who else wants rick to lose his??? in the tv show?



  • so do what she did in the comics.....

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Carol should of did a Katja in Season 2, at least she would have one good scene.

  • Its funny how the same people who complain about the show not following the exact same word for word story from the comics are the same to bitch about Shanes death. By that logic he would have died in the 4th or 5th episode. Get over it, The walking dead is about death. Its in the title.

  • I hope carl gets shot in the eye.

  • I think that the love shane has is weird. and yes this show has shitty writing, they don't have fucking.... I don't know how to say it is not very... linear they are all over the place it was that whole second season was just the farm and nothing else,it was boring at times. and lets not forget mazzara, that was the worse thing that happen to the show he was horrible show runner he fucked all of season 3 the last half was shit apart from the episodes that Gimple wrote. I think that's why they fired him complete shit. Gimple now has to clean up the shit that idiot lef tand that's why season four was kinda shitty too. they started fast and good and then they got to their mid season break and its low and boring( last half of season 4 was good but too slow, good episodes but again too slow do that shit in the beginning). other than that I don't care about your opinion, just wanted to say whats wrong the show, but I still dig it. but is far from great. down, whatever I don't give a fuck

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    They went off into this crazy direction in the story line and Rick started going crazy. Then story became a soap opera about Glen and Maggi

  • he cuts it himself..

    Pell3t posted: »

    It would be hard to work with, but if done right it would be amazing. I honestly forget that he's missing a hand in the comics half the tim

  • Im a fan but im not blind to say you don't make some valid points. But they don't have fucking is one of your complaints? Its not a porno for crying out loud. Its not on hbo its on amc. Breaking bad had all of about 2 sex scenes, same as The Walking Dead so far. Honestly you'd have to be a complete moron with no self control to fuck in the apocalypse. That's what makes babies and babies don't last very long in The Walking Dead. Except for Judith with the help of Tyrese and his miraculous baby formula finding abilities.

    jamex1223 posted: »

    I think that the love shane has is weird. and yes this show has shitty writing, they don't have fucking.... I don't know how to say it is no

  • whats he going to do? Send him to jail? They were already living in a prison.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I just found the whole thing unbelievable, his dad was a cop and he let his son get away with killing some kid. Whatever.

  • Just for shits and giggles?

    jamex1223 posted: »

    he cuts it himself..

  • Thank you. Thats a huge change from the comic and something that the show improves on.

    Pell3t posted: »

    Its funny how the same people who complain about the show not following the exact same word for word story from the comics are the same to b

  • What's the point of arguing with your opinion? You want people to tell you you're wrong?

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    I find all these dislikes hilarious, not one of you will step up and try to argue any of these choices.

  • what noo, I tried to say something I couldn't exactly know how to say it and I just happened to write "fuckin" before I put the periods, cuz I cuss a lot is a problem I have. so if you read right you can see I put they don't have very good linear story, which im still not sure if that was the correct term, and the rest of the shit I wrote I don't even remember. but I don't care if the put sex on the show, I personally think is quite nasty to have sex at that time if you haven't showered given if the apocalypse were real, but I don't care about any of that in the show. they want to show Lauren Cohen's body hey you wont see me complaining .

    Pell3t posted: »

    Im a fan but im not blind to say you don't make some valid points. But they don't have fucking is one of your complaints? Its not a porno

  • how can a opinion be wrong? LOL.

    C WUT I DID there?

    KCohere posted: »

    What's the point of arguing with your opinion? You want people to tell you you're wrong?

  • He would take away his gun? For starters and say Carl, your a bad boy. You need a time out.

    Pell3t posted: »

    whats he going to do? Send him to jail? They were already living in a prison.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited June 2014

    He didn't care about Lori at the end, he was pounding that blond chick. The whole thing where Shane would his best friend for Lori, i'm sorry i just this absolutely unbelievable. He was already on the prowl for something else. We need more interesting characters like Carol and more children characters.

    I want to see solid snake Carl defeat metal gear, i'm sure it is in the comics somewhere.

    There are several differences between the two, but the comics tend to be a guide to the TV show. With a few exceptions (the lab in S1, for i

  • Yeah comic Shane was more or less 1 dimensional. TV Shane is what made the farm season tolerable. People act like The Walking Dead is the most terribly written show ever when it's still far better than most crap on TV. Yes the show isn't perfect boo hoo.

    KCohere posted: »

    Thank you. Thats a huge change from the comic and something that the show improves on.

  • Your downvoters have not read the comics. They can always go back to the prison and pick the eyepatch off the governor. lol

    I hope carl gets shot in the eye.

