don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of both of the games. but Telltale has been sticking to a system: twau, twd, twau, twd. It's a good system. it works. I see no reason to mess it up. yet what have we got for Amid The Ruins? We got leaked acheivements, leaked choices, and that's it. no news. no info. I hope telltale isn't rewriting because of the leaked choices... but either way, I think they should stick with their system. it seems like if they do TWAU first they're saying: oh, and by the way, we've decided that TWAU is more important than TWD. Now maybe that's just my imagination. I don't know
Lack of care? TWD has 2 seasons, the biggest gap between episodes (3 months) was still smaller than the biggest gap between TWAU episodes (4… more months), it didn't undergo the overhaul of the entire script (thank God that Telltale was still able to come up with a fantastic story, despite those changes) and TWD still maintains the 1.5hr episode mark while the latest episode of TWAU was supposedly barely over one hour (for many players; I can speak for myself that it did not affect my playthrough that much), besides - without the 4-month-wait, the TWAU season would be over by now. If anything, TWAU fans should be the ones to complain; thankfully, the majority of us is patiently waiting.
I am not bashing TWD fans. I understand both sides as I play both games, but we should stop accusing both games for the delays. If it helps TWD fans, the chance that TWAU will get Season 2 is very slim (although I hope that I'm wrong on that one), while TWD will … [view original content]
I don't think that leaked achievements or choices will lead to rewriting the story this far into season, it's likely that Telltale will make some small adjustments to the script.
If anything, I got the impression that - paradoxically - this leak lead to Telltale changing the release schedule so that they could get TWAU out of the way and fully focus on the development of final two episodes of TWD, especially right now after the leak (if changes will be required).
don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of both of the games. but Telltale has been sticking to a system: twau, twd, twau, twd. It's a good system. it… more works. I see no reason to mess it up. yet what have we got for Amid The Ruins? We got leaked acheivements, leaked choices, and that's it. no news. no info. I hope telltale isn't rewriting because of the leaked choices... but either way, I think they should stick with their system. it seems like if they do TWAU first they're saying: oh, and by the way, we've decided that TWAU is more important than TWD. Now maybe that's just my imagination. I don't know
Well, according to Job J Stauffer's Twitter they've been 'hard at work' on Cry Wolf during E3. Judging by the fact that Cry Wolf has been mentioned twice by official sources, combined with the episode showing up on the Steam database, I'd say that it's likely we'll get it before TWDS2 Amid The Ruins.
Honestly, this doesn't bother me too much. We'll also be getting a double bill of Walking Dead as a result so I guess it's 'fair', if anyone considers that an issue in this series.
anyone else notice how the 4th episode in TTG series is always the "weakest" entry?
I thought episode 4 was good but I really hope episode 5 ends it with a bang.
Well, according to Job J Stauffer's Twitter they've been 'hard at work' on Cry Wolf during E3. Judging by the fact that Cry Wolf has been me… morentioned twice by official sources, combined with the episode showing up on the Steam database, I'd say that it's likely we'll get it before TWDS2 Amid The Ruins.
Honestly, this doesn't bother me too much. We'll also be getting a double bill of Walking Dead as a result so I guess it's 'fair', if anyone considers that an issue in this series.
TWD is good. It's a moving story about situations that might realistically happen if there ever was a Zombie epidemic. When I was playing the first season I loved it.
