Vivian. I didn't trust her the minute I first spoke to her. She has access to the books about the girls and the open arms. She could have EASILY killed Lily. Not to mention the huff n' puff that was found in the room; she seems to be the only one smoking them besides Bigby. She was quick to point the finger at Crane AND was there with the CM. I think she has a bigger part then we think. Think she is fooling EVERYONE and is actually glamoured. As what, I don't know but can't wait to play ep. 5 and find out.
Georgie is up there because he must have been the one along with jersey that disposed the body since we hear him say "Stop laughing at me" the same thing toad heard... But they still seem like pawns in all this.. Maybe Vivian.. Could be someone we haven't even met yet.. possibly the boy who cried wolf wanting revenge on bigby.
Most of them are probably complicit, which would be lovely, because then we can punish them accordingly, and Georgie and Jersey were obviously responsible for the disposal of Lily's body, but I've no idea who did the actual killing. Vivian is ideally placed and she does act suspiciously. We don't have any real evidence pointing at any particular one of them, though.
It looks like the focus of the game has changed from the murder mystery to the conflict between the Crooked Man and Fabletown proper, and if the murders were just supposed to draw Bigby's attention and destabilize Fabletown by framing Crane then who the actual culprit is is of less and less consequence. I just hope the final episode manages to cover everything, including all the dangling questions from the first few episodes (What Faith supposedly stole and the Tweedles were looking for at her and the Woodsman's places).
I will probably get a lot of downvotes for this, but just hear me out Ever since Episode 2 came out, my prime suspect is... Grendel.
But let's start from the beginning. Even with Georgie's 'stop laughing at me' in Episode 4 I crossed out the entire Crooked Man crew from the suspect list, and here's why - the crime scene in Pudding'n'Pie was a set-up to frame Crane - but, as we found out, he was a part of CM's crew all along, so why would they frame him if he knew all of their secrets? Why attracting attention to them when they are trying to keep their existence hidden from Fabletown officials? Besides, people quickly jumped to the conclusion that if Georgie and Jersey (an probably Vivian because of the Huff and Puffs in the room) disposed of Lily's body, then one of them must also be the killer - but that's not the same. It's just like with Crane - we know that they were in the room, but we don't know whether they did it. I assume that when they found out that Faith was murdered and they discovered another girl killed in one of their fronts, they tried to dispose of Lily's body to avoid attracting attention to the Open Arms. As pointed out by Georgie in ep 2, he can't wait for Bigby to give a damn, 'especially when it concerns his livelihood'. Jersey's speech that 'if these girls are dead it's because the CM wanted them to die' is not a definite answer, because he also assumes his guilt (for all we know, he's just a henchman - he says that Mary uses his place like a dump, and it's is most likely that he was just told to dispose of the body without any details about why the girl is dead).
But why I think that it was Grendel? In Episode 1 we are told in all of his scenes that he was frustrated with Fabletown's government and their unwillingness to search for Lily who was reported missing. Many players dissmised him as a suspect because of the fight that occured at the end of the episode - because we figured that Telltale wouldn't show us the killer so blatantly. Faith's head was dropped at the Woodlands and Gren was waiting in line in the next scene (I know that Tiny Tim was also there, but he does not seem like a killer type). We don't know what Grendel did before the fight in the Trip Trap, for all we know Holly is willing to give an alibi to anyone to protect them from Bigby (as it happened with the Woodsman).
But why would he want to kill Lily if he was looking for her so badly? That's the case - he didn't want to do it, he didn't know that Lily was glamoured as Snow White. He probably assumed it was some other prostitute. Both he and Holly knew that Lily was working at Pudding'n'Pie when she was missing, so Grendel might have wanted to point Bigby's attention to this place. It was a shock for him to find out and it explains his reaction to the news that Lily is dead ('Of course princess Snow fucking White is all safe and sound!'). He was trying to help, but the only way (to his thinking) to force Fabletown into investigating was to drop a head on their doorstep. Grendel must have also known about Crane's involvement with the Crooked Man to frame him (and besides, if we say during the funeral that Crane's a prick, he says that he and Bigby can actually agree on something). Moreover, we can witness one of Grendel's manipulations - the Woodsman says that he came to the Pawn Shop because it was GREN who told him that his axe is here.
