Alright everyone, here is my creepypasta. I just finished writing it today, and I started it yesterday. I hope you enjoy it and it's not going to be perfect. It's about GTA V. This is very long!
Hello everyone! This is my first creepypasta that I have ever written, so it's not going to be a masterpiece. Any constructive criticism is welcome. This story takes place in November of 2013.
Game glitches happen to all of us. They can be funny, annoying, scary, they can be anything. But the thing ALL of us can agree on, is that glitches can be unpredictable. You never know when they will occur and what will happen when they do occur. The story I am about to tell happened to me only about a week ago. It was really bizarre and eerie in my opinion. I’ve never seen anything like this. As a matter of fact, I actually don’t even know if I would really call it a “glitch.” It was a lot more than a glitch…
Anyways, my birthday finally arrived last week. I have been waiting for this day for 2 months now. Grand Theft Auto V had just released in September, and now I can finally get a chance to play it. My mom wouldn't let me get the game upon release; she doesn't think I should get anything big like that unless it's some sort of holiday. She promised me she would get me GTA V on my birthday, which was on Thanksgiving break. Although I was disappointed that I had to wait for my birthday, I kind of saw it coming. Anyway, I was awoken by my parents on my birthday, and I sprung out of bed and raced downstairs. I arrived at the kitchen before my parents. I glanced over at the kitchen table and saw 4 gifts, which was normal for my birthday. I teared open 3 of the 4 gifts, saving the gift that seemed like it contained a video game for last. I opened up a new basketball, a new Xbox 360 controller, and a new, nice mouse for my laptop. Then I grabbed the final gift. I ripped apart the wrapping in a matter of 3 seconds, and of course, it was GTA V. I thanked my mom and dad and then ran upstairs to my room, taking all of my gifts with me. I sat the basketball next to my door, as I planned on using it after I was done playing GTA. I hooked up my mouse to my laptop, and then I hooked up my new controller to my Xbox. I ripped off the plastic over the case and opened disc tray and placed the GTA V installment disc onto it and closed it. The game started to install. I sat back and waited for it to finish, and as soon as it did, I popped in the actual game disc. I began to play the game, and my body was filled with so much excitement.
I played the game for about an hour straight before unlocking Trevor. After completing Trevor’s first main mission, “Mr. Philips”, I decided to go to Suburban to get Trevor some new clothes. I had to steal a car first though. I didn’t care which car I got, so I just decided to steal the first car that passed me. I saw a gray, run down car drive past me. However, I noticed something. There was no one in the car. As I went to steal the car, the animation for stealing a car proceeded despite no one being in the car. Trevor dragged someone out of the car, as if the person was just invisible. I didn’t think much of it as just a simple glitch. I drove to Suburban and I purchased a blue T-Shirt with some beige cargo shorts and a pair of sunglasses. Upon exiting the store, I saw a black, distorted figure flash across the left side of my screen. I didn’t get a good enough look of it to make out what it was at the moment, but again I just thought of it as a simple glitch and didn’t think much of it. I then decided I was going to do some free roaming and explore the map, since I’ve already done over 10 missions.
I was just driving around the map, exploring the surroundings and admiring the beautiful art design that Rockstar was able to accomplish. Keep in mind that I was only Blaine County and I couldn’t enter the city. I really liked the outback design that Rockstar went for. Anyways, I started to drive up a mountainside road, and I eventually came across a sharp turn. As I veered my car to get around the turn, the car suddenly became extremely slippery. I had almost no control over the car. As I tried to steer the car back on track, I noticed that there was a black, translucent trail emitting from the back tires. I didn’t know what it was, and I tried to get a better look of it, but the car spun off the road and rolled down the mountain. Luckily, I wasn’t high up the mountain, so the car didn’t explode. However, the engine must have been badly damaged, since I couldn’t start or move the car. As I exited the car, I saw the black figure again, however the only difference this time was that it flashed on the right side of the screen instead of the left side. I was pretty confused on what just happened, but I again, I didn’t think too much of it, and just tried to continue on with the game. However, since I couldn’t drive my car, I had to hike up the mountain and try to find another car to steal. I didn’t want to switch back to Michael or Franklin because I didn’t want to lose the spot I was in, and I wanted to finish exploring Blaine County. I waited for about a minute and no cars drove by. I figured that I should try to get off the mountainside road and try to get on the main road. It took me 5 minutes to reach the main road, and by the time I got there it was already night time. However, instead of the sky being dark blue, the sky was pitch black and there were no stars in the sky. I thought it was strange because this has never happened to me before yet for the time I was playing. I just thought it was part of the game and just pretty much ignored it. I waited about 5 more minutes for a car to pass by until I saw one car by itself driving down the road. It was a lot nicer than the first one, and I was glad that it was because I didn’t want another slow car again. As I went to hijack it, I realized it again didn’t have anyone behind the wheel. Another glitch? I didn’t expect GTA V to have this many glitches and bugs already. But since they were only minor bugs, I didn’t let them stop me from enjoying the game. I hijacked the car, the animation played just like it did when I stole the first car, and I hopped in. I decided I should go a different way and not back onto the mountainside road again. I wanted to go to the right side of the map, to the eastern coast area. I reached the highway and started to drive along it to see if there was anything interesting I can find. As I was driving, I noticed the same trail emitting from the back tires again, just like it did when I was driving on the mountainside road. All of a sudden, the car started to move faster. Since I was holding RT on my controller all the way down, I assumed that I was just gradually reaching up to the car’s maximum speed. But then I the car started driving unusually fast. It was going so fast that everything I was driving past became blurry. I tried to stop the car, but nothing would happen. I was going so fast that I didn’t even see where I was. Since I didn’t crash yet, I didn’t even know if I was in the game world. But then I saw the black distorted figure again. It flashed on both the right and left side of my screen. After they flashed, I suddenly heard slight echoed whispers and my controller started to vibrate heavily. What in the world was going on? The whispers started to get louder and louder as time went on. Then it got to the point where I was going so fast that I couldn’t even see my car. Then, the car suddenly exploded. As soon as the flames went up, the whispers stopped. I was then treated with the death screen, but something was different. Instead of a yellow text saying “Wasted” appearing, I was treating with a red text that read “Dead.” What? Did Trevor die? But that’s impossible. The GTA characters never die when you’re just free roaming like that,, you normally just respawn by a hospital.