But then I played TWAU, and TWD Season 2 is sitting installed on my rig and I just cannot bring myself to start it. Don't get me wrong. TWD is interesting and compelling. But there is something about fantasy and Bigby Wolf, that zombies will never be able to achieve. :P
I really am starting to think we will get TWAU Episode 5 before we get more TWD. While yes both series were affected by the shortend playtime there was obvious issues going on between Episode 1 and 2 of Wolf. IT was re-written and while the episode wasn't bad it wasn't good good either it was just fine but was indeed a quality drop since Episode 1. This happened yet again with Episode 4 both feel kind of rushed and episode 4 can easily be completed in a little over an hour. It just seems like they want to be done with Wolf entirely and move onward. I do not expect a Season 2 although more Bigby the better With TWD I DO expect a Season 3 and I feel as though they are pushing Wolf out the door to really give attention to the last 2 Episode of TWD Season because let's be honest some considerable amount of work has to already be put into Borderlands to get the presentation we got from E3. So they'll want to move the people from Wolf back to TWD to give it the finishing touches before that season end too. Below I will also give svidence as to why I think we'll get Cry Wolf sooner rather than later.
Steamdb has had updates daily for at least the past 15 days (last update 8 hours ago)
Playtesters are confirmed to have already been playing the game aka the achievement pictures with timestamps. Remember when that happened for In Harm's Way? Yeah.... we just might be only a few weeks away if that.
Cry Wolf has been mentioned more so than Amid the Ruins (getting people hyped)
Voice work is done well at least for the main character Bigby.
While not evidence we could consider that the reason Episode 4 was so short is that it might have partially been cut to save for Episode 5 and thought that was a reasonable enough of a "cliffhanger" to keep up waiting. Given it didn't take too long to release Episode 4 and could be the reason why it feels "empty".
Amid the Ruins choices were leaked causing a re-write (somewhat likely given what happened to Wolf)
Amid the Ruins achievements were leaked oddly early. If we are to believe the same release structure as the episodes prior given the achievements a point of reference we would have had it by now. Achievements and Choices very well could be "beta" stuff and could only be used as for what the central plot of what is to come.
Going along with my 6th point and what I stated in the paragraph above that Amid the Ruins may have it's founding structure built but Telltale may want to get Wolf done with since it obviously has the most work done with it compared to Amid the Ruins (steamdb updates , voice work done ,play testing). There are also 2 episode for TWD left instead of just 1 for Wolf.
I really am starting to think we will get TWAU Episode 5 before we get more TWD. While yes both series were affected by the shortend playtim… moree there was obvious issues going on between Episode 1 and 2 of Wolf. IT was re-written and while the episode wasn't bad it wasn't good good either it was just fine but was indeed a quality drop since Episode 1. This happened yet again with Episode 4 both feel kind of rushed and episode 4 can easily be completed in a little over an hour. It just seems like they want to be done with Wolf entirely and move onward. I do not expect a Season 2 although more Bigby the better With TWD I DO expect a Season 3 and I feel as though they are pushing Wolf out the door to really give attention to the last 2 Episode of TWD Season because let's be honest some considerable amount of work has to already be put into Borderlands to get the presentation we got from E3. So they'll want to move the people from Wolf back to TWD … [view original content]
I really am starting to think we will get TWAU Episode 5 before we get more TWD. While yes both series were affected by the shortend playtim… moree there was obvious issues going on between Episode 1 and 2 of Wolf. IT was re-written and while the episode wasn't bad it wasn't good good either it was just fine but was indeed a quality drop since Episode 1. This happened yet again with Episode 4 both feel kind of rushed and episode 4 can easily be completed in a little over an hour. It just seems like they want to be done with Wolf entirely and move onward. I do not expect a Season 2 although more Bigby the better With TWD I DO expect a Season 3 and I feel as though they are pushing Wolf out the door to really give attention to the last 2 Episode of TWD Season because let's be honest some considerable amount of work has to already be put into Borderlands to get the presentation we got from E3. So they'll want to move the people from Wolf back to TWD … [view original content]
don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of both of the games. but Telltale has been sticking to a system: twau, twd, twau, twd. It's a good system. it works. I see no reason to mess it up.
That probably wasn't supposed to be the case though. I'm not from Telltale so I cannot speak for them, but assuming there was a rewrite, I imagine this was not initially intended.
Had Wolf Ep 2 not had that abnormally long delay, I imagine we would have gotten the third episode of Wolf by the time we got Episode 1 of Dead Season 2.