This allows Telltale to make one final plot twist that matches all the events presented in the game, while showing that the killer was always within our reach, but we simply dismissed him as some guy with anger issues. Also, he was made a sympathetic person in Episode 3, so we would be shocked and surprised at the revelation (and if anyone still holds to the Huff and Puff theory about the killer, I want to point out that there is a cigarette machine with Huff and Puffs in the Trip Trap). That might have been Gren's motivation - to force Bigby into taking down Crooked Man's operations.
PS. As for the Boy Who Cried Wolf - I assume that Telltale (if they decide to explain his presence) will play it out like this: him being in multiple locations at once will be explained in the same manner as multiple Red Riding Hoods in the comics; the Crooked Man was simply using them to monitor Bigby's actions etc. to warn him in case of the Sheriff investigating one of his venues.
PS2. Nerissa probably doesn't know the killer, but she tries to help Bigby by directing his attention to CM, as she sees this as an opportunity to be set free (if Bigby succeeds).
Faith stole a photo of Crane and Lily having a 'massage' in the Open Arms and that's what they were looking for in Lawrence's and Woodsman's apartments (it was stated in a file the Tweedles Office) - that's what I love about this game - the answers are here, but it's impossible to discover all of them because of our choices (in this case, where to go first in Ep 3).
Most of them are probably complicit, which would be lovely, because then we can punish them accordingly, and Georgie and Jersey were obvious… morely responsible for the disposal of Lily's body, but I've no idea who did the actual killing. Vivian is ideally placed and she does act suspiciously. We don't have any real evidence pointing at any particular one of them, though.
It looks like the focus of the game has changed from the murder mystery to the conflict between the Crooked Man and Fabletown proper, and if the murders were just supposed to draw Bigby's attention and destabilize Fabletown by framing Crane then who the actual culprit is is of less and less consequence. I just hope the final episode manages to cover everything, including all the dangling questions from the first few episodes (What Faith supposedly stole and the Tweedles were looking for at her and the Woodsman's places).
I will probably get a lot of downvotes for this, but just hear me out Ever since Episode 2 came out, my prime suspect is... Grendel.
But… more let's start from the beginning. Even with Georgie's 'stop laughing at me' in Episode 4 I crossed out the entire Crooked Man crew from the suspect list, and here's why - the crime scene in Pudding'n'Pie was a set-up to frame Crane - but, as we found out, he was a part of CM's crew all along, so why would they frame him if he knew all of their secrets? Why attracting attention to them when they are trying to keep their existence hidden from Fabletown officials? Besides, people quickly jumped to the conclusion that if Georgie and Jersey (an probably Vivian because of the Huff and Puffs in the room) disposed of Lily's body, then one of them must also be the killer - but that's not the same. It's just like with Crane - we know that they were in the room, but we don't know whether they did it. I assume that wh… [view original content]
I see, so she was actively involved with whoever might be setting Bigby up against the Crooked Man - and then she was killed to get Bigby on the case, and Lily was killed to frame Crane. Why do that, though? Bigby deciding that Crane is the culprit would be a great statement on behalf of the downtrodden fables, but it wouldn't draw any attention to CM, not unless he actually decided to interfere, which he obviously did but that was too circumstantial for the plotter to have predicted. Unless they knew that CM knew that Crane knew something CM wouldn't want him to tell the Sheriff about, even in the face of open war with the government, which would make it two birds with one stone as long as they had proof of Crane's corruption if not his guilt for the murders...
The only thing I really don't get is Faith's and Lily's deaths. If our mystery manipulator is working on behalf of the lower classes, then killing two poor prostitutes seems a bit over the line. It was undoubtedly effective, but there had to be other, less cruel and hypocritical ways to catch Bigby's attention and draw him to the link between Crane and the Crooked Man.
Beauty & the Beast since Neriss always pinted us towards them (at the Open Arms where Beauty worked, telling us to keep an eye out for our friends and telling us to go to them when they call) although the comics say it sort of otherwise...
