I shall now pray to my god, Arvo.
Hail Arvo, full of chicken, the dance is with thee.
Blessed art thou amonst Clukers and blessed is th… moree one who died for you, Mike. Holy Arvo, Father of Mike, pray for us peasants now and in the hour of our fast. Chicken.
Nope, I haven't been here long enough to trust anyone with personal details other than my name. There are a few people I've spoken to a bit but that's about it.
Trust is a very strong word to be used on the Internet. yes! I'm in a really nice community. chatting with nice people from all over the world who share the same love for a video game which is considered a masterpiece by all here. with some users I identify more, and others less. but I respect everyone equally. and that's all.
Trust is something you earn. and it takes a long time.
if someone feels offended I apologize. I'm just being honest!
Nope, I haven't been here long enough to trust anyone with personal details other than my name. There are a few people I've spoken to a bit but that's about it.
Trust is a very strong word to be used on the Internet. yes! I'm in a really nice community. chatting with nice people from all over the wor… moreld who share the same love for a video game which is considered a masterpiece by all here. with some users I identify more, and others less. but I respect everyone equally. and that's all.
Trust is something you earn. and it takes a long time.
if someone feels offended I apologize. I'm just being honest!
It'd be kinda weird to 'trust' people you don't know very well. This is a nice community to be a part of, yes, but I don't know that I'd place a lot of "trust" in many of its members! But I think I trust the Forum of the Dead crew (basically anyone who posts frequently in the Lounge :P) as much as I could trust anyone here on the forums. I don't know that any of them really consider me a friend, but I think they're all pretty cool anyway
I really trust and love every member in this community. Yes, these are strong words but I can't help it. These people here and YOU (yes even you @BenUseful) are like a family to me. You guys and girls showed me that the other people also can make you feel like you're special. A part of something. Like, you're valuable. And that's a really cool thing to feel. God, I'm crying. Thank you so much everyone. I'll miss you so much when this whole TWD journey ends.
I guess? I never really thought of indulging too many secrets on here (though the thread of Would you reveal your biggest secret for Episode 4 shown me how open some people are).
Holy Shit, it's spreading. there's gonna be a war....
Of course it is spreading. As one of the founders of Arvoism, it is my duty to spread His Gospel.
Nope, I haven't been here long enough to trust anyone with personal details other than my name. There are a few people I've spoken to a bit but that's about it.
Everyone in the forum of the dead lounge
Worst idea ever. Bill Clinton, Eliot Spitzer, Mark Anthony, King David... All I'm saying is the penis is the downfall of many a man.
Yeah, you seem like a cool guy, I have no reason NOT to trust you.
Do you trust me to help?
You know how to help, right? You're.. Y'know, moist?
Hell no.
"I don't trust nobody
cause nobody trust me.
Never gonna trust anybody
and that's the way it's gonna be."
-Limp Bizkit
Of course I do. Anyone who doesn't trust random strangers from the Internet is a fool.
*Blank, *Blank and *Blank
I'm gonna have to choose "[ ... ]" for this one.
I don't... I mean yes people are cool and all that stuff but i'm not at the point to trust someone here.
Don't be silly Ben.
Sorry, double post.
Woot woot!
Trust is a very strong word to be used on the Internet. yes! I'm in a really nice community. chatting with nice people from all over the world who share the same love for a video game which is considered a masterpiece by all here. with some users I identify more, and others less. but I respect everyone equally. and that's all.
Trust is something you earn. and it takes a long time.
if someone feels offended I apologize. I'm just being honest!
Yes. there is certain people on here that I trust. I'm not saying any names.
It's a good thing you don't trust people with personal details... What was your name again? I seem to have forgotten. Budum tss.
Well I obviously wouldn't tell one of these forumers to mind my wallet or anything but in a friendly way like "Hey you, keep this secret, bro." I do.
I'm NOT one of them.
Nah, not really. You guys are nice, but to be honest, there isn't really anyone on this forum who is my friend. And I would only trust a friend.
I don't think it's a good idea to post specific names, people can get hurt.
I trust like 6-8 people here.
I trust no one.
(Panicked tone) Nah, man! Can't trust anyone!
(?) Silence is a valid option.
Trust...? What does that even mean? :P
It'd be kinda weird to 'trust' people you don't know very well. This is a nice community to be a part of, yes, but I don't know that I'd place a lot of "trust" in many of its members! But I think I trust the Forum of the Dead crew (basically anyone who posts frequently in the Lounge :P) as much as I could trust anyone here on the forums. I don't know that any of them really consider me a friend, but I think they're all pretty cool anyway
I really trust and love every member in this community. Yes, these are strong words but I can't help it. These people here and YOU (yes even you @BenUseful) are like a family to me. You guys and girls showed me that the other people also can make you feel like you're special. A part of something. Like, you're valuable. And that's a really cool thing to feel. God, I'm crying. Thank you so much everyone. I'll miss you so much when this whole TWD journey ends.
holds up garbage can cover
I've already seen names mentioned, and I don't really think some one would feel bad if I don't mention his/her name because I'm not very big deal.
To an extent. I trust you guys enough to tell you that I cried a bunch in episode 5, but not enough to tell you the password to my Youtube.
I guess? I never really thought of indulging too many secrets on here (though the thread of Would you reveal your biggest secret for Episode 4 shown me how open some people are).
Am I one of those 6-8 people?