The walking dead click and drag game

Click and drag the gif to get a result, or take a screencap of your results

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  • Killed by Larry.Weapon: axe.Base: Greene family'sfarm.Transport:Pick-up truck.Best friend: Younger cannibal brother(Danny,I think).Saved:Younger cannibal brother.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Killed by Katjaa, my weapon used to be an ice pick. My base was the train station and my transport was a car. My best friend was David and I saved Chuck.

    I led an interesting apocalypse life.

  • edited June 2014

    Killed by Brenda

    Um, I think I'll just stop.

    2nd time, killed by Kenny.
    Best friend Kenny .


  • I'll try again. Killed by Glenn, Weapon is the Sickle, Train Station is my base, Transport is the RV, Best friend is David and saved Officer Mitchell. Lol what the fuck.

  • Killed by: Andy St. John

    Weapon: pistol

    Base: train station

    Transportation: tractor (well shit)

    Best friend: Chuck (Chyessssss!)

    Saved: Mr. Parker (yay? Guess he didn't bleed out)

  • My best friend is Clem, but it was killed by omid.

  • Kenny is a difficult man...

    BenUseful posted: »

    Killed by Brenda Um, I think I'll just stop. 2nd time, killed by Kenny. Best friend Kenny . Uh....

  • edited June 2014

    Ignore that, my comment fucked up for some reason.

  • I was Killed by Duck (Annoyed to death)

    My Weapon is an icepick (It went into that icepick sized hole)

    My Base is Fivel's Mansion (Where shovels are never not useful)

    My Transportation is a Police Car (Oh sh*t)

    My Best Friend is Glenn (Mah n*igga)

    I saved Kenny (I guess he got lucky. Real lucky.)

  • Kileld by Carley(wut), Weapon is an ice pick. Base is The Motel. Transport - BOAT. Saved by Hershel.

    Oh and my best friend is Brenda.


    edited June 2014

    Killed by Duck (really?), my weapon is a sickle, my base is The Marsh House, transport is by train, my "best friend" (if you know what I mean) is Carley and I saved Vernon, really?


    Rigtail posted: »

    I'll try again. Killed by Glenn, Weapon is the Sickle, Train Station is my base, Transport is the RV, Best friend is David and saved Officer Mitchell. Lol what the fuck.

  • Hey, Vernon has a heart too!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Killed by Duck (really?), my weapon is a sickle, my base is The Marsh House, transport is by train, my "best friend" (if you know what I mean) is Carley and I saved Vernon, really?

  • Killed by: Clem
    My Weapon: Hammer
    Your Base: Treehouse
    Transport: Pickup Truck
    Best Friend: Molly
    Saved: Clem

    I saved Clem and she killed me? :(

  • status: Alive

    weapon: Axe

    Base: savanna hospital morgue

    transportation: car

    Save: Chet


    edited June 2014

    But he's a douchebag that left us for dead, he deserves to be stranded.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    Hey, Vernon has a heart too!

  • Good point...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    But he's a douchebag that left us for dead, he deserves to be stranded.

  • DUPED!

    MaxV5 posted: »

    Killed by: Clem My Weapon: Hammer Your Base: Treehouse Transport: Pickup Truck Best Friend: Molly Saved: Clem I saved Clem and she killed me?

  • Killed by: Andre Mitchell

    Weapon: Pistol

    Base: Everett farmacy drugstore

    Transport: Sewer

    Best friend: Duck! :D

    Saved: Hershel

  • edited June 2014

    I shall try again, Killed by Ben(GODAMMIT BEN!), my weapon was a mini cattle prod, my base is the motel, my transport is boat, my best friend is Kenny and i saved Andy StJohn

  • Killed by Larry
    Best friend is Omid
    Saved shitbird

  • Killed by Glenn, weapon is Hilda, base is the train station, transport is a car, best friend is David, and I saved Brie :/

  • He doesn't like the fact that Negan is my favorite character of the comics XD

    Killed for having an opinion. It hurts.

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Status: ALIVE!
    Weapon: Meat cleaver!
    Base: Travelier Motel.
    Transport: Tractor
    Best Friend: Brie
    Saved: Chuck

  • Killed By Brenda, Base is Greene family place, transport is a tractor,my weapon is fists, best friend Andy, saved Shawn.



    Rigtail posted: »

    He doesn't like the fact that Negan is my favorite character of the comics XD Killed for having an opinion. It hurts.

  • I didn't mean to add a spoiler tag :/

  • Alt text

    I approve.

  • Killed by Hershal, Weapon is Baseball bat, base is Bandit Camp, transport is Sewers, best friend is Chuck and I saved Brenda

    How ironic is it that my best friend is Chuck and our transport is the sewers.

    I cri every tim.

  • KIlled by Fivel

    Weapon: Axe

    Base: Motel

    Transport: RV

    Best Friend: Shawn, my twin!

    Saved: Lily

  • No surprises there, I was killed by the War Veteran, Sgt. Travis D:

  • edited June 2014

    Status: Killed by Christa (Am I Michelle? D:)

    Your Weapon: Baseball Bat

    Base: Train Station

    Transport: Police Car

    Best Friend: Mark (:D Good I like Mark)

    Saved: Omid (Nope I guess I'm not Michelle :D BROMIDD!)

  • Sounds like a Rick/Shane situation

    BenUseful posted: »

    Killed by Brenda Um, I think I'll just stop. 2nd time, killed by Kenny. Best friend Kenny . Uh....

  • edited June 2014

    So, I was killed by Omid. (Dammit)

    My weapon was a hay hook.

    I lived in the train station.

    I drove the delivery vehicle.

    And apparently I was best friends and I saved The Stranger.

    Do I get another turn?

    Ok, so second try was much better.

    I'm alive!

    Weapon was Cattle Prod. No idea how I survived with that.

    Lived in the Crawford Catholic School.

    My transport were sewers.

    My best friend was Mark.

    I saved Vernon.

    I think I did much better the second time around.

  • Status: Alive.

    Weapon: Hatchet.

    Base: Tree House.

    Transport: Rooftops.

    Best Friend: Lee.

    Saved: Molly.

    I likey. I'll play again in a little bit. :D

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited June 2014

    Alright round 3.

    Status: Killed by Carley.

    Weapon: Shotgun

    Base: Travelier Motel

    Transport: Tractor

    Best Friend: Mark

    Saved: Clementine

    I lived the experience.

  • edited June 2014

    Killed by: Lee My weapon: Sickle My base: Bandit Camp Transport: Car Best friend: Andy St. John Saved: Duck

    Round 2: Killed by: Mr. Parker My weapon: Shotgun My base: Tree house Transport: Truck Best friend: Clementine Saved: Chet Of course I did! I got to get him home for hot dish night.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Before I go to bed I might as well do another one.

    Status: Killed by Carley (Again!?)

    Weapon: Axe

    Base: Fivel's mansion

    Transport: Train

    Best Friend: Molly

    Saved: Glenn

  • edited June 2014

    Alt text Since I have to get the same best friend and saved because I took a screen cap of it, I tried to save another person. I got Andy St. John.

  • edited June 2014

    Killed by Duck (um what?)

    Weapon: Fists

    My Base: Drugstore

    Transport: Roof

    Best Friend: Danny St John(the fuck)

    Saved: Brenda St John (i'm out)

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