Beauty & the Beast since Neriss always pinted us towards them (at the Open Arms where Beauty worked, telling us to keep an eye out for our friends and telling us to go to them when they call) although the comics say it sort of otherwise...
Faith simply because yes, her head WAS found on the doorstep to the homelands but we never saw it again. We NEVER found her body and Swineheart sure as hell is taking his sweet time with it. I mean, really Swiney? Think she has a bigger part in this then we all think!
Faith simply because yes, her head WAS found on the doorstep to the homelands but we never saw it again. We NEVER found her body and Swinehe… moreart sure as hell is taking his sweet time with it. I mean, really Swiney? Think she has a bigger part in this then we all think!
Also, remember the scene where Nerissa says she has no more friends? Why isn't Vivian her friend if she was friends with the victims? She could have tried to give Bigby a hint that he didn't catch up on (Because TT has GREATLY decreased his investigation skills...) That he should look into Vivian more. I also think that Vivian might have been hired by the Crooked Man to kill the girls. For whatever reason, I don't know. They were probably trying to break free from being Prostitutes so they could actually be people in society for once.
Vivian. I didn't trust her the minute I first spoke to her. She has access to the books about the girls and the open arms. She could have EA… moreSILY killed Lily. Not to mention the huff n' puff that was found in the room; she seems to be the only one smoking them besides Bigby. She was quick to point the finger at Crane AND was there with the CM. I think she has a bigger part then we think. Think she is fooling EVERYONE and is actually glamoured. As what, I don't know but can't wait to play ep. 5 and find out.
Did you notice, when you go to the Butcher first, the list on the chalkboard? Georgie's name is up there; I did not see Vivian, unless I missed her completely. Think she MIGHT be glamoured; beside his name, there were various letters indicating spells and potions? Plus, she said 'My lips are sealed' not 'These lips are sealed' like all the other girls, which makes me wonder if her ribbon is fake.
Vivian. I didn't trust her the minute I first spoke to her. She has access to the books about the girls and the open arms. She could have EA… moreSILY killed Lily. Not to mention the huff n' puff that was found in the room; she seems to be the only one smoking them besides Bigby. She was quick to point the finger at Crane AND was there with the CM. I think she has a bigger part then we think. Think she is fooling EVERYONE and is actually glamoured. As what, I don't know but can't wait to play ep. 5 and find out.
Well, the mystery plotter might have assumed that a direct attack on one of CM's venues might attract his attention to, in a way, make him step out of the shadow. I know that the murders of Faith and Lily commited by the mystery manipulator (I stated that I think it is Grendel several posts below) contradict the fact that he might be working 'on behalf of the lower classes' and that's why I had doubts about Gren's involvement too, until his line in Episode 3 directed at Woody: 'You were always such a low life, how come I never realized it until now'. I know that he was angry about the Woody-Lily situation, but that line speaks volumes about his general approach to Fables who are not well off (it's all more terrifying, because we know that Gren is not well off too). Besides, with Fabletown's reluctance to look for Lily he might've been pushed over the edge and decided that murder was the only way of making Bigby start the investigation (Faith was collateral damage, and - as I explained in the post below - he probably didn't know about Lily glamoured as Snow White).
I just can't believe that Crooked Man or someone from his crew is responsible, as that would render the entire plot of the game completely illogical: Why would the Crooked Man want to drop these heads in the Woodlands? OK, someone may say that he wanted to threaten someone. But who? Crane? No way - we know from Episode 3 that he was making regular payments, only the most recent one was not a full one, but he promised to make up for it the next time. One small delay would not justify dropping a prostitute's head. So who, then? Beauty and the Beast? Both of them started to work for the CM and they had several delays, but they always paid up (and, from Ep 4 we know that they were always threatened via the phone calls, with ONLY the recent one hinting about the violent outcome). So who else? I guess no one, because during the four-episode-run we didn't meet anyone from the Woodlands who was in CM's debt. So WHY the CM would attract the attention of Fabletown's officials to the existence of his criminal network? It simply makes no sense. How would the CM explain this? "Bigby and Snow don't know that the mafia (of which I am the boss) exists and I want to keep it that way, so I am going to send MY henchmen to kill MY prostitutes and drop their heads on Bigby's doorstep to frame MY accomplice Crane, beacuse they certainly won't connect them back to me". For a criminal mastermind, an action of this sorts is simply illogical and sloppy, so I hope that Telltale won't decide to resolve the plot in this way (meaning, "I killed them to threaten the residents of the Woodlands for no reason, I am bad, muhahaha, because f*ck logic!").