Even had Telltale switched between episodes, it probably would have looked something like this if I had to take an educated guess:
Wolf Ep 1 > Wolf Ep 2 > Dead Ep 1 > Wolf Ep 3 > Dead Ep 2... etc, etc
don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of both of the games. but Telltale has been sticking to a system: twau, twd, twau, twd. It's a good system. it… more works. I see no reason to mess it up. yet what have we got for Amid The Ruins? We got leaked acheivements, leaked choices, and that's it. no news. no info. I hope telltale isn't rewriting because of the leaked choices... but either way, I think they should stick with their system. it seems like if they do TWAU first they're saying: oh, and by the way, we've decided that TWAU is more important than TWD. Now maybe that's just my imagination. I don't know
don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of both of the games. but Telltale has been sticking to a system: twau, twd, twau, twd. It's a good system. it… more works. I see no reason to mess it up.
That probably wasn't supposed to be the case though. I'm not from Telltale so I cannot speak for them, but assuming there was a rewrite, I imagine this was not initially intended.
Had Wolf Ep 2 not had that abnormally long delay, I imagine we would have gotten the third episode of Wolf by the time we got Episode 1 of Dead Season 2.
Even had Telltale switched between episodes, it probably would have looked something like this if I had to take an educated guess:
Wolf Ep 1 > Wolf Ep 2 > Dead Ep 1 > Wolf Ep 3 > Dead Ep 2... etc, etc
I know that not many people are going to know the answer to this question (if any), but does anyone know when Episode 4 will be available for the Kindle Fire HDX? I just bought a new Kindle and I immediately bought TWAU for it (a great deal at only $15, the first episode was free) because I hear that it does really well on this device and it does, it's WAY better than on my PC. The episodes must take forever to be transferred though because Episode 4 STILL is not available. Fortunately, I've already played on my PC, so I don't have to wait in agony, but I still hope it comes out soon.
Edit: Why a downvote, but no comment? I'm just asking a simple question. If you know, I'd appreciate any answer, if you don't, then just ignore me. I don't get why someone would downvote a perfectly neutral comment. Some people will downvote anything. lol. If it's because I put it in the Episode 5 thread, I didn't realize that I clicked on this specific thread. I clicked on a link on the Telltale blog and it said that it would go to the "Release Date Discussion Page" and I was brought here. It didn't specify that there were pages for specific episodes. So, I didn't realize that till AFTER I wrote my comment. Besides, I just checked the Ep. 4 thread and there hasn't been a post in almost a month. I doubt anyone reads it anymore. If my question about the release date for Ep. 4 on Kindle offends the person who downvoted me in some way, please explain. Thanks.
What are these Steam updates anyway? I haven't used Steam to date (in a minority I know), but like, what are they?
Is it like Steam uploading files that are in testing for beta testers or just what?
I believe it has something to do with updating the database, might be used for beta testing, but at a certain point the episode gets uploaded to steam, and then a month or so later you can play it.
What are these Steam updates anyway? I haven't used Steam to date (in a minority I know), but like, what are they?
Is it like Steam uploading files that are in testing for beta testers or just what?
I know that not many people are going to know the answer to this question (if any), but does anyone know when Episode 4 will be available fo… morer the Kindle Fire HDX? I just bought a new Kindle and I immediately bought TWAU for it (a great deal at only $15, the first episode was free) because I hear that it does really well on this device and it does, it's WAY better than on my PC. The episodes must take forever to be transferred though because Episode 4 STILL is not available. Fortunately, I've already played on my PC, so I don't have to wait in agony, but I still hope it comes out soon.
Edit: Why a downvote, but no comment? I'm just asking a simple question. If you know, I'd appreciate any answer, if you don't, then just ignore me. I don't get why someone would downvote a perfectly neutral comment. Some people will downvote anything. lol. If it's because I put it in the Episode 5 thread, I didn't realize that I clicked on this specific threa… [view original content]
The episode was uploaded some time ago, they're still working on it.