As I was thinking this through, I respawned as Michael. However, I didn’t get the small transition cutscene like you normally do when you switch characters. Michael was on the pier, just standing there as if the player was idle. The sky was bright blue again, and it was the daytime. I went to the character select wheel and Trevor and Franklin were faded out. I went over Franklin’s so I can play as him, but a text appeared next to his icon that read “Franklin is hiding in the hood.” I remembered that this was actually supposed to be part of the game. Michael and Franklin are supposed to be hiding in the hood after they rob the jewelry store and you are supposed to play as Trevor in the meantime. But since I respawned as Michael, I didn’t think there anymore rules for me to follow, anything goes at this point. I hovered over Trevor’s icon so I can play as him, but another text appeared, however, this time the text read “Trevor is dead.” It was this point that I realized that this wasn’t just a glitch. Something was going on. All of those little things that I noticed before, the cars with no one driving them, the trail emitting from every car I stole from, and of course, that black figure that occasionally flashed across my screen, were a lot more than I thought it was. I started to walk off the pier as Michael, but I noticed something different once again. There were no civilians and there were no cars to be seen anywhere. I was the only one on the entire map… or was I. After I left the pier and the ocean the only sound that I heard was Michael’s footsteps. I just wandered around the city for 10 minutes, I didn’t even know what I was trying to accomplish. I snapped out of my trance and decided to check the map screen and see if there was any change there. Well, yes, there was a change. I wasn’t surprised at this point. There were no activities or places marked on the map. However, there was one symbol. It was the symbol of the white person, which indicated a friend. It was all the way up on the eastern highway, the same road I was on when my car sped up. I was kind of reluctant to go there, but my curiosity was too much for me to turn it down. What was going to happen? Was Michael going to die too? I didn’t want him too, but I wanted to know what this friend symbol meant, and why it was there. Better question, what was there? What was I going to run in to? All of these questions had to be answered. I had to run all the way over there, and the distance from the pier to the friend symbol was pretty far. I kept checking my map along the way to see if I was heading in the right direction. About 45 minutes later, I finally arrived at the highway. Night fell, and he sky was pitch black again, which made me a bit nervous. I went over to the road, and what I saw shocked me. Trevor was laying on the highway and he wasn’t moving. There was no blood or anything. He was just laying there, motionless. I assumed he was dead, but how did he get over on the highway? Well, I didn’t even know where he died or where the car exploded in the first place since like I said before, I was going way too fast. As I approached Trevor’s body, I heard the same whispers that ensued before, you know, when the car sped up. Then my controller started to vibrate again shortly after the whispers ensued. They got louder and louder and I got closer to Trevor’s body. Goosebumps started to rise on my arm and the back of my neck as the whispers got louder. When I finally made contact with Trevor’s body, the whispers stopped and my controller stopped vibrating. Nothing happened for about 5 seconds, but then in the distance, I saw an apparition of Trevor. He was all black, and black mist was hovering around him, and he had that translucent trail emitting from his back.. I stared at him, and he started back at me. All of a sudden, he started to slowly walk towards me, and the whispers came back and my controller started to vibrate again. I started to run away from him, but as soon as I started to run, he started to run as well. The faster he ran, the louder the whispers got, and the heavier my controller vibrated. I kept running, and I looked behind me, and the ghost-like figure was still chasing me. But something weird happened. The highway suddenly became a never ending road to darkness. The ghostly figure was running faster than the highest running speed implemented into the game. I kept running, even though I knew it was useless. The ghostly figure eventually caught up to me. He ended up running into my body, and as soon as he did, a loud, high pitched blood curdling scream played through the TV. It was so loud and frightening that I almost fell out of my chair. Michael dropped to the ground, and the same red text that read “Dead” appeared on the screen, just like it did when Trevor died. I respawned as Franklin the same way as I respawned as Michael, except this time I was just somewhere in the city and it was daytime once again. I selected the character wheel and hovered over Michael, but he was faded out and another text appeared next to his icon and read “Michael is dead.” I selected the map screen and somewhere in Sandy Shores, there was another friend symbol. At this point I was horrified, I didn’t want to continue playing. But I was still curious. What was going to happen to Franklin? Was he going to die as well? If he died, what would happen after that? After all, he was the last playable character still alive. I wanted to find out, but I figured I should take a little break before I went played again.