Of course there is also a possibility that someone from CM's crew did all this behind his back, but that would be too much of a stretch (mainly from the same reasons as mentioned above).
I see, so she was actively involved with whoever might be setting Bigby up against the Crooked Man - and then she was killed to get Bigby on… more the case, and Lily was killed to frame Crane. Why do that, though? Bigby deciding that Crane is the culprit would be a great statement on behalf of the downtrodden fables, but it wouldn't draw any attention to CM, not unless he actually decided to interfere, which he obviously did but that was too circumstantial for the plotter to have predicted. Unless they knew that CM knew that Crane knew something CM wouldn't want him to tell the Sheriff about, even in the face of open war with the government, which would make it two birds with one stone as long as they had proof of Crane's corruption if not his guilt for the murders...
The only thing I really don't get is Faith's and Lily's deaths. If our mystery manipulator is working on behalf of the lower classes, then killing two poor prostitutes seems a bit … [view original content]
I did go back and look Jones J. She is there; the very last name. Beside her name, like Georgie, there are letters, which leads me to believe she is glamoured; Georgie has his own spell because of the ribbons.
Did you notice, when you go to the Butcher first, the list on the chalkboard? Georgie's name is up there; I did not see Vivian, unless I mis… moresed her completely. Think she MIGHT be glamoured; beside his name, there were various letters indicating spells and potions? Plus, she said 'My lips are sealed' not 'These lips are sealed' like all the other girls, which makes me wonder if her ribbon is fake.
I don't know. CM's crew being behind the murders doesn't make a lot of sense, no, but why would Georgie and Jersey be disposing of Lily's body if she wasn't killed on his orders?
Well, the mystery plotter might have assumed that a direct attack on one of CM's venues might attract his attention to, in a way, make him s… moretep out of the shadow. I know that the murders of Faith and Lily commited by the mystery manipulator (I stated that I think it is Grendel several posts below) contradict the fact that he might be working 'on behalf of the lower classes' and that's why I had doubts about Gren's involvement too, until his line in Episode 3 directed at Woody: 'You were always such a low life, how come I never realized it until now'. I know that he was angry about the Woody-Lily situation, but that line speaks volumes about his general approach to Fables who are not well off (it's all more terrifying, because we know that Gren is not well off too). Besides, with Fabletown's reluctance to look for Lily he might've been pushed over the edge and decided that murder was the only way of making Bigby start the investigation (Faith … [view original content]
Interesting theory... Idk what Grendel gains from doing so unless he thinks exposing CM would make low end fables more sympathetic to the business office. So he just killed Faith for the hell of it?
I will probably get a lot of downvotes for this, but just hear me out Ever since Episode 2 came out, my prime suspect is... Grendel.
But… more let's start from the beginning. Even with Georgie's 'stop laughing at me' in Episode 4 I crossed out the entire Crooked Man crew from the suspect list, and here's why - the crime scene in Pudding'n'Pie was a set-up to frame Crane - but, as we found out, he was a part of CM's crew all along, so why would they frame him if he knew all of their secrets? Why attracting attention to them when they are trying to keep their existence hidden from Fabletown officials? Besides, people quickly jumped to the conclusion that if Georgie and Jersey (an probably Vivian because of the Huff and Puffs in the room) disposed of Lily's body, then one of them must also be the killer - but that's not the same. It's just like with Crane - we know that they were in the room, but we don't know whether they did it. I assume that wh… [view original content]
And hasn't Grendel's right arm already been injured at the moment of the fight with Bigby? We've seen the blood on the fence near the office. Also Grendel wears a pair of blue jeans.
P.S. Excuse me if my English is bad, i'm not native speaker.
EDIT: oh, forget it. I'm really dumb. The arm was torn off by Beowulf.