  • CrazyGeorgeCrazyGeorge Banned
    edited June 2014

    Well i guess i am a complete moron. What else is there to do in the ZA other than gather beans, snipe newbs with a Mosin, and spread the seeds for new life.

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    Pell3t posted: »

    Im a fan but im not blind to say you don't make some valid points. But they don't have fucking is one of your complaints? Its not a porno

  • Heheh neither would I pal. I understand your problem with cussing. The more I try to quit, the more I end up cussing. My current phrase that rolls off the tongue when I spill or hurt myself is "son of a fuck." I still don't know where I picked that up from. I am pleased to hear that wasn't one of your complaints about the show XD

    jamex1223 posted: »

    what noo, I tried to say something I couldn't exactly know how to say it and I just happened to write "fuckin" before I put the periods, cuz

  • He did take away his gun. After the Governors attack had failed he took the gun away between seasons. Because lets face it, "Carl you cant have your gun any more" is a lame ass way to end a season. Also he's done far worse in the comics and has never even been stripped of his gun. His way of saying "Carl, you're a bad boy, you need a time out" Was to make him help him out with the farm work. But when the dead are walking around trying to eat everybody that's kind of stupid to do so of course he got his gun back.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    He would take away his gun? For starters and say Carl, your a bad boy. You need a time out.

  • Yeah people should repopulate when they have an actual safe haven to work with. A doctor wouldn't hurt as well. But when you're with an unstable group like ricks people need to keep it in their pants. Im talking to you Glenn and Maggie. lol. They should just stick to Oral Lmao. (sorry) Seriously though, you cant have much sense if you think purposely bringing a baby into the world of The Walking Dead is a good idea. Its hard enough to watch your back from walkers and psychos with out WAAHH WAAHH GOO GOO GAH GAH drawing every evil to your location. If I was a bad guy, strategically I would take the baby and then you have that group in the palm of your hands.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Well i guess i am a complete moron. What else is there to do in the ZA other than gather beans, snipe newbs with a Mosin, and spread the seeds for new life.

  • LOL Sex doesn't mean pregnancy, ever hear of birth control? I hear it is quite popular these days.

    Pell3t posted: »

    Yeah people should repopulate when they have an actual safe haven to work with. A doctor wouldn't hurt as well. But when you're with an un

  • Hmmm I need to go on a supply run and can only carry so much on me at a time. Hmmm food or birth control pills that might already be expired (don't know how long those things last.) Also any form of birth control is not 100% effective.

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    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    LOL Sex doesn't mean pregnancy, ever hear of birth control? I hear it is quite popular these days.

  • Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation ever hear of it?

    Pell3t posted: »

    Hmmm I need to go on a supply run and can only carry so much on me at a time. Hmmm food or birth control pills that might already be expired (don't know how long those things last.) Also any form of birth control is not 100% effective.

  • Good dad, he takes his toys away for a week and gives it to him back. He should of taken that hat off of him, who the hell does he think he is Kenny Chesney?

    Pell3t posted: »

    He did take away his gun. After the Governors attack had failed he took the gun away between seasons. Because lets face it, "Carl you cant

  • Okay if you think the average person knows how to give themselves a vasectomy then I'll have to agree with you when you said "Well i guess i am a complete moron" I think the last thing you should do in a zombie apocalypse is mutilate your badlands.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Vasectomy or Tubal Ligation ever hear of it?

  • People get them all the time....

    Pell3t posted: »

    Okay if you think the average person knows how to give themselves a vasectomy then I'll have to agree with you when you said "Well i guess i am a complete moron" I think the last thing you should do in a zombie apocalypse is mutilate your badlands.

  • Im trying to be mature, but you are some kind of stupid.

    Of course its normal in todays society to get vasectomies, but take away society and its not like everybody knows off the top of their head how to perform a vasectomy. Even skilled doctors have a step by step instruction manual lying beside them when they are doing something like that.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    People get them all the time....

    1. There was a few month time jump between seasons.
    2. Taking the hat away? are you serious? first off it's supposed to be symbolic. second he has the hat in the comics. third Its the only way for you to not confuse his stunt double for a chick.
    3. Will you quit fucking bitching? Its a damn tv show for petes sake. If it was supposed to be realistic then the show would be called life and they would just be filming average people walking up and down the streets of Georgia.
    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Good dad, he takes his toys away for a week and gives it to him back. He should of taken that hat off of him, who the hell does he think he is Kenny Chesney?

  • Trying to be mature. That amused me...

    Do you think they just become null and void after a Zombie Apocalypse? Obviously you think they only last for three months, and then you have to get the procedure again right? You want to get sarcastic with me, i can play the tune right back child.