I turned off my Xbox and decided that I was going to shoot hoops with my new basketball. I went outside and did a shootaround on my basketball hoop in my front yard. As I was shooting hoops, I couldn’t stop thinking about the whole GTA scenario. I wondered if this was just a creepy element to the game or if it was just happening to me. I took out my phone and searched it up on YouTube. No results. The closest thing I got was a video teaching you how to mess up your shadow or something like that, I didn’t pay too much attention to it. After about 30 minutes of shooting hoops I decided to go inside and stay on my laptop with my new mouse for about an hour. I still couldn’t stop thinking about GTA V. I had to find out what was going on. I’ve been waiting for GTA V since 2 months ago, and I finally got it, and I’m going to play it. I got off my laptop and turned on my Xbox.
I started up my game file and nothing has changed. Franklin was still in the same spot, and there was still no cars or civilians to be found. I didn’t hesitate at all and decided to run all the way to Sandy Shores up in Blaine County. Just before I arrived, night fell once again, and the sky turned pitch black as usual. Once I arrived at Sandy Shores, I didn’t find anything. I kept re-checking my map to see if I was in the correct place, but the friend symbol still remained in the same spot on the map. I kept searching until I eventually saw Trevor’s and Michael’s bodies in Trevor’s front yard. Again, as I got closer, the whispers came back and my controller started to vibrate. But the whispers were different this time. They were deeper and sounded a lot more frightening. My controller started to vibrate so heavily that I couldn’t hold it anymore, so I ran downstairs and put on a pair of my winter gloves so I can hold my controller. All of a sudden, my screen became a translucent red color. Not my entire screen, though. I was still able to see Franklin fine, but as for the surroundings, it was hard to see, and then that blood curdling scream played once again. But this time it wouldn’t stop. The scream seemed to go on forever and it never stopped. I tried lowering the game volume and the volume on my TV, but it didn’t help too much. This went on for about 5 minutes, and I kept running around aimlessly, very scared and nervous. Suddenly, everything went away. My screen went back to normal, the blood curdling scream went away, the whispers went away, and my controller stopped vibrating. Trevor and Michael’s bodies faded away, and a whisper spoke “You’re next………….” Michael’s apparition appeared, still all black, still the same black mist, same translucent trail. He started chasing me again, and as I ran away, the narrow dirt road again became an endless road to darkness. This time though, my screen started to shake violently. I kept running from Michael, when all of a sudden Trevor’s ghost appeared in front of me, and started running towards me. Either way, Franklin was doomed. I didn’t even bother to run and I just stood still and awaited Franklin’s death. Michael ended up reaching him first. He went inside of Franklin’s body just like Trevor went into Michael’s, and the blood curdling scream played again. Franklin dropped to the ground, and the red text “Dead” appeared. Trevor’s ghost stood over Franklin’s body, with a slight smirk on his face. The screen went black and stayed like that for 10 seconds, which felt like the longest 10 seconds of my life. I was shaking in my chair, waiting to see what was going to happen next since all of the characters died. After the 10 seconds past, an image slowly faded onto the screen. It showed Franklin’s body all the way to the left with his ghostly shadow standing over him, Michael’s body centered at the top of the screen with his ghostly shadow standing over him, and then to the right, Trevor’s body with his ghostly shadow standing over him. The image stayed there for about 20 seconds until at the center of the bottom of the screen, the first, original shadowed appeared at the bottom of the screen along with the blood curdling scream. Luckily, the scream only lasted for about 5 seconds. But I finally got a good look on that shadow’s face. It was distorted and scary looking. It didn’t have a mouth, and its eyes were out of place and its nose was twisted. More goosebumps rose on my legs and arms as I saw the face. The screen finally faded away about 30 seconds after the original shadow appeared. After it faded away, the game brought me to a new save file, as if I started a brand new story. I went to “Load” and the old save file was renamed to “don’t reveal the secret.” What secret? The entire shadow scenario? I had no idea what it was meant by that, but I was just so frightened and confused at the moment that I couldn’t even think of an answer. But now that I think of it, was the shadow purposely implemented into the game by Rockstar themselves? Maybe a relative of one of the main staff members at Rockstar passed away and haunted the game? The better question, why was it in the game? It couldn’t have just been a glitch. It was a dark and frightening story that couldn’t be found anywhere else, and it was only put into one game disc, and I happened to own that game disc. I didn’t know the exact answer, and I’ll probably never get an answer. Anyways, I loaded the “don’t reveal the secret” file just to see what happened, but it just brought me back to that same screen with everyone’s bodies and shadows. I got the chills everytime that screen appeared on my TV. After this entire ordeal, I wanted to return it to wherever my parents got the game and show them the evidence. I didn’t feel like I was breaking any sort of secret by showing them the screen with the shadows, so I didn’t feel uncomfortable about returning it. I told my mom to drive me to where they got the game disc, which happened to be Gamestop. She wasn’t doing anything at the moment, so she drove me there. I returned the game disc and told them to play the game and see what was saved on it. They said they will get around to it and my mom drove me home.
