say "What's up, guys?" without someone screaming at me telling me to go kill myself or something. And no, I'm not a squeaker.

    And the reason get 20 requests is because your a girl (I'm assuming based off your profile picture). People on Xbox are amazed when they see a girl because most of them don'tr really interact with girls in real life. Not trying to sound like a douche, but it's true.

    I've never actually had any physical problems with the xbox. There were things that annoyed me though. Maybe this is a problem, but the "go

  • That's the point were I just say FUCK IT an get an 'F'.

    I didn't bother studding for my final exams and pretty sure I failed the math one. :/ EH, I passed the class anyways!


  • Part of it was my voice. Everyone here complains about their voice, but it is nowhere near as bad as mine. Almost everyone I'd talk to would comment about it.

    Deceptio posted: »

    I agree with that. The Xbox community is horrible. I can't even go into a game and say "What's up, guys?" without someone screaming at me te

  • I gotta go to bed now. My gamertag is Deceptio just like my username add me and we can play tomorrow :)

    Me any you Xbox live. Now.

  • Well that's no a nice thing to say about my BEAUTIFUL FACE!

    My outfit is even better! xD


  • Well, since I've never heard your voice, is it really high or deep? Not trying to sound like a creeper or anything.

    Part of it was my voice. Everyone here complains about their voice, but it is nowhere near as bad as mine. Almost everyone I'd talk to would comment about it.

  • Rofl!


  • edited November 2015


    That's the point were I just say FUCK IT an get an 'F'. I didn't bother studding for my final exams and pretty sure I failed the math one. EH, I passed the class anyways!

  • DeceptioDeceptio Banned
    edited June 2014

    So who else is on the Xbox list?

    • Me
    • LeeTheProfessional
    • Cluke_is_Dumb
    • AllThatRemains
    • Randomz 89101
    • CoolStoryBro

    Anyone else?

  • Selfie Revolution!

  • edited November 2015


    JonGon posted: »

    Selfie Revolution!

  • It's really high and girly. People either find it adorable or they think it's annoying and that I sound like an 8 year-old Japanese girl lol

    Deceptio posted: »

    Well, since I've never heard your voice, is it really high or deep? Not trying to sound like a creeper or anything.

  • edited November 2015


    Well that's no a nice thing to say about my BEAUTIFUL FACE! My outfit is even better! xD

  • -_- she did NOT say that. Omg that's... damn.

    I don't celebrate my birthday but still. That's really mean.


  • edited November 2015


    JonGon posted: »

    Selfie Revolution!

  • Randomz89101 and CoolStoryBro, I'm going to add them later for some halo 4.

    Deceptio posted: »

    So who else is on the Xbox list? * Me * LeeTheProfessional * Cluke_is_Dumb * AllThatRemains * Randomz 89101 * CoolStoryBro Anyone else?

  • edited November 2015


    -_- she did NOT say that. Omg that's... damn. I don't celebrate my birthday but still. That's really mean.

  • edited June 2014

    Im monkey McSnot face

    The girl behind me if sardines. And the guys are behind me.

    My outfit is so damn fabulous!

    Alt text


  • And don't believe what they say about my voice -.- I am 21 so its naturally deeper.


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