    Pell3t posted: »

    Im trying to be mature, but you are some kind of stupid. Of course its normal in todays society to get vasectomies, but take away society

  • some kind of stupid.

    I find you ironic, i mean i don't know where you got the idea i was talking preforming surgeries in hotel alleyway.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Trying to be mature. That amused me... Do you think they just become null and void after a Zombie Apocalypse? Obviously you think they on

  • It was probably the other way aroung. He was banging the blonde chic and wanted to go back to being Lori's man and Carl's dad. I don't think you made sense after the second sentence. Flying pigs are to blame for the zombie apocalypse. Watch After Earth, it's a great movie!

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    He didn't care about Lori at the end, he was pounding that blond chick. The whole thing where Shane would his best friend for Lori, i'm sor

  • Obviously none of the characters have had vasectomies, and I doubt they would be able to once society crumbles. No shit they don't last for three months, where the hell did you get that from? Also im 21 so watch who the hell you call child. I know what the fuck a vasectomy is but you make it out to be some simple ass procedure. In the walking dead the whole world is essentially a "hotel alleyway".

    Anyways I cant tell if you are dumb or a troll so im going to quit replying to you cause I have a feeling this is just going to end with me telling you to go fuck yourself.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    some kind of stupid. I find you ironic, i mean i don't know where you got the idea i was talking preforming surgeries in hotel alleyway.

  • When you act like a child i will treat you as such. Most mature people don't have to "act" mature, that are mature, They just are mature. I love your explanation by the way,

    you are dumb or a troll so im going to quit replying to you cause I have a feeling this is just going to end with me telling you to go fuck yourself.

    So mature. He is 21 folks.

    Pell3t posted: »

    Obviously none of the characters have had vasectomies, and I doubt they would be able to once society crumbles. No shit they don't last for

  • I don't care enough to keep arguing over a television show, agree to disagree.

    It was probably the other way aroung. He was banging the blonde chic and wanted to go back to being Lori's man and Carl's dad. I don't think

  • Your stupidity is taking away my maturity and just making me want to say vulgar comments.

    Well you asked for it. Go fuck yourself.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    When you act like a child i will treat you as such. Most mature people don't have to "act" mature, that are mature, They just are mature. I

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    Really?the whole point of the show is that its based off the comic.do you want the show like the dreaded...season two!?

    KCohere posted: »

    Absolutely not. Why would you want him to be crippled? Just because it's in the book doesn't mean it should be in the show.

  • Your stupidity


    Really sad i have to explain this to you.

    I said Vasectomy, my brother in law just got one last week. It is something the doctor can do in his office apparently, no surgery. These apparently last forever, unless you reverse it surgically. Then you went off on some random tangent for some reason, i don't know where you got the idea i was talking about people getting them after the ZA, i was talking about before the Apocalypse. Then you started to Red herring because you realized what you were saying didn't make sense.

    No where did i mention the group or about the television show., i mentioned myself, random people. I found the red herring amusing to be honest.

    Alt text

    Can you be mature or are you going to act like a twelve year old which is probably closer to your actual age based on your immaturity in your responses. Not that it matters, there are a lot of kids on these boards.

    Pell3t posted: »

    Your stupidity is taking away my maturity and just making me want to say vulgar comments. Well you asked for it. Go fuck yourself.

  • This is the very first thing you told me.

    Well i guess i am a complete moron. What else is there to do in the ZA other than gather beans, snipe newbs with a Mosin, and spread the seeds for new life.

    Also this thread is about The Walking Dead. Not the my brother in law had a vasectomy thread. Sorry to come across as rude, but jeez your attention span is short. We were clearly talking about the Walking dead and why having babies and sex don't make locical sense. So look where your picture is pointing and follow it and read it all again. Also no shit people can have vasectomies, my sister in law had her tubes tied after my brother decided he didn't feel comfortable getting a vasectomy.

    Can you please quit going out your way to be an idiot? Before you started to replying to me, I was reading your comments and you sounded like somebody I could get along with.

    CrazyGeorge posted: »

    Your stupidity LOL THE IRONY HERE. Really sad i have to explain this to you. I said Vasectomy, my brother in law just got one

  • I think Carl losing his eye would be more likely to happen in the tv show than Rick losing his hand. It would be much easier to do, too, since they can do the makeup for that and then cover it up with an eyepatch for the rest of the series. Or Chandler Riggs grows out his bangs, lol.

  • Actually in a non-canon ending rick got a robot hand I think.

    CocaColin posted: »

    Robert Kirkman has already stated that Rick will not lose his hand in the TV show. He said he already regretted doing it in the comics, but

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