I'm speaking in general. There are four of you, counted by me, that I would trust with personal info. It would be pointless for me to say I trust four people out of a thousand, though.
I'm speaking in general. There are four of you, counted by me, that I would trust with personal info. It would be pointless for me to say I trust four people out of a thousand, though.
I had a VERY shitty day yesterday and when the mods moved my thread I kinda lost it. Some of my posts seem a little more crazy and dark. I'm laughing more than usual for no reason.
I had a VERY shitty day yesterday and when the mods moved my thread I kinda lost it. Some of my posts seem a little more crazy and dark. I'm laughing more than usual for no reason.
I had a VERY shitty day yesterday and when the mods moved my thread I kinda lost it. Some of my posts seem a little more crazy and dark. I'm laughing more than usual for no reason.
I saw it coming too. I asked why I wasn't moved at first but they just ignored me. As mods they're supposed to explain to me if there's a problem before it get's out of control. If they warned me ahead of time I would've made a lounge for the thread.
I saw it coming too. I asked why I wasn't moved at first but they just ignored me. As mods they're supposed to explain to me if there's a problem before it get's out of control. If they warned me ahead of time I would've made a lounge for the thread.
It's too late now, I guess. The good news is we're free to do whatever we want in there.
I don't know what happened yesterday, by the way. You can PM if you need some friendly advice. It's SaltLick's day off. Love sundays.
It's cool. I have an idea to expand since this happen. I don't plan, I just do something with whatever comes at me.
Yesterday was a perso… morenal real life thing. You can see on my thread for what I post. Honestly that post will show you a much darker side of me.
And cool! If I have the time we can chat.
Hail Arvo, full of chicken, the dance is with thee.
Blessed art thou amonst Clukers and blessed is the one who died for you, Mike. Holy Arvo, Father of Mike, pray for us peasants now and in the hour of our fast. Chicken.
Good point Now I will pray to the Saltlick God ,Hail Kenny, full of boats, the 'stache is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst urbans and… more blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Duck.
Holy Kenny, Father of Duck, pray for us shitbirds now and in the hour of our bite, amen.
![Alt text]([URL=http://imgur.com/xisl0HD][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/xisl0HD.gif[/IMG][/URL] "Optional title")
Not really, but that's because I'm wary of anyone on the internet.
Yes, around six people. Hint: Some of them make videos .
I trust my penis, thats about it im afraid...
Some people trusted troys... but look what happened to it
Why would I trust any of these people? I mean, they're cool, but how about no.
(?) Tobi will remember that.
Some yes some no...
I'm speaking in general. There are four of you, counted by me, that I would trust with personal info. It would be pointless for me to say I trust four people out of a thousand, though.
(?) Saltlick123 will remember that...... (I understand no one trusts a saltlick after what happened to Larry )
I know I was joking around. I know you do.
BTW I'm not acting my usual self today if you didn't notice yet.
You're on that list, mate.
Same for you too.
What's that not acting like yourself stuff all about?
I had a VERY shitty day yesterday and when the mods moved my thread I kinda lost it. Some of my posts seem a little more crazy and dark. I'm laughing more than usual for no reason.
Is it weird that I saw this coming? I get the feeling they were just waiting for the right moment or maybe a few complaints.
Hug me.
I saw it coming too. I asked why I wasn't moved at first but they just ignored me. As mods they're supposed to explain to me if there's a problem before it get's out of control. If they warned me ahead of time I would've made a lounge for the thread.
It's too late now, I guess. The good news is we're free to do whatever we want in there.
I don't know what happened yesterday, by the way. You can PM if you need some friendly advice. It's SaltLick's day off. Love sundays.
(?) Legendary12 will remember your compassion...
Alright. I'll give you a hug, just because of that cool username.
(?) Saltlick123 won't remember this...
Alright. I'll give you a hug, just because of that cool username.
It's cool. I have an idea to expand since this happen. I don't plan, I just do something with whatever comes at me.
Yesterday was a personal real life thing. You can see on my thread for what I post. Honestly that post will show you a much darker side of me.
And cool! If I have the time we can chat.
Don't worry. It's probably for the best.
I'll go check that out.
Yeah, I do. Come at me, bro.
I also trust your penis
I trust BenUseful... He's moist.
I do trust people here... won't say who though.
I trust BenUseful to be useful, WhatTheDuck and NoncyFlippledorp to start shenanigans, and Gustav_Kenny and Raging_Blades to be based.
You don't trust me for anything? (!) Saltlick123 is going to saltlick someone...
What do you even mean by Based? Lol.
I trust you to saltlick blokes. I can't name all forums members I trust, mate. That'd take too long.
Based, as in being consistent and able to provide great content, something you two and many other fanfic writers do quite well.
Ahem, thanks m8.
Am I one? Eh, m8?
Good point Now I will pray to the Saltlick God ,Hail Kenny, full of boats, the 'stache is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst urbans and blessed is the fruit of thy loins, Duck.
Holy Kenny, Father of Duck, pray for us shitbirds now and in the hour of our bite, amen.
Yes, there are some people here I grew to trust.
I shall now pray to my god, Arvo.
Hail Arvo, full of chicken, the dance is with thee.
Blessed art thou amonst Clukers and blessed is the one who died for you, Mike. Holy Arvo, Father of Mike, pray for us peasants now and in the hour of our fast. Chicken.