4 days later, I decided to search on YouTube about the shadow. I found tons of videos in which the thumbnail was that image with the bodies and the shadows. I guess those Gamestop employees really did look into it. All of the videos consisted of their own theories on what it meant and what it was. I was thrilled and hyped up to see this, but also a bit
fact that my incident spread around the internet and now lots of people know about it, well, at least some of it, was a bit discomforting. I was about to post a comment on all of the videos telling them my ordeal, but then I remembered “don’t reveal the secret.” I thought about this for a bit. Nothing bad has happened to me yet, and I don’t think anything bad will actually happen. I was starting to get a crazy feeling Rockstar put this into the game on purpose, to create buzz and have their game talked about more. But I don’t think Rockstar is that twisted. I mean, this entire story started from me hijacking a car with no driver in it, that was the event that seemed to start it all. The shadow attempted to kill me multiple times, hence the failed attempt when I spun off the mountainside road. The shadow finally became the victor after killed all 3 of the protagonists. I really have no accurate conclusion, and I don’t think I’ll ever get one, as I said before. People are still trying to crack the mystery of the GTA V Shadow. Hell, I’m still trying to crack the mystery. But I don’t think I will and I don’t think anyone ever will. I think it will be a mystery that will remain unsolved. I just wanted to say that anything can really happen. A simple glitch can be a lot more than it is. It can mean a lot more than what it seems to be, and it might have a deeper meaning to it. There can be so much more to what we see in video games, and it’s a bit unsettling when you actually think about it. Just be aware of your surroundings while playing a video game. Anything can happen.
Alright everyone, here is my creepypasta. I just finished writing it today, and I started it yesterday. I hope you enjoy it and it's not goi… moreng to be perfect. It's about GTA V. This is very long!
Hello everyone! This is my first creepypasta that I have ever written, so it's not going to be a masterpiece. Any constructive criticism is welcome. This story takes place in November of 2013.
Game glitches happen to all of us. They can be funny, annoying, scary, they can be anything. But the thing ALL of us can agree on, is that glitches can be unpredictable. You never know when they will occur and what will happen when they do occur. The story I am about to tell happened to me only about a week ago. It was really bizarre and eerie in my opinion. I’ve never seen anything like this. As a matter of fact, I actually don’t even know if I would really call it a “glitch.” It was a lot more than a glitch…
Anyways, my birthday finally arrived last w… [view original content]
Well, I have a phobia of wasps and bees in real life, along with a phobia of sloths... (don't ask... pictures of sloths sometimes make me ha… moreve panic attacks for some reason, they're so scary to me, which is bad sometimes because people love to post them in this thread... lol... it's fine though.)
But really? Probably drowning, like getting my hair stuck in the drain in the pool and no one noticing until its too late... so I can't come up for air, and I'm trapped, and I just... drown. It's one of the (many) reasons I keep my hair short... The thought of dying like that terrifies me.
NEVER spill your guts to Elian....He's not trustworthy...He'll also say he's sorry before killing you in cold blood and say it was justified afterwards....what kind of logic is that ?!
Mine is probably losing my mind. Like, something snaps in my brain and I just lose control of my sanity. Or I'll be pushed so far that they … morehave to lock me up in a mental hospital and I'll be surrounded by screaming crazy people. T_T
Second greatest fear is getting rejected.
Mine is probably losing my mind. Like, something snaps in my brain and I just lose control of my sanity. Or I'll be pushed so far that they … morehave to lock me up in a mental hospital and I'll be surrounded by screaming crazy people. T_T
Second greatest fear is getting rejected.
NEVER spill your guts to Elian....He's not trustworthy...He'll also say he's sorry before killing you in cold blood and say it was justified afterwards....what kind of logic is that ?!
Well, I have a phobia of wasps and bees in real life, along with a phobia of sloths... (don't ask... pictures of sloths sometimes make me ha… moreve panic attacks for some reason, they're so scary to me, which is bad sometimes because people love to post them in this thread... lol... it's fine though.)
But really? Probably drowning, like getting my hair stuck in the drain in the pool and no one noticing until its too late... so I can't come up for air, and I'm trapped, and I just... drown. It's one of the (many) reasons I keep my hair short... The thought of dying like that terrifies me.
Alright everyone, here is my creepypasta. I just finished writing it today, and I started it yesterday. I hope you enjoy it and it's not goi… moreng to be perfect. It's about GTA V. This is very long!
Hello everyone! This is my first creepypasta that I have ever written, so it's not going to be a masterpiece. Any constructive criticism is welcome. This story takes place in November of 2013.