However, I have a strange feeling (but I hope I'm wrong) that Telltale won't release an episode during Steam sale - and if it turns out to be be true, I fully expect the ep to be released right after the sale, on 1st July.
There's a quarter of a bottle of whisky that I'm saving for when I play this episode. Come on Telltale hurry up! Before my roommate decides to finish it off
Nooooo! Then we would have a real wait on our hands. They have two brand new games to produce. We won't see a season 2 unfold until 2016/2017 at this rate!
There's a quarter of a bottle of whisky that I'm saving for when I play this episode. Come on Telltale hurry up! Before my roommate decides to finish it off
don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of both of the games. but Telltale has been sticking to a system: twau, twd, twau, twd. It's a good system. it works. I see no reason to mess it up. yet what have we got for Amid The Ruins? We got leaked acheivements, leaked choices, and that's it. no news. no info. I hope telltale isn't rewriting because of the leaked choices... but either way, I think they should stick with their system. it seems like if they do TWAU first they're saying: oh, and by the way, we've decided that TWAU is more important than TWD. Now maybe that's just my imagination. I don't know
I don't think that leaked achievements or choices will lead to rewriting the story this far into season, it's likely that Telltale will make some small adjustments to the script.
If anything, I got the impression that - paradoxically - this leak lead to Telltale changing the release schedule so that they could get TWAU out of the way and fully focus on the development of final two episodes of TWD, especially right now after the leak (if changes will be required).
Well, according to Job J Stauffer's Twitter they've been 'hard at work' on Cry Wolf during E3. Judging by the fact that Cry Wolf has been mentioned twice by official sources, combined with the episode showing up on the Steam database, I'd say that it's likely we'll get it before TWDS2 Amid The Ruins.
Honestly, this doesn't bother me too much. We'll also be getting a double bill of Walking Dead as a result so I guess it's 'fair', if anyone considers that an issue in this series.
TTG's 4th Episode the weakest? Clearly someone here hasn't played Chariots of the Dogs.
Or Beyond the Alley of the Dolls, for that matter.
Even Abe Lincoln Must Die was really good.
Each Sam and Max season seems to have had a great fourth episode.
To be honest I am more excited about The Wolf Among Us Finale than TWDE4 :>
TWD is good. It's a moving story about situations that might realistically happen if there ever was a Zombie epidemic. When I was playing the first season I loved it.
But then I played TWAU, and TWD Season 2 is sitting installed on my rig and I just cannot bring myself to start it. Don't get me wrong. TWD is interesting and compelling. But there is something about fantasy and Bigby Wolf, that zombies will never be able to achieve. :P
That makes two of us Dobby.
Im thinking hype is sooo much bigger in TWAU right now, I were sceptical first about this whole "The Wolf Among Us" series but now... wow, pure WOW.
Well "School" is a general term, i'm actually preparing for University
Detective Brannigan reminds me the Lady Inspector Jane Teng from Sleeping Dogs.
At least I tried
I really am starting to think we will get TWAU Episode 5 before we get more TWD. While yes both series were affected by the shortend playtime there was obvious issues going on between Episode 1 and 2 of Wolf. IT was re-written and while the episode wasn't bad it wasn't good good either it was just fine but was indeed a quality drop since Episode 1. This happened yet again with Episode 4 both feel kind of rushed and episode 4 can easily be completed in a little over an hour. It just seems like they want to be done with Wolf entirely and move onward. I do not expect a Season 2 although more Bigby the better
With TWD I DO expect a Season 3 and I feel as though they are pushing Wolf out the door to really give attention to the last 2 Episode of TWD Season because let's be honest some considerable amount of work has to already be put into Borderlands to get the presentation we got from E3. So they'll want to move the people from Wolf back to TWD to give it the finishing touches before that season end too. Below I will also give svidence as to why I think we'll get Cry Wolf sooner rather than later.