I will probably get a lot of downvotes for this, but just hear me out Ever since Episode 2 came out, my prime suspect is... Grendel.
But… more let's start from the beginning. Even with Georgie's 'stop laughing at me' in Episode 4 I crossed out the entire Crooked Man crew from the suspect list, and here's why - the crime scene in Pudding'n'Pie was a set-up to frame Crane - but, as we found out, he was a part of CM's crew all along, so why would they frame him if he knew all of their secrets? Why attracting attention to them when they are trying to keep their existence hidden from Fabletown officials? Besides, people quickly jumped to the conclusion that if Georgie and Jersey (an probably Vivian because of the Huff and Puffs in the room) disposed of Lily's body, then one of them must also be the killer - but that's not the same. It's just like with Crane - we know that they were in the room, but we don't know whether they did it. I assume that wh… [view original content]
The crooked man because I played the previous episodes.
Vivian. I didn't trust her the minute I first spoke to her. She has access to the books about the girls and the open arms. She could have EASILY killed Lily. Not to mention the huff n' puff that was found in the room; she seems to be the only one smoking them besides Bigby. She was quick to point the finger at Crane AND was there with the CM. I think she has a bigger part then we think. Think she is fooling EVERYONE and is actually glamoured. As what, I don't know but can't wait to play ep. 5 and find out.
Georgie is up there because he must have been the one along with jersey that disposed the body since we hear him say "Stop laughing at me" the same thing toad heard... But they still seem like pawns in all this.. Maybe Vivian.. Could be someone we haven't even met yet.. possibly the boy who cried wolf wanting revenge on bigby.
Most of them are probably complicit, which would be lovely, because then we can punish them accordingly, and Georgie and Jersey were obviously responsible for the disposal of Lily's body, but I've no idea who did the actual killing. Vivian is ideally placed and she does act suspiciously. We don't have any real evidence pointing at any particular one of them, though.
It looks like the focus of the game has changed from the murder mystery to the conflict between the Crooked Man and Fabletown proper, and if the murders were just supposed to draw Bigby's attention and destabilize Fabletown by framing Crane then who the actual culprit is is of less and less consequence. I just hope the final episode manages to cover everything, including all the dangling questions from the first few episodes (What Faith supposedly stole and the Tweedles were looking for at her and the Woodsman's places).
I don't have any suspect now.
I will probably get a lot of downvotes for this, but just hear me out
Ever since Episode 2 came out, my prime suspect is... Grendel.
But let's start from the beginning. Even with Georgie's 'stop laughing at me' in Episode 4 I crossed out the entire Crooked Man crew from the suspect list, and here's why - the crime scene in Pudding'n'Pie was a set-up to frame Crane - but, as we found out, he was a part of CM's crew all along, so why would they frame him if he knew all of their secrets? Why attracting attention to them when they are trying to keep their existence hidden from Fabletown officials? Besides, people quickly jumped to the conclusion that if Georgie and Jersey (an probably Vivian because of the Huff and Puffs in the room) disposed of Lily's body, then one of them must also be the killer - but that's not the same. It's just like with Crane - we know that they were in the room, but we don't know whether they did it. I assume that when they found out that Faith was murdered and they discovered another girl killed in one of their fronts, they tried to dispose of Lily's body to avoid attracting attention to the Open Arms. As pointed out by Georgie in ep 2, he can't wait for Bigby to give a damn, 'especially when it concerns his livelihood'. Jersey's speech that 'if these girls are dead it's because the CM wanted them to die' is not a definite answer, because he also assumes his guilt (for all we know, he's just a henchman - he says that Mary uses his place like a dump, and it's is most likely that he was just told to dispose of the body without any details about why the girl is dead).
But why I think that it was Grendel? In Episode 1 we are told in all of his scenes that he was frustrated with Fabletown's government and their unwillingness to search for Lily who was reported missing. Many players dissmised him as a suspect because of the fight that occured at the end of the episode - because we figured that Telltale wouldn't show us the killer so blatantly. Faith's head was dropped at the Woodlands and Gren was waiting in line in the next scene (I know that Tiny Tim was also there, but he does not seem like a killer type). We don't know what Grendel did before the fight in the Trip Trap, for all we know Holly is willing to give an alibi to anyone to protect them from Bigby (as it happened with the Woodsman).