Game glitches happen to all of us. They can be funny, annoying, scary, they can be anything. But the thing ALL of us can agree on, is that glitches can be unpredictable. You never know when they will occur and what will happen when they do occur. The story I am about to tell happened to me only about a week ago. It was really bizarre and eerie in my opinion. I’ve never seen anything like this. As a matter of fact, I actually don’t even know if I would really call it a “glitch.” It was a lot more than a glitch…
Anyways, my birthday finally arrived last w… [view original content]
Nothing at all? What about that medieval torture method where they put rats in a pot, heat up the pot and put it on your stomach so the rats get frightened and eat their way out through your guts?
I didn't dislike you're comment in case you thought it was me >_<
Lol, noo, no! I was being sarcastic. I'm sure she was really wishing you luck, I was just joking around. I'm in a good mood today, and I want everyone to have some laughs! B]
Mine is probably losing my mind. Like, something snaps in my brain and I just lose control of my sanity. Or I'll be pushed so far that they … morehave to lock me up in a mental hospital and I'll be surrounded by screaming crazy people. T_T
Second greatest fear is getting rejected.
Nothing at all? What about that medieval torture method where they put rats in a pot, heat up the pot and put it on your stomach so the rats… more get frightened and eat their way out through your guts?
I didn't dislike you're comment in case you thought it was me >_<
No, I wont reject you xD
Alright everyone, here is my creepypasta. I just finished writing it today, and I started it yesterday. I hope you enjoy it and it's not going to be perfect. It's about GTA V. This is very long!
Hello everyone! This is my first creepypasta that I have ever written, so it's not going to be a masterpiece. Any constructive criticism is welcome. This story takes place in November of 2013.
Game glitches happen to all of us. They can be funny, annoying, scary, they can be anything. But the thing ALL of us can agree on, is that glitches can be unpredictable. You never know when they will occur and what will happen when they do occur. The story I am about to tell happened to me only about a week ago. It was really bizarre and eerie in my opinion. I’ve never seen anything like this. As a matter of fact, I actually don’t even know if I would really call it a “glitch.” It was a lot more than a glitch…
Anyways, my birthday finally arrived last week. I have been waiting for this day for 2 months now. Grand Theft Auto V had just released in September, and now I can finally get a chance to play it. My mom wouldn't let me get the game upon release; she doesn't think I should get anything big like that unless it's some sort of holiday. She promised me she would get me GTA V on my birthday, which was on Thanksgiving break. Although I was disappointed that I had to wait for my birthday, I kind of saw it coming. Anyway, I was awoken by my parents on my birthday, and I sprung out of bed and raced downstairs. I arrived at the kitchen before my parents. I glanced over at the kitchen table and saw 4 gifts, which was normal for my birthday. I teared open 3 of the 4 gifts, saving the gift that seemed like it contained a video game for last. I opened up a new basketball, a new Xbox 360 controller, and a new, nice mouse for my laptop. Then I grabbed the final gift. I ripped apart the wrapping in a matter of 3 seconds, and of course, it was GTA V. I thanked my mom and dad and then ran upstairs to my room, taking all of my gifts with me. I sat the basketball next to my door, as I planned on using it after I was done playing GTA. I hooked up my mouse to my laptop, and then I hooked up my new controller to my Xbox. I ripped off the plastic over the case and opened disc tray and placed the GTA V installment disc onto it and closed it. The game started to install. I sat back and waited for it to finish, and as soon as it did, I popped in the actual game disc. I began to play the game, and my body was filled with so much excitement.
I played the game for about an hour straight before unlocking Trevor. After completing Trevor’s first main mission, “Mr. Philips”, I decided to go to Suburban to get Trevor some new clothes. I had to steal a car first though. I didn’t care which car I got, so I just decided to steal the first car that passed me. I saw a gray, run down car drive past me. However, I noticed something. There was no one in the car. As I went to steal the car, the animation for stealing a car proceeded despite no one being in the car. Trevor dragged someone out of the car, as if the person was just invisible. I didn’t think much of it as just a simple glitch. I drove to Suburban and I purchased a blue T-Shirt with some beige cargo shorts and a pair of sunglasses. Upon exiting the store, I saw a black, distorted figure flash across the left side of my screen. I didn’t get a good enough look of it to make out what it was at the moment, but again I just thought of it as a simple glitch and didn’t think much of it. I then decided I was going to do some free roaming and explore the map, since I’ve already done over 10 missions.
