Molly is jane/Vince knows clem (edit - this is dumb and mollys better dan jane)
Ok so i have been thinking and gathering research and i have found this (comment from other fourm that was mine go look) Well my theory is that Jane is molly faking her identity now before you say oh that's dumb think about she could have escaped near lee and Clem that's how she knew about the zombie blood also like my Vince theory the reason we didn't see much of Vince is cuz Danny/Justin and Vince were on that hill(seen in s1 if you choose not to shoot lee or i guess miss the shot...) back to what i was saying also some more proof of Jane is Molly is the fact that she talks for the first time in that moment right after Kenny mentions the bells in Crawford so theirs 2 reasons she changed the subject (kind of) Crawford is a place she hated basically or she didn't want them to know about her non-death. idk why but one last piece of proof is that molly has/had? a special relationship with Clem same F*ckin thing with "Jane" .... i'm looking 4 more evidence but i might just half 2 wait for episode 4 but i'm still confused (if i'm right) why she wouldn't tell them or at least Clem i mean shit maybe Kenny was originally gonna be in the series in episode 3 and molly would have taken his place in the "I Thought You Were Dead" moment i doubt that but anything is possible with tell-tell they killed of your player and pulled it off very well in season 1 sad but at least he didn't just get eaten alive he fought to save a little girl
jane and molly do not have the same facial features, why can't a new character be introduced without people trying to place them as someone else. also if it was molly why is she faking her identity she has no reason to.
It probably just stemmed from the "I thought you were dead" thing and now people want everyone who didn't die to come back.
We never can just accept the fact that certain characters just won't come back, can we?
I agree
Dude, I'm sorry, no.
Tell-tell XD
no dude that's not what i mean go compare there faces... and it's a theory not a fake confirmed yeah if i wanted all the dead people back i would say ben,lee & Carly are alive but i didn't so don't be a dick and i said i doubt that i thought you were dead is what happened i just know that the game creators are idiots sometimes k? god they made Mathew in the i thought you were dead moment but he died before it happened. see what i mean FUCKUPS! -.- i don't mean you i mean telltale
just to let you know (if you didn't idk if you do) Vince is not dead hes in s2 ep 3 Depending on your choices in 400 days and Molly was never confirmed dead her status are unknown look at every wiki related to molly.
He didn't say they were dead, he meant that they just won't come back, besides Vince, he knows that Vince is there.
Jumping out the window on 3.
Well yes most of them wont ik that but i'm pretty sure molly would or maybe i'm wrong k? its not in possible i mean mollys not even one of my favorites i just found it weird ok? god damn
Um, that wasn't a screw up. It's what they were originally planning to do, Mathew was probably going to be there but between episodes they decided to change it. It's like in S1, between episode 1 and episode 2, a lot of things in the plot were changed, Ben had a different voice and he was a lot more scared, David would have lived through his leg chopping. Between every episode they change things due to feed back and for the plot to be better. And I didn't say dead people, I said people who didn't die. Which means did not.
WTF is wrong with you people. Someone comes up with Jane is Lilly now Jane is Molly. WTF. How she can fake her identity? How can a person change his face without plastic surgery? WHY?
I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Jesus, are you fucking kidding me?!
I suppose having two blonde women in the world would be too unrealistic, so Molly and Jane are obviously the same person. And the shadows were obviously not Omid and Christa. That would be too simple.
well in my play of season one i accidently shot molly so it can't be her and if was molly how the hell did she change her voice
lillys a bitch. she killed carly I WAS GONNA GET LAID NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
You know, I don't give a flying ants ass what anyone else says about your theory. If you think that's what is going to happen, or if you're convinced that Jane is Molly then why not. Yes I would say it's pretty unlikely that will be the case, but that's just my opinion.
I'm not going to call you all the idiots under the sun, unlike some users here. Simply because there is a 1 in 1 million chance you could be right.
Jane has a better chance of being anna than molly. but still why would she change her name? Maybe she named herself after her baby that died? Nah its easier to just say this is stupid. Jane is I don't know, wait, JANE
Hi meet Molly
This is Jane. Or as some would call her, Not Molly
Guys ok so I think I've got it: Jane is Molly, Rebecca is pregnant with Lee's baby, Tavia is Lee's ex-wife, Jolene (the crazed lady who was watching your camp in S1 and upset because she thought her daughter was taken by bandits) is Carlos' wife who ran away and left him and Sarah, Chuck was The Stranger's father (he clearly lacked parental guidance), Maybelle and Sam the dog were sweethearts (that's why he bit Clem), Carver is Luke's ex-bf, Brie is Alvin, and Becca and Ben are actually in cahoots and and secretly have been the true villains this entire time.
Also the juice box is Carley in disguise, why didn't I think of that......
No, the juice box is Duck
so your saying that clem sucked duck off ? wtf ?
I am Jane.
Actually, now that you compare them, their facial features do look moderately similar... The only problem is the different voice.
Punctuation seems to have been forgotten in the current generation.
you are sick
Mollys eyes are blue and Janes are brown. Also with that argument that's like saying Nick is Kenny, Glenn is Vince, and Duck is attic walker. Im thinking its just a reused model. If Jane had to be a returning character i'd say she was Anna Correa from episode 4.
I'm not saying they're the same person, I'm just saying they look more alike than I previously thought
Kenny is Batman.
Yeah I know what you mean. At first I was going to be more hostile with the comparison pics, then I realized they are the same model. They even have the same lips. The only difference in the two are the hair, which a person can obviously change, and the eyes. Which I doubt Molly or Jane would take time out of worrying about walkers and psychos to say "hmm you know what, I think these blue contact lenses are pretty"