But why would he want to kill Lily if he was looking for her so badly? That's the case - he didn't want to do it, he didn't know that Lily was glamoured as Snow White. He probably assumed it was some other prostitute. Both he and Holly knew that Lily was working at Pudding'n'Pie when she was missing, so Grendel might have wanted to point Bigby's attention to this place. It was a shock for him to find out and it explains his reaction to the news that Lily is dead ('Of course princess Snow fucking White is all safe and sound!'). He was trying to help, but the only way (to his thinking) to force Fabletown into investigating was to drop a head on their doorstep. Grendel must have also known about Crane's involvement with the Crooked Man to frame him (and besides, if we say during the funeral that Crane's a prick, he says that he and Bigby can actually agree on something). Moreover, we can witness one of Grendel's manipulations - the Woodsman says that he came to the Pawn Shop because it was GREN who told him that his axe is here.
This allows Telltale to make one final plot twist that matches all the events presented in the game, while showing that the killer was always within our reach, but we simply dismissed him as some guy with anger issues. Also, he was made a sympathetic person in Episode 3, so we would be shocked and surprised at the revelation (and if anyone still holds to the Huff and Puff theory about the killer, I want to point out that there is a cigarette machine with Huff and Puffs in the Trip Trap). That might have been Gren's motivation - to force Bigby into taking down Crooked Man's operations.
PS. As for the Boy Who Cried Wolf - I assume that Telltale (if they decide to explain his presence) will play it out like this: him being in multiple locations at once will be explained in the same manner as multiple Red Riding Hoods in the comics; the Crooked Man was simply using them to monitor Bigby's actions etc. to warn him in case of the Sheriff investigating one of his venues.
PS2. Nerissa probably doesn't know the killer, but she tries to help Bigby by directing his attention to CM, as she sees this as an opportunity to be set free (if Bigby succeeds).
Faith stole a photo of Crane and Lily having a 'massage' in the Open Arms and that's what they were looking for in Lawrence's and Woodsman's apartments (it was stated in a file the Tweedles Office) - that's what I love about this game - the answers are here, but it's impossible to discover all of them because of our choices (in this case, where to go first in Ep 3).
100% Bigby XD!!!!!!
It's actually possible.
It's Ben, Ben Paul. I frickin' called it, m'kay.
I like the theory that the Crooked Man gets a signal from the ribbon whenever its removed and sends Bloody Mary to chop off the head.
I think it's Vivian.I don't trust her one bit
I see, so she was actively involved with whoever might be setting Bigby up against the Crooked Man - and then she was killed to get Bigby on the case, and Lily was killed to frame Crane. Why do that, though? Bigby deciding that Crane is the culprit would be a great statement on behalf of the downtrodden fables, but it wouldn't draw any attention to CM, not unless he actually decided to interfere, which he obviously did but that was too circumstantial for the plotter to have predicted. Unless they knew that CM knew that Crane knew something CM wouldn't want him to tell the Sheriff about, even in the face of open war with the government, which would make it two birds with one stone as long as they had proof of Crane's corruption if not his guilt for the murders...
The only thing I really don't get is Faith's and Lily's deaths. If our mystery manipulator is working on behalf of the lower classes, then killing two poor prostitutes seems a bit over the line. It was undoubtedly effective, but there had to be other, less cruel and hypocritical ways to catch Bigby's attention and draw him to the link between Crane and the Crooked Man.
Beauty & the Beast since Neriss always pinted us towards them (at the Open Arms where Beauty worked, telling us to keep an eye out for our friends and telling us to go to them when they call) although the comics say it sort of otherwise...
Faith simply because yes, her head WAS found on the doorstep to the homelands but we never saw it again. We NEVER found her body and Swineheart sure as hell is taking his sweet time with it. I mean, really Swiney? Think she has a bigger part in this then we all think!
It makes sense too. Nerissa did get scared seeing Bloody Mary, and didn't want the ribbon, made by Bloody Mary, taken off.
Let's consider he's inocent until the end of episode 5.
