Heavy Comic Spoiler . xxxxx resurrection
Was waiting for issue #141 today (still am) , but I found the "intro" to issue #144 . I was expecting this , but still happy
This is our solicitation,
Going out to every nation,
For a new issue of FABLES taking wing.
We thought we would this time,
Do the entire blurb in rhyme,
Just to see if anyone actually reads this thing.
In this issue, Bigby resurrected,
Quite more monstrous than expected,
Is challenged by a golden-armored knight.
They throw down in the city,
And won’t it be a pity,
If lives are lost during the bloody fight.
As our special gift to you,
We make this promise true,
That the actual issue won’t be all a-rhyming.
‘Twill be done in the best prose we know,
About Bigby and his Fabled foe,
And their vicious battle fought with expert timing.
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Ending of 141 issue was unexpectable lol
OMG I just finished reading issue #141, cant wait for the next issue, specially after reading the end! Bigby is back...and looks horrible
Actually this was exactly what I expected
Can't wait for the next one
Yeah , I can't wait a month as well
gosh you guys, did you buy the issues or did you find them on the internet? what happens in the newest ones? I NEED to know
I seen that and nearly shat my pants. Bigby! For fucks sake! And then Flycatcher and Red and their son :33333 I died in more ways than one.
I jumped when I saw his face. Shudders Maybe he should've stayed dead. I'm sorry Snow! I've been wanting him to come back so bad. There's no doubt that foulplay is involved in the reason he's like that. It's all Leigh's fault, I'm telling you. Oh, now I'm angry. I need a snicker's bar.
It seems we are going to get a full Bigby issue next time , plus a big fight on issue #144 with Bigby . I am happy that I won't have to wait for more issues to see Bigby . 128 ----> 141 is a long road . Missed my bud .
I know! I missed him too. I was so sad when he was gone, and Snow has been so strong. He was literally my favorite character. Still is, but I really hope he gets to clean himself up (Mentally and Physically.) I smell something fishy about it all, if you know what I mean.
Bigby has come back as some sort of zombie
He reminds me of Ron's rat when it turned human in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Askeban (Sorry if I spelled that wrong, as well as forgetting the guy's name. It's been a LONG time since I've seen it, and I know readers of the books sometime hate it when people like me who only watched the movies, try making references. MEh.)
A more zombified version of this lol. Ugh, it creeped me out at the end of the issue...o.O
Damn, i just got on issue 6.... Also does anyone know which issue Mr. Dark invades fabletown?
his name is peter pettigrew and yeah he does
It's on The Dark Ages arc (issues 77-81)!
Nine more issues and theyre done.
so he's a zombie now?
wtf that sounds kinda horrible... willingham once spoke of a happy end which might be ironic or not... gosh, the suspense!
OK , I got an idea . What if the golden-armoured-knight is Rose ? She is portrayed wearing golden armor lots of times . It could be the spark in the conflict of the two sisters . Anyway , I am super hyped
Can somebody post a pic of his face?
Would it be possible to post a picture of how he looks now? >.<
Can somebody post a picture of how he looks now >.<
Here's the picture of a zombified Bigby. Your welcome
Thanks, and omg he looks horrible ;S
Nope, the key here is "his fabled foe". That can only mean it's Prince Brandish. Rose Red will send a chunk of her men, all end up dead at Bigby's claws.
Prince Brattdish is the most plausible scenario . Rose would be the wow factor .
edit > But yeah , I agree overall . I believe Bigby will do a lot of killing before they figure things out
Bigby NOOOOOO omg what happened to him?
oh.my.fucking.god. this looks awful! i'm curious what'll happen next...
Wow... Where did he get the coat? He froze and shattered buck-naked.
Bigby always looked like that when he woke up in the morning. He just hasn't had his morning shower.
I'm guessing he looks like this because his body is decayed and he hasn't regained enough of his mind to start shapeshifting and get back to normal. Once he sees Snow and his remaining kids, that will probably be the catalyst which will help him back to normality.
He probably stole it from a mundy that he ate to warm up.
So THAT's what Bigby looks like without his beauty sleep!
Im glad Flycatcher finally got it together and made Ride his queen. Unfortunately, it looks like his tadpoles are eyeing the throne lol
He looks like one of Mr. Dark's witherlings,
Definitely looks like one.
To be honest, I didn't really say much or at the very least get horrified that he turned into a zombie. I was too occupied shrieking and picking up my jaw because it's Bigby who came back to life for Christ's sake. Hell, I even teared up when he got smashed into bits and pieces of glass. And I thank God and Bill Willingham, he's alive. Can't wait for the next issues of Fables & Fairest.