I doubt that will happen. Calm your jets. :P
Huh? We've had Cry Wolf 's achievements since day one.
Yup. All of Wolf's achievements have been available since Day 1. Walking Dead Season 2 achievements have surfaced shortly before each episode.
Amid the Ruins achievements guess I didn't make that too clear LOL.
That probably wasn't supposed to be the case though. I'm not from Telltale so I cannot speak for them, but assuming there was a rewrite, I imagine this was not initially intended.
Had Wolf Ep 2 not had that abnormally long delay, I imagine we would have gotten the third episode of Wolf by the time we got Episode 1 of Dead Season 2.
Even had Telltale switched between episodes, it probably would have looked something like this if I had to take an educated guess:
Wolf Ep 1 > Wolf Ep 2 > Dead Ep 1 > Wolf Ep 3 > Dead Ep 2... etc, etc
"Oooh, okay."
Correct, but it ended up working out differently then that. We got what we have now. So I think we shoud stick to what works.
I hope they leave at least one loose end or mystery in the season finally to give us some sort of glimpse that maybe we might get a season 2
all of that in one word
A cliffhanger
omg , i need episode 5
telltale pls
Daily steam updates, but who knows what that even means for the episode's release.
I know that not many people are going to know the answer to this question (if any), but does anyone know when Episode 4 will be available for the Kindle Fire HDX? I just bought a new Kindle and I immediately bought TWAU for it (a great deal at only $15, the first episode was free) because I hear that it does really well on this device and it does, it's WAY better than on my PC. The episodes must take forever to be transferred though because Episode 4 STILL is not available. Fortunately, I've already played on my PC, so I don't have to wait in agony, but I still hope it comes out soon.
Edit: Why a downvote, but no comment? I'm just asking a simple question. If you know, I'd appreciate any answer, if you don't, then just ignore me. I don't get why someone would downvote a perfectly neutral comment. Some people will downvote anything. lol. If it's because I put it in the Episode 5 thread, I didn't realize that I clicked on this specific thread. I clicked on a link on the Telltale blog and it said that it would go to the "Release Date Discussion Page" and I was brought here. It didn't specify that there were pages for specific episodes. So, I didn't realize that till AFTER I wrote my comment. Besides, I just checked the Ep. 4 thread and there hasn't been a post in almost a month. I doubt anyone reads it anymore. If my question about the release date for Ep. 4 on Kindle offends the person who downvoted me in some way, please explain. Thanks.
What are these Steam updates anyway? I haven't used Steam to date (in a minority I know), but like, what are they?
Is it like Steam uploading files that are in testing for beta testers or just what?
I believe it has something to do with updating the database, might be used for beta testing, but at a certain point the episode gets uploaded to steam, and then a month or so later you can play it.
At least your profile picture suits you.
Perhaps you angered the PC "master race" ?
Take my like but im sorry... No news yet about Kindle.
PC and Mac versions have been uploaded on Steam servers and have approximately 900 mb.
Episode 5 of course...
so what you think when we gonna get new episode and updates are finished???
The episode was uploaded some time ago, they're still working on it.
However, I have a strange feeling (but I hope I'm wrong) that Telltale won't release an episode during Steam sale - and if it turns out to be be true, I fully expect the ep to be released right after the sale, on 1st July.
There's a quarter of a bottle of whisky that I'm saving for when I play this episode. Come on Telltale hurry up! Before my roommate decides to finish it off
Nooooo! Then we would have a real wait on our hands. They have two brand new games to produce. We won't see a season 2 unfold until 2016/2017 at this rate!
Coming the year 2017. (2016 if we are really lucky.) Calling it now. They will be extremely busy with TWD2, GOT, TFTB.
I still want to see a season 2 though XD
Bro, did you want to be first that badly!?
Yes... Nah, just kidding. Besides, that would be redundant if I already was the one who made the thread.