I agree
Also, remember the scene where Nerissa says she has no more friends? Why isn't Vivian her friend if she was friends with the victims? She could have tried to give Bigby a hint that he didn't catch up on (Because TT has GREATLY decreased his investigation skills...) That he should look into Vivian more. I also think that Vivian might have been hired by the Crooked Man to kill the girls. For whatever reason, I don't know. They were probably trying to break free from being Prostitutes so they could actually be people in society for once.
Did you notice, when you go to the Butcher first, the list on the chalkboard? Georgie's name is up there; I did not see Vivian, unless I missed her completely. Think she MIGHT be glamoured; beside his name, there were various letters indicating spells and potions? Plus, she said 'My lips are sealed' not 'These lips are sealed' like all the other girls, which makes me wonder if her ribbon is fake.
Maybelle the cow!
Well, the mystery plotter might have assumed that a direct attack on one of CM's venues might attract his attention to, in a way, make him step out of the shadow. I know that the murders of Faith and Lily commited by the mystery manipulator (I stated that I think it is Grendel several posts below) contradict the fact that he might be working 'on behalf of the lower classes' and that's why I had doubts about Gren's involvement too, until his line in Episode 3 directed at Woody: 'You were always such a low life, how come I never realized it until now'. I know that he was angry about the Woody-Lily situation, but that line speaks volumes about his general approach to Fables who are not well off (it's all more terrifying, because we know that Gren is not well off too). Besides, with Fabletown's reluctance to look for Lily he might've been pushed over the edge and decided that murder was the only way of making Bigby start the investigation (Faith was collateral damage, and - as I explained in the post below - he probably didn't know about Lily glamoured as Snow White).
I just can't believe that Crooked Man or someone from his crew is responsible, as that would render the entire plot of the game completely illogical: Why would the Crooked Man want to drop these heads in the Woodlands? OK, someone may say that he wanted to threaten someone. But who? Crane? No way - we know from Episode 3 that he was making regular payments, only the most recent one was not a full one, but he promised to make up for it the next time. One small delay would not justify dropping a prostitute's head. So who, then? Beauty and the Beast? Both of them started to work for the CM and they had several delays, but they always paid up (and, from Ep 4 we know that they were always threatened via the phone calls, with ONLY the recent one hinting about the violent outcome). So who else? I guess no one, because during the four-episode-run we didn't meet anyone from the Woodlands who was in CM's debt. So WHY the CM would attract the attention of Fabletown's officials to the existence of his criminal network? It simply makes no sense. How would the CM explain this? "Bigby and Snow don't know that the mafia (of which I am the boss) exists and I want to keep it that way, so I am going to send MY henchmen to kill MY prostitutes and drop their heads on Bigby's doorstep to frame MY accomplice Crane, beacuse they certainly won't connect them back to me". For a criminal mastermind, an action of this sorts is simply illogical and sloppy, so I hope that Telltale won't decide to resolve the plot in this way (meaning, "I killed them to threaten the residents of the Woodlands for no reason, I am bad, muhahaha, because f*ck logic!").
Of course there is also a possibility that someone from CM's crew did all this behind his back, but that would be too much of a stretch (mainly from the same reasons as mentioned above).
I did go back and look Jones J. She is there; the very last name. Beside her name, like Georgie, there are letters, which leads me to believe she is glamoured; Georgie has his own spell because of the ribbons.
I don't know. CM's crew being behind the murders doesn't make a lot of sense, no, but why would Georgie and Jersey be disposing of Lily's body if she wasn't killed on his orders?
Interesting theory... Idk what Grendel gains from doing so unless he thinks exposing CM would make low end fables more sympathetic to the business office. So he just killed Faith for the hell of it?
And hasn't Grendel's right arm already been injured at the moment of the fight with Bigby? We've seen the blood on the fence near the office. Also Grendel wears a pair of blue jeans.
P.S. Excuse me if my English is bad, i'm not native speaker.
EDIT: oh, forget it. I'm really dumb. The arm was torn off by Beowulf.
Vivian ( I have posted a theory about her [not my theory])
Georgie and Jersey because of "Stop laughing at me"