I was just driving around the map, exploring the surroundings and admiring the beautiful art design that Rockstar was able to accomplish. Keep in mind that I was only Blaine County and I couldn’t enter the city. I really liked the outback design that Rockstar went for. Anyways, I started to drive up a mountainside road, and I eventually came across a sharp turn. As I veered my car to get around the turn, the car suddenly became extremely slippery. I had almost no control over the car. As I tried to steer the car back on track, I noticed that there was a black, translucent trail emitting from the back tires. I didn’t know what it was, and I tried to get a better look of it, but the car spun off the road and rolled down the mountain. Luckily, I wasn’t high up the mountain, so the car didn’t explode. However, the engine must have been badly damaged, since I couldn’t start or move the car. As I exited the car, I saw the black figure again, however the only difference this time was that it flashed on the right side of the screen instead of the left side. I was pretty confused on what just happened, but I again, I didn’t think too much of it, and just tried to continue on with the game. However, since I couldn’t drive my car, I had to hike up the mountain and try to find another car to steal. I didn’t want to switch back to Michael or Franklin because I didn’t want to lose the spot I was in, and I wanted to finish exploring Blaine County. I waited for about a minute and no cars drove by. I figured that I should try to get off the mountainside road and try to get on the main road. It took me 5 minutes to reach the main road, and by the time I got there it was already night time. However, instead of the sky being dark blue, the sky was pitch black and there were no stars in the sky. I thought it was strange because this has never happened to me before yet for the time I was playing. I just thought it was part of the game and just pretty much ignored it. I waited about 5 more minutes for a car to pass by until I saw one car by itself driving down the road. It was a lot nicer than the first one, and I was glad that it was because I didn’t want another slow car again. As I went to hijack it, I realized it again didn’t have anyone behind the wheel. Another glitch? I didn’t expect GTA V to have this many glitches and bugs already. But since they were only minor bugs, I didn’t let them stop me from enjoying the game. I hijacked the car, the animation played just like it did when I stole the first car, and I hopped in. I decided I should go a different way and not back onto the mountainside road again. I wanted to go to the right side of the map, to the eastern coast area. I reached the highway and started to drive along it to see if there was anything interesting I can find. As I was driving, I noticed the same trail emitting from the back tires again, just like it did when I was driving on the mountainside road. All of a sudden, the car started to move faster. Since I was holding RT on my controller all the way down, I assumed that I was just gradually reaching up to the car’s maximum speed. But then I the car started driving unusually fast. It was going so fast that everything I was driving past became blurry. I tried to stop the car, but nothing would happen. I was going so fast that I didn’t even see where I was. Since I didn’t crash yet, I didn’t even know if I was in the game world. But then I saw the black distorted figure again. It flashed on both the right and left side of my screen. After they flashed, I suddenly heard slight echoed whispers and my controller started to vibrate heavily. What in the world was going on? The whispers started to get louder and louder as time went on. Then it got to the point where I was going so fast that I couldn’t even see my car. Then, the car suddenly exploded. As soon as the flames went up, the whispers stopped. I was then treated with the death screen, but something was different. Instead of a yellow text saying “Wasted” appearing, I was treating with a red text that read “Dead.” What? Did Trevor die? But that’s impossible. The GTA characters never die when you’re just free roaming like that,, you normally just respawn by a hospital.
As I was thinking this through, I respawned as Michael. However, I didn’t get the small transition cutscene like you normally do when you switch characters. Michael was on the pier, just standing there as if the player was idle. The sky was bright blue again, and it was the daytime. I went to the character select wheel and Trevor and Franklin were faded out. I went over Franklin’s so I can play as him, but a text appeared next to his icon that read “Franklin is hiding in the hood.” I remembered that this was actually supposed to be part of the game. Michael and Franklin are supposed to be hiding in the hood after they rob the jewelry store and you are supposed to play as Trevor in the meantime. But since I respawned as Michael, I didn’t think there anymore rules for me to follow, anything goes at this point. I hovered over Trevor’s icon so I can play as him, but another text appeared, however, this time the text read “Trevor is dead.” It was this point that I realized that this wasn’t just a glitch. Something was going on. All of those little things that I noticed before, the cars with no one driving them, the trail emitting from every car I stole from, and of course, that black figure that occasionally flashed across my screen, were a lot more than I thought it was. I started to walk off the pier as Michael, but I noticed something different once again. There were no civilians and there were no cars to be seen anywhere. I was the only one on the entire map… or was I. After I left the pier and the ocean the only sound that I heard was Michael’s footsteps. I just wandered around the city for 10 minutes, I didn’t even know what I was trying to accomplish. I snapped out of my trance and decided to check the map screen and see if there was any change there. Well, yes, there was a change. I wasn’t surprised at this point. There were no activities or places marked on the map. However, there was one symbol. It was the symbol of the white person, which indicated a friend. It was all the way up on the eastern highway, the same road I was on when my car sped up. I was kind of reluctant to go there, but my curiosity was too much for me to turn it down. What was going to happen? Was Michael going to die too? I didn’t want him too, but I wanted to know what this friend symbol meant, and why it was there. Better question, what was there? What was I going to run in to? All of these questions had to be answered. I had to run all the way over there, and the distance from the pier to the friend symbol was pretty far. I kept checking my map along the way to see if I was heading in the right direction. About 45 minutes later, I finally arrived at the highway. Night fell, and he sky was pitch black again, which made me a bit nervous. I went over to the road, and what I saw shocked me. Trevor was laying on the highway and he wasn’t moving. There was no blood or anything. He was just laying there, motionless. I assumed he was dead, but how did he get over on the highway? Well, I didn’t even know where he died or where the car exploded in the first place since like I said before, I was going way too fast. As I approached Trevor’s body, I heard the same whispers that ensued before, you know, when the car sped up. Then my controller started to vibrate again shortly after the whispers ensued. They got louder and louder and I got closer to Trevor’s body. Goosebumps started to rise on my arm and the back of my neck as the whispers got louder. When I finally made contact with Trevor’s body, the whispers stopped and my controller stopped vibrating. Nothing happened for about 5 seconds, but then in the distance, I saw an apparition of Trevor. He was all black, and black mist was hovering around him, and he had that translucent trail emitting from his back.. I stared at him, and he started back at me. All of a sudden, he started to slowly walk towards me, and the whispers came back and my controller started to vibrate again. I started to run away from him, but as soon as I started to run, he started to run as well. The faster he ran, the louder the whispers got, and the heavier my controller vibrated. I kept running, and I looked behind me, and the ghost-like figure was still chasing me. But something weird happened. The highway suddenly became a never ending road to darkness. The ghostly figure was running faster than the highest running speed implemented into the game. I kept running, even though I knew it was useless. The ghostly figure eventually caught up to me. He ended up running into my body, and as soon as he did, a loud, high pitched blood curdling scream played through the TV. It was so loud and frightening that I almost fell out of my chair. Michael dropped to the ground, and the same red text that read “Dead” appeared on the screen, just like it did when Trevor died. I respawned as Franklin the same way as I respawned as Michael, except this time I was just somewhere in the city and it was daytime once again. I selected the character wheel and hovered over Michael, but he was faded out and another text appeared next to his icon and read “Michael is dead.” I selected the map screen and somewhere in Sandy Shores, there was another friend symbol. At this point I was horrified, I didn’t want to continue playing. But I was still curious. What was going to happen to Franklin? Was he going to die as well? If he died, what would happen after that? After all, he was the last playable character still alive. I wanted to find out, but I figured I should take a little break before I went played again.
I turned off my Xbox and decided that I was going to shoot hoops with my new basketball. I went outside and did a shootaround on my basketball hoop in my front yard. As I was shooting hoops, I couldn’t stop thinking about the whole GTA scenario. I wondered if this was just a creepy element to the game or if it was just happening to me. I took out my phone and searched it up on YouTube. No results. The closest thing I got was a video teaching you how to mess up your shadow or something like that, I didn’t pay too much attention to it. After about 30 minutes of shooting hoops I decided to go inside and stay on my laptop with my new mouse for about an hour. I still couldn’t stop thinking about GTA V. I had to find out what was going on. I’ve been waiting for GTA V since 2 months ago, and I finally got it, and I’m going to play it. I got off my laptop and turned on my Xbox.
I started up my game file and nothing has changed. Franklin was still in the same spot, and there was still no cars or civilians to be found. I didn’t hesitate at all and decided to run all the way to Sandy Shores up in Blaine County. Just before I arrived, night fell once again, and the sky turned pitch black as usual. Once I arrived at Sandy Shores, I didn’t find anything. I kept re-checking my map to see if I was in the correct place, but the friend symbol still remained in the same spot on the map. I kept searching until I eventually saw Trevor’s and Michael’s bodies in Trevor’s front yard. Again, as I got closer, the whispers came back and my controller started to vibrate. But the whispers were different this time. They were deeper and sounded a lot more frightening. My controller started to vibrate so heavily that I couldn’t hold it anymore, so I ran downstairs and put on a pair of my winter gloves so I can hold my controller. All of a sudden, my screen became a translucent red color. Not my entire screen, though. I was still able to see Franklin fine, but as for the surroundings, it was hard to see, and then that blood curdling scream played once again. But this time it wouldn’t stop. The scream seemed to go on forever and it never stopped. I tried lowering the game volume and the volume on my TV, but it didn’t help too much. This went on for about 5 minutes, and I kept running around aimlessly, very scared and nervous. Suddenly, everything went away. My screen went back to normal, the blood curdling scream went away, the whispers went away, and my controller stopped vibrating. Trevor and Michael’s bodies faded away, and a whisper spoke “You’re next………….” Michael’s apparition appeared, still all black, still the same black mist, same translucent trail. He started chasing me again, and as I ran away, the narrow dirt road again became an endless road to darkness. This time though, my screen started to shake violently. I kept running from Michael, when all of a sudden Trevor’s ghost appeared in front of me, and started running towards me. Either way, Franklin was doomed. I didn’t even bother to run and I just stood still and awaited Franklin’s death. Michael ended up reaching him first. He went inside of Franklin’s body just like Trevor went into Michael’s, and the blood curdling scream played again. Franklin dropped to the ground, and the red text “Dead” appeared. Trevor’s ghost stood over Franklin’s body, with a slight smirk on his face. The screen went black and stayed like that for 10 seconds, which felt like the longest 10 seconds of my life. I was shaking in my chair, waiting to see what was going to happen next since all of the characters died. After the 10 seconds past, an image slowly faded onto the screen. It showed Franklin’s body all the way to the left with his ghostly shadow standing over him, Michael’s body centered at the top of the screen with his ghostly shadow standing over him, and then to the right, Trevor’s body with his ghostly shadow standing over him. The image stayed there for about 20 seconds until at the center of the bottom of the screen, the first, original shadowed appeared at the bottom of the screen along with the blood curdling scream. Luckily, the scream only lasted for about 5 seconds. But I finally got a good look on that shadow’s face. It was distorted and scary looking. It didn’t have a mouth, and its eyes were out of place and its nose was twisted. More goosebumps rose on my legs and arms as I saw the face. The screen finally faded away about 30 seconds after the original shadow appeared. After it faded away, the game brought me to a new save file, as if I started a brand new story. I went to “Load” and the old save file was renamed to “don’t reveal the secret.” What secret? The entire shadow scenario? I had no idea what it was meant by that, but I was just so frightened and confused at the moment that I couldn’t even think of an answer. But now that I think of it, was the shadow purposely implemented into the game by Rockstar themselves? Maybe a relative of one of the main staff members at Rockstar passed away and haunted the game? The better question, why was it in the game? It couldn’t have just been a glitch. It was a dark and frightening story that couldn’t be found anywhere else, and it was only put into one game disc, and I happened to own that game disc. I didn’t know the exact answer, and I’ll probably never get an answer. Anyways, I loaded the “don’t reveal the secret” file just to see what happened, but it just brought me back to that same screen with everyone’s bodies and shadows. I got the chills everytime that screen appeared on my TV. After this entire ordeal, I wanted to return it to wherever my parents got the game and show them the evidence. I didn’t feel like I was breaking any sort of secret by showing them the screen with the shadows, so I didn’t feel uncomfortable about returning it. I told my mom to drive me to where they got the game disc, which happened to be Gamestop. She wasn’t doing anything at the moment, so she drove me there. I returned the game disc and told them to play the game and see what was saved on it. They said they will get around to it and my mom drove me home.
4 days later, I decided to search on YouTube about the shadow. I found tons of videos in which the thumbnail was that image with the bodies and the shadows. I guess those Gamestop employees really did look into it. All of the videos consisted of their own theories on what it meant and what it was. I was thrilled and hyped up to see this, but also a bit
3 people know what's up.
I have many fears, some revealed in this thread, but I shall say no more because PRO USES THEM AGAINST ME!
Thank God. ;-;
fact that my incident spread around the internet and now lots of people know about it, well, at least some of it, was a bit discomforting. I was about to post a comment on all of the videos telling them my ordeal, but then I remembered “don’t reveal the secret.” I thought about this for a bit. Nothing bad has happened to me yet, and I don’t think anything bad will actually happen. I was starting to get a crazy feeling Rockstar put this into the game on purpose, to create buzz and have their game talked about more. But I don’t think Rockstar is that twisted. I mean, this entire story started from me hijacking a car with no driver in it, that was the event that seemed to start it all. The shadow attempted to kill me multiple times, hence the failed attempt when I spun off the mountainside road. The shadow finally became the victor after killed all 3 of the protagonists. I really have no accurate conclusion, and I don’t think I’ll ever get one, as I said before. People are still trying to crack the mystery of the GTA V Shadow. Hell, I’m still trying to crack the mystery. But I don’t think I will and I don’t think anyone ever will. I think it will be a mystery that will remain unsolved. I just wanted to say that anything can really happen. A simple glitch can be a lot more than it is. It can mean a lot more than what it seems to be, and it might have a deeper meaning to it. There can be so much more to what we see in video games, and it’s a bit unsettling when you actually think about it. Just be aware of your surroundings while playing a video game. Anything can happen.
A butt hurt ass hole.
Keep that hair short...

He looks scared...
I should probably learn when to shut up ;-;
Am I one of them?
She was being sarcastic? I thought she really was wishing me luck
I'll keep that in mind next time. :S
But.. Why would someone reject you? Some serious stuff would have to be wrong with them.
I don't have any fears and even if i did, i confronted them long ago
Who the fuck is spreading dislikes?
I posted a picture of a sloth. I'm sorry!
Meh, people will do what they want. It's kind of funny actually..............
not. >.>
(baby talks)
It's ok, little woodz, it's ok
Bruce Lee is never scared, the world just can't handle his presence.
punches TDM
Alright. I apologize. Wont ever happen again.
I would never call a girl a slut unless they deserved it; in which case, Courtney kinda deserved it.
Nothing at all? What about that medieval torture method where they put rats in a pot, heat up the pot and put it on your stomach so the rats get frightened and eat their way out through your guts?
I didn't dislike you're comment in case you thought it was me >_<
Dun mak cri face! Dey mak me cri!
Rejection... and losing her sanity... okay, got it! B]
Omg I saw that on Game of Thrones.
~shivers~ Fucking medieval shit is sick.
It's a disease. We need to put this thread in quarantine!
Are you Jesus?
Oh shit.... I'm giving Lee ideas O.O
You can't possibly say you have no fears, everyone